It's friday night what are you robots doing whilst the normies are out giving money to greasy club owners?
It's friday night what are you robots doing whilst the normies are out giving money to greasy club owners?
Working, like I do every weekend.
For line cooks, Sundays are our Fridays.
I'll be watching the last 3 episodes of Cobra Kai with my wife. I might be drinking some whiskey too. And I might get her to give me a coconut-oil hand job before we go to bed (she's on her period.)
Study, vidya, masturbate.
Watching netflix with my gf(haha jk)
Gonna play some Dota 2 later with my 2 Monster Energy I bought earlier the day.Its fucking cringe how all the people stare at you as if Monster is the devils piss
>what are you doing
Too pussy to use a knife so i """"self-harmed"""" with my fingernails
i have a piano lesson then im gonna play vidya and masterbate
Someone post that stupid dumb whores nudes
sh0e is /ourgirl/
No one cringes at you. You imagine that. Literally no one cares if you have a monster energy drink.
it feels better after a couple times. but dont do it user. be better than me
Gonna watch Red vs Blue
>watching tv
why are you here?
okay what the fuck is with this board now
Those are as fake as the one I just posted, if you think ED is a reliable source you are fucking retarded.
Although I would love if there was some decent r34 of Sh0e, what exists is all /b/ tier circa 2007.
just get drunk bro
I guess I have some kind of personality disorder because Im always thinking people stare at me.I always get to sweat and such anxious body reactions in supermarket.Its horrible,usually I avoid going shopping,but my urge to have a comfy gaming session overweights sometimes
eating store-bought sushi and watching anime
Ironically meant,because I will never have one
I feel like shit
>get drunk
Doesnt help, feels worse
I went bowling and played smash with friends.
Gym, Fraiser, hang out with a bunch of suicidal people on Discord.
Probably just gonna dick around and play vidia on my day off wagging
>whilst the normies
They're called normalfags cock sucker
Monster tastes disgusting tho. Amp is waay better imo
probly gonna go get my head buzzed i'm a hairlet.
come back home, see if one of the few people i hang out with wants to come chill and grill out, drink some beers and blaze up.
if not, i'll just drink, smoke, play vidya and listen to some chill beats.
normies =/= normalfags u dingus
muh nibba
(this was an original comment)
i know this feel, user.
i feel like people are looking at what i'm buying and judging me, while at the same time i know in reality nobody gives a rats ass at all.
in and out ASAP and use the self check out like a world champion
I always wanted to play the piano
Masturbating, wallowing in self pity, playing video games, eating. Same thing I do every day.
Heres her nudes if you guys want.
she tries really hard to look like boxxy
Are you a neet? Original oh my fucking god original
As fake as my OP pic user.
Just make some r34 if you want sh0e nudes she never posted any and never will
She is literally more famous then boxxy at this point
Ew do people actually fap to Shit0nDick? It's a wig btw
lol nice job trying to cover for her but those are pretty real
>irrefutable proof that those pics are of her
>she's never posted nudes and never will!
>do people fap to Sh0e
Nope, the fakes are nowhere near good enough. Now this is what I would fap too..
It's clear those tits are fake, watch her videos they don't look fake in those.
>no face in shot
Sure dude it's just someone who happens to have the exact same body and tit shape, same colour hair, and the same doors in their house
>same body
are you autistic? those tits are clearly fake.
I bet you believe the britbong photos are real too.
>I went bowling
you any good?
Talking with my gf.
get the fuck off my board you norman thanks
masturbating and drinking whiskey
which first?
not even slightly orangeono
I've had half the whiskey, currently masturbating. will finnish the whiskey by 7pm
>photo of naked woman
>overlays perfectly on non nude photo of June
>confirmed tit pic also overlays perfectly on the nude
>nude is taken in front of door identical to one in June's house
>"clearly fake"
She'll never know how hard you're white knighting her
i was going to watch anime but my roastie friend asked me to call her so i'm waiting for her to get back home and i'll probably talk to her for a few hours
>no face in shot
>blurry af
>fake tits which sh0e doesn't have
Also I posted a Sh0e fake as the OP why the fuck do you think I'm whiteknighting? is it autism?
>talking to roasties
>normies =/=
no dumb fuck it's what the redditfags called them because they didnt' want to offend their faggot friends and all the newfags that came after the reddit invasion kept it up. now we have gay and tranny shit on most board thanks to people like you. call them what they are or fuck off newfag.
Because you are so desperate to discredit the photos.
1. You don't know those tits are fake. Some tits are weirdly shaped.
2. You don't know that Shoe doesn't have fake tits.
That's all you're going on when so much shit disproves you. I challenge you to go find a picture of a nude woman in front of the same door she has in her house, that overlays perfectly with the non nude photo
It would be the mother of all coincidences. Not to mention the "blurry af" tit pic is confirmed real by Shoe herself yet somehow overlays perfectly with the full nude.
It seems like you have a vested interest in wanting these to be fake when they're so obviously real, that's why you're getting called a white knight
You mean disagreeing with you?
yeah this is autism.
Also again refer to the OP pic, I'd love to see Sh0e get fucked from every angle and which way trust me, why else would I start the thread with r34 of her?
>yeah this is autism.
>crying about autism on Jow Forums
what did the normalfag mean by this?
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