As a blackbot, how do I end up in this position?

As a blackbot, how do I end up in this position?

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Start taking hormones and bleach your skin

>Implying that's a man.

Look to the left, morons

Oh shit that cage is unlocked! What a sloppy owner.

Ok do the same but don't bleach your skin

So in other words, you admit you were wrong.

Well he asked how to be in that position and the only way to get close is to start popping pink pills, regardless of if he's on the couch or in the cage

I wanna suck her toes

hire women to film a porn scene, self directed

Absolutely same, user.

this is all i want. Being a cock slut to some trashy white whore is my fetish.

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Even with hormones and facial feminization surgery I don't think you can turn into a white girl but you can still be a cute chocolate girl.

I thought I was the only one anonymoose

He meant the man in the cage, brainlet.

ez craigslist

Had an experience like this with a fembot.

waint a fembot....hmm
greentext ?

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not anymore you don't. shut down along with backpage

She was very secretive about it. We went to a club that night, and I specifically remember her taking a video of the place next to me, but on her Snapchat she edits me out of it.