Be me

>be me
>girl on normie book says she is going off facebook for a year to 'cleanse herself'
>gets a shit ton of likes and comments going 'you go girl'.
>week later she is posting like normal.
>I comment on one of her posts 'I can't believe it's been a year already.'

now people are calling me a nazi.

Attached: face of depression.png (713x601, 895K)

Spam her with the green nazi frog

I dont know what you expected. Anytime you toast a roast there will always be white knight calvalry headed your way.

How dare you make fun of women, user. Don't you know they're just delicate flowers that need to be loved and protected? Unless of course, they don't want to be. Then you have to love and protect them by giving them shitloads of money and programs specifically catered for women so they can do whatever it is they want to do 10% as well as a man could with ten times as much training.

That's why you're an incel.

>'I can't believe it's been a year already.'
you did get a lot of likes on that comment no? not from girls but surely quite a few from dudes

>calling someone who calls a woman out an incel
Either youre a whiteknight or a roastie.

you should ask how is that being a nazi?

Hey ass-blasted Brad, Jow Forums and /fa/ Chad here.
If I made that comment I would get so many "lol u're so funny Chad" 's that It would crash my phone from the notifications. Goes to show the shallowness of women. Take your whiteknight self to Instagram and continue asking for footpics on the pages of IG models.
As for OP, you did nothing wrong, fella. Just to the wrong bunch and it so happens you're the wrong person to do such a thing.

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maybe, or maybe he didn't use incel as a random insult and actually meant that his behavior would explain why he doesn't get laid. kinda makes sense that a you wouldn't get laid if you make snappy remarks at women

>making a silly inoffensive joke means you are never allowed to have sex
How totalitarian of you

That's pretty hilarious OP

But you should know better than to post anything on the internet under your real name or identity.

>>be me
>>girl on normie book
You got what you deserved for being on there in the first place you cock sucking little normalfag.

>surely quite a few from dudes
Fuck off youngfag

>get laid
I hope you get cancer

Typical normie talk, the woman is just virtue signaling. You can't win by pointing out the hypocrisy, all the men will side with her and won't choose the side of the rational outsider.

that's hilarious user, who gives a shit what they call you?

My uni club is threatening to kick me out unless I apologise...

Attached: bugs.png (248x450, 144K)

Time to apologise nazi

Well you've already toasted the roast, may as well stand by your convictions and tell them to fuck off after explaining why they're fucking retarded.

Attached: Hoplite.jpg (739x1077, 437K)

good riddance, they're sjw's anyway

Quit your gay club then. Sounds like you're hanging out with a herd of cows.

If all you did was making a joke and didn't act like an sperg afterwards, you don't have to apologize.

forgot a part
>they done owe you anything

What do you have to apologize for? God these people are pathetic; defending women and thinking they can do no wrong. Can't even take one petty little comment that not even remotely that malicious. How the hell should they ever expect to grow up?

post a screencap of the conversation op?
i find it hard to believe that people are THAT petty