Legendary incels thread

Post legendary incels ITT and what they did to fight normalfag oppression. Does not have to physical kills but challenge their ideology in someway. I'll start.
>Alek Minassian
>Killed 8 roasties and 2 normalfags
>Injured 14 normalfags

Attached: saint.png (600x571, 198K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Alek was a false-flag
Did you see the post that connects him to us? Nobody here talks like that

fuck off back to where you came from incels

incels are violent
robots are gentleman
incels are political
robots are analytical
incels are mostly teenagers
robots are mostly grown-ups
incels have friends, socialise
robots avoid people
incels go to bars, hit on women, use tinder
robots stay at home and shitpost
incels blame their looks
robots blame their autism
incels miseducate themselves with PUA and redpill
robots educate themselves with science
incels looksmax, hit the gym, are productive
robots eat tendies, play vidya and watch animu
incels hate women and most people
robots hate themselves
incels work hard to become rich and successful
robots are depressed wagecucks or NEETs
incels use discord, facebook and twitter
robots use IRC and encrypted email
incels have a favorite 3dpd pornstar
robots have a pure waifu
incels are involuntary celebates
robots are KHV
incels belong to reddit
robots belong on anonymous imageboards

this honestly

was the post even confirmed, or was it just that shitty picture of a phone with the message on it?

So you fuckers saying this is some jew who false flagged the whole scene to frame incels? But what would they gain from it? Incels have no political value in that sense.

Attached: download.png (225x225, 4K)

Yeah, the post was like a massive t_d larp but with incels instead of kekistan
Sgt Jow Forums? Seriously?

Any true robot would recognize that he's not one of ours

He didn't even meme correctly, I'm more inclined to believe this was an act of Muslim terrorism.

Its not a matter of needing someone in particular to blame, so much as it is to shift the blame away from immigrants to keep the flow of them coming into western countries up.

He's an Armenian
It happened on Armenian genocide day.
There are tons of other instances of Armenians doing attacks on this day of the year.

Majority of incels are just average white males, of course (((they))) have an agenda against us.

Oh my God. It kinda makes sense when I think about it. But why the fuck you ruin my image of him. I had respect for him for killing normalfags.

Attached: download (1).png (214x236, 6K)

But how do you know killed were normalfags?

They were outside. Any robot would be inside their room shitposting.

Attached: 1515945715934.jpg (480x480, 35K)

But what if robot is kicked out from home?

>But what if a robot is kicked from his home?

Attached: 1521234842465.jpg (1283x658, 272K)

But what if
He was
>too autistic to meme correctly

Jow Forums's official eternal saints whose status and value cannot be removed in or under any circumstances:
- St.Elliot
- St. Chris
- St. Randy
- St. Alek

>Seung hui cho
>killed 33 normans and injured 25 with just a few pistols
He could be described as a proto incel, he tried to get girls and attempting to fit in the social scene but didn't make it.

Attached: 920x920.jpg (920x711, 42K)


Heres his small little manifesto, its an amazing short read


Heres all the stuff he wrote for his university, another amazing read

Attached: 5.-Virginia-Tech-shooting_AP.jpg (550x411, 39K)

Take Randy "I want to become a pussy ghost" stair off that list right now

That fag shot 50 times with a shotgun and only killed 3 people

St. Randy cannot be taken off. Did you not read the text above the list? St. Randy will stay.

He was pretty autistic user.
No, most incels don't talk like that but that doesn't matter when you're an autist

>The Virginia Tech Review Panel concluded that because of Cho's inability to handle stress and the "frightening prospect" of being "turned out into the world of work, finances, responsibilities, and a family," Cho chose to engage in a fantasy in which "he would be remembered as the savior of the oppressed, the downtrodden, the poor, and the rejected."


In other words he was based af

When did Jow Forums become Incel Central? Incels are failed normalfags who think they've been wronged somehow. Fuck off back to r*ddit. This is a ROBOT BOARD. LIKE, OPEN YOUR EYES NIGGA.

All incels are robots but not all robots are incels. There you go.

Attached: tenor (1).gif (220x238, 120K)

This hit a little too close to home
Incels are not welcome here.

Attached: 98237942387.jpg (680x680, 22K)

He was a fucking murderer

Robots are incels

If you have a gf, get out.

When did r9k become overrun by virtue signalers?

>They were outside.
made me chuckle. I like it when user gives the most simple and eloquent answers.

normalfags invading the board since forever.
At first I thought they were anons baiting, but lately I've been thinking they being serious.

Everyone here seems to shun mass shooters and misogyny. Normies everywhere

He only killed normies