WTF is this timeline

(They) want to eradicate us

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is mattis /ourguy/?

>people will now be prosecuted because they dont have gfs
wtf is going on?

Are you joking or just really, really dumb?

>kill people
>they want to eradicate us!

they call him Mad Dog ironically

newfag pls go

He's one of those 'warrior faggots.' He buttfucks boys.



googled the article and it doesnt exist. really makes me think OP


>sandniggers blow people up, shoot them, run them down in trucks, stab them, and throw them off buildings, openly mention their beliefs and say it was done because of their beliefs
>normies march in the streets and scream that sandniggers are peaceful misunderstood brown people and anyone who says anything bad about them is a racist misogynistic nazi
>a fucking leaf runs over 10 people and vaguely mentions Jow Forums
>normies talk about killing everyone who can't get a girlfriend
Sure, we're the ones at fault.

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I didn't kill anyone. How come you get so triggered whenever someone tries to implicate mudslimes by association but it's perfectly fine when we're on the receiving end, normie?

Has meme magic gone too far?
I mean Pepe on CNN was fun, but are we irrevocably damaging reality?

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in your dream reddit

It seems like reality is fighting back

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Can we meme a nice future now? Let's do that, let's meme a nice future where we all get virgin gfs and everything turns out ok.

day of the rope is coming, virgins

We've been memeing about the sexbot gf revolution for a while now.

Hopefully we'll get there soon enough.

trip-dubs for truth

>be me
>go to interview for new job
>it goes swimmingly, i have all thr right credentials
>"Alright, user, do you have a gf, past or present"
>i hesitate a little and say no
>the manager gasps loudly
>he hits the button under the table
>sirens sound throughout the building, a muffled voice recording over the intercom says "INCEL SPOTTED" over and over
>manager pulls out a glock and shoots me in the kidney
>go to hell
Wew lad

>a fucking leaf runs over 10 people and vaguely mentions Jow Forums
not to mention he was Armenian, and did it on the anniversary of the Armenian genocide.
but somehow single white men are to blame

>but somehow single white men are to blame
Yea its not like there isnt a near monthly mass shooting by a white guy or anything....

>near monthly mass shooting by a white guy
meanwhile blacks shoot themselves up every day and nobody bats an eyelash

Is it bad that I'd get one just so I have someone to talk to and spend time with?

Yeah but they only kill each other, and fundamentally nobody really thinks black lives really matter.

>meanwhile blacks shoot themselves up every day
There is your answer, no one cares because its nearly all contained in the ghetto inner cities. Whites who kill can happen anywhere at any given time


>near monthly mass shooting by a white guy or anything....
dios mio...

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This incel thing is a media psyop to radicalize young, male social outcasts then using the violent outbursts as an excuse to implement more tyranny.

This entire thing feels planned, because it is. It's a coordinated act of information warfare, the initial facebook post is not even genuine.

>Kid of Polish/Russian decent adopted by Cuban Americans....

The absolute state of burgers

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>normalfags are people
>killing normalfags is wrong
>implying we're suprised in their laughable attempt at retaliation

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>the normalpatrol copypasta is basically real now

This is what happens when women get the vote.
I imagine in 20 years women (if they still have the right to vote) will be voting for candidates based on how many whores they've fucked.