What exactly is wrong with going on a date to McDonalds? It's cheap, cheerful, tastes great, staff are friendly...

What exactly is wrong with going on a date to McDonalds? It's cheap, cheerful, tastes great, staff are friendly... why are girls so uppity? Even supposed aspie girls you meet at group therapy

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Because they are used to chad bringing them to applebees

Because it makes them look like a cheap bitch who's give bjs to whoever pays for them

It got niggified because of the "Bada ba ba ba I'm lovin' it." thing.

Are you an Amerimutt? In Europe, McD would be an acceptable place for a first date under certain circumstances (e.g. if you were really young teens, or if it was kind of an ironic date, or if you already knew each other platonically before hand etc.). If it's a complete stranger you want to meet up with for the first time, you'd go to a normal bar instead.

i've never had friendly service mcds desu

Look, there isn't anything wrong with mcdonald's as long as you keep the following in mind:

>The Girl cannot be too stuck up about it (so no "I'm high class" or "'I want to save the world by being morally sound" bitches)

>You shouldnt go there for a "full course meal. Go there saying "damn i could go for a mcflurry right now" or "let's grab some fries/mcnuggets, I have a craving for some unhealthy shit"

>Only eat your food there if it's late at night and there's not a lot of people in there. Loud fucking kids and low class shitskins seem to be a turn off for most girls

If you keep this in mind, going for mcdonalds isnt guaranteed to kill your chances - many girls actually dig this kind of "i don't give a shit" attitude. It helps them relax

Just don't be a goddamn autist about it and you'll be fine

>paying for a roastie's meal
killyourself cuck normie

What the actual fuck. I'm eastern europoor, and even here nobody would even consider bringing their date to McDonalds if older than about thirteen. No romance, class or quality food / drink to be found there.
Also no alcohol served.

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Not a first date I hope. McDonalds is a place you go for a quick bite in the afternoon if you and your date are spending all day together doing other stuff anyway. If it's ONLY McDonalds, (or any fast food place), I think most girls will feel like "shit,.. I could've just gone to McDonalds myself!" There's no element of surprise or adventure in that date. So I think thats why there's the McStigma.

And ffs OP, no McD on the first date... in fact... no McD until you've been dating consistently for at least 3 weeks, and have been on a few "all-day" type dates.

I heard about you incels and came to this board you guys are so fucking pathetic

Jow Forums is virgin board not Jow Forumsincels

holy shit im a milionaire and what the fuck is wrong with going with the bitch to the mcd

>take classmate to wendy's by her request
>doesn't call it a date
>flirts with me
>also talks about her wonderful male friend

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nothing if you just want to grab a quick bite on the way to better things
if mcd is supposed to be the main attraction, stay incel/virgin

It's also an acceptable to meet on a first date in my country because McDonald's is actually very expensive (but only because they are forced to sell high quality burgers here here)

>tastes great
genuinely can't imagine what putrid filth you eat on a daily basis

I just want you to know, not the guy you talking to, but I appreciate you giving out good advice in such an understanding manner. It's nice to see something here you would say to a friend you care about but who is inept when it comes to dating. Good on you man.

You're supposed to skip that step and eat her ass, silly.

because it's cheap and they want to spend money

it's okay when chad does it but your just a fucking incel beta loser

>For our first date he took me to McDonald's, because food was cheap there
You're a real Don Juan, OP

you're just a fucking incel beta loser and probably gay*

>an ironic date
do europeans really do this? date ironically?
what does that even mean

Girls want the gibs

tb.h if she's an aspie then she might have very specific fast food preferences