Anyone else regrets that they didn't take the initiative back in their teens?

That age, when a girls definition of Alpha is a lanklet fuckboy who has just as much estrogen as them.

I wish I wasnt such a fagget back then.Farewell uncorrupted pussy..too bad I never got to experience you during that time.

Attached: dfb.jpg (1024x686, 161K)

>living life with regret
The only thing that matters is that you're progressing.

Your're right..would be cool though if I got to "experiment" abit more or at all. Now this playful phase is over and will never be back again

Lanklets are low estro, otherwise they wouldn't be lanklets.

Pic related, high test, literally zero (0) estrogen

Attached: 1-s2.0-S0303720714002962-mce8902-fig-0001.jpg (546x419, 61K)

I took 3 virginities and I’m fine with that. I had a phase where I didn’t wanted to have sex at all with a girl if she wasn’t a virgin, and once I went past that, I started just having soulless sex, literally. I just used random roasties or even girls on my friend circle as human fleshlights, to the point my brain didn’t get enough dopamine from it anymore, and now I think I just don’t want to have sex again ever. But yeah, uncorrupted pussy is prime.

Attached: 1FEDC8E7-9213-4B17-B34F-FB863563A34C.jpg (600x772, 102K)

Overrated. Don't worry about it user just focus on what u got now.

>Lanklets are low estro
Low estrogen usually means being tall, eunuchs are notoriously very tall. This is because test is reponsible for ending growth spurts by fusing the epiphyseal plates.

Pretty much, but its autistic to insist that you don't regret anything. Of course people regret things. The problem is trying to live in the past and fantasising about a life and/or actions that could have been, instead of just moving forward and learning from mistakes and regrets.

>Low estrogen usually means being tall, eunuchs are notoriously very tall. This is because test is reponsible for ending growth spurts by fusing the epiphyseal plates.

Solid science! Maybe citation? Or you just pulled that from your ass?

Yes, but there are some that are also aromatase deficient and thus have delayed bone maturation despite normal or high test, like pic related.

Attached: aromatase deficient individual.jpg (267x427, 27K)

Not everyone tall is low t lanklet.


Only thing I regret is that my second cousins would call me drunk when I was like 15 "come fuck us user" and I never took the initiative

Still gets my dick hard

That guy is not low T, he had very high T but extremely low E due to a lack of the aromatase enzyme. If you are tall with thin wrists for example, you might not actually be done growing.

>If you are tall with thin wrists for example, you might not actually be done growing.


I went into highschool thinking if I was likable and funny the girls would just come to me.

I’m a Lanklet and it never went out of style boiiiii

You might be lacking bone maturation and height clearly precludes GH deficiency.

>Regrets from your teens

100%. Everyone has those. We all have key moments in our lives that we could have done something differently.

But that shit is done. No point in worrying about it now. NOTHING will change the decisions you made when you were a dumb ass hormonal teenager.

Live for now and the future.

What would happen if a regular kid going through puberty was put on some AI? what if the kid was prepubescent or like 18 (almost done)
Genuinely intrested..

I only escaped fat spergmode in my late teens to early twentys.

>tfw never experienced virgin pussy
>tfw never took a girls virginity
>never had underage sex

kill me now senpai

Long and thin, joint problems, shitty paper thin dry skin, possible osteoporosis. Really fucking terrible for you even though it means increase in height and clavicle width (clavicles are long bones)

I'm actually pretty happy about the fact that I didn't have sex until a point in my life where I was way smarter, way more knowledgeable, and way less impulsive than I was as a teenager. Bad things can happen if you're retarded about sex senpai, emotionally and physically. I spent my teen years having fun with my bros, and by the time I really dealt with women all of the neurotic instability of high school were long behind me and I did just fine.

Was almost 21 when I lost the v card. 26 now. It's been a cash life. Would recommend.

I try not to have ragrets and just push forward

I didn't take the initiative. I was SILENT but also the new kid. Once a couple girls got interested it started long a chain of serial dating. Then I got on heroin late freshman year and every girl wanted to be a part of all my fucked up shit because grills are super dumb at that age and why wouldn't they. A girl would just approach me while in a relationship, and I'd break up with the current girl, again and again and again. You're not missing out, the only really good sex I had was way after hs once I stopped doing heroin. Of course, I was a tall lanklet and attractive. Not the best looking in my opinion but enough. For real though you didn't miss anything special

Yeah you keep telling yourself that.

ayyy my knees looked like before three years of corrective surgery.

>you might not actually be done growing.
T-thanks for the encouragement.
t. 28yo

I tried, but my mother emotionaly stunted my growth and development. Pretty much why I am the way I am.

Hard to live for now, when the now is absolute shit and you want to die everyday.

Of course. I'm actually quite surprised at the number of respondents who don't!

If you dose it right,you gain on average an extra 2-3 inches based on studies done when the boys were 14,if you combine it with hgh and start earlier the results are even greater,could be 3-6 inches.the later you start the less likely it is