I'm so tired of hearing "oh I put on my nice shoes and I had to run to make it to class and I got them a little dirty", "What are you doing for cinco de mayo?", "We are having a party at so and so house wana come?", exc.

The few times I ever get to chat with nerdy guys they usually have awesome stories about video games they are playing or anime they are watching and I love hearing about that shit but you fucks always avoid me and when we do talk its like pulling teeth. Then you don't wana chat again.

Why are you all so anti-social?

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Because you probably come off as a entitled cunt believe it or not who never has to feel emasculated before

You must come to us, we will not come to you.
This is just how it is after years of social ineptitude and failure. We're not willing to put our neck on the line to reach out socially.

We're autistic. You're not.
We've been bullied (by your kind) for having those interests. You haven't.

>who never has to feel emasculated before
Well that's true.
I can't really control how I come off. I'm trying to come off friendly.

I can understand that. Have to keep that in mind more.

>We've been bullied (by your kind) for having those interests. You haven't.
Iv been bullied to, I just fought back and never gave a fuck about people who don't like me.

becasue most "incels" or "robots" you meet online aren't normal people. most of the real ones are plagued with mental illnesses like extreme social anxiety and aspergers, and find it impossible to socialize normally. these are broken people who can't be fixed without extreme luck and or effort.

People in person or people here on the board. In person, I can't say, I try to be super nice to people. On the board, probably because every thread gets flooded with fucking assholes spewing degenerate whores, or random racist shit. I just watched Perfect Blue for the first time OP, it's incredibly good and fun fact, Aronofsky bought the movie rights and ripped off that movie in films like Requiem for a Dream and Black Swan.

Many of us only really interact with others socially online, since it's more convenient. All my socializing over this past semester has either been asking professors questions, or playing vidya online with my friends. It's fucking great, they're hilarious, and playing vidya with them is super fun.
Why would I even bother trying to make new friends when I have awesome ones already?

In person. I grew up here. I can spot other chaners IRL because it's obvious but they always respond to me like i'm a normie. And I get it, i'm acting like one, but I always though there would be more of us who can manage living in both worlds.

I think I saw Perfect Blue as a kid late at night on adult swim. That's that psycho thriller about the pop star right? Confused the shit out of me as a kid but I remember it being a fun ride. Would you recommend giving it a rewatch?

I get that, but online friends are not IRL friends and vise versa.
If your car breaks down you can't call your internet friends to help you. It's good to have people IRL who you like and have your back.
I'd trust chaners over normies any day but making friends with them seems impossible.

>Would you recommend giving it a rewatch?
definitely, satoshi kon movies should be watched multiple times. a lot of details in them

>The few times I ever get to chat with nerdy guys they usually have awesome stories about video games they are playing or anime they are watching and I love hearing about that shit but you fucks always avoid me and when we do talk its like pulling teeth.
Nice larp faggot.
Chads get bored as fuck when you don't talk about normie shit.

>Then you don't wana chat again.
Because when I tell you about my hobbies, the only thing that goes on your mind is "haha I can't believe people spend time like THAT".

>Why are you all so anti-social?
Go get social with your kind.

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Actually my online friends are irl friends, since I met them irl.
And if you really want to make friends with irl 4channers, playing the same vidya is usually the easiest way to befriend them, since we need something to do when with friends. Pure conversation just doesn't work.

>being this oblivious and hostile

You're literally accusing OP of being the exact opposite of who they say they are.

If somebody initiates a conversation with me I will feel paranoid, and anxious because I dont want to mess up (which always happens anyway) But if you always initiate(like10 times) then we might become friends. It just takes a lot time to open up. It might feel like pulling teeth at first, but if youre consistent and keep initiating and coming back to us, we will be friends :)

>Chads get bored as fuck when you don't talk about normie shit.
No man on the face of this earth enjoys hearing about some dumb bitches shoes. We put up with it because we have to and they know it.

>the only thing that goes on your mind is
You don't know what goes through my mind. Yea, sometimes i'm laughing mentally but so what? I still respect the passion people put into their hobbies even if they are stupid. I grew up with Adult Swim and the Internet so I do have a taste for nerd stuff. I'd just rather have someone tell me about some awesome manga then actually spend hours reading about it myself.

>Go get social with your kind.
I'm just tried of it all to be fully honest. I gain nothing from most conversations and they are a real drag.

Iv always wanted to go back and watch all the """deep""" movies I watched as a kid to see if they still hold up. I'l definitely check out satoshi.

>Actually my online friends are irl friends, since I met them irl.
Good luck with that but iv had nightmare experiences with taking internet friends irl.
I knew two solid internet friends and one's girl started cheating on the others girl, left me in the middle and ended up ruining all 3 of our friendships.

>then you don't wanna chat again

tfw this is true and i'm realizing it now. I had countless interesting, funny and intellectual conversations with normies and roasties and I was always bitter about them not talking to me the next day. We are men and we need to talk to them.

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I don't care who they say they are, experience made me wary of his breed.

>We put up with it because we have to and they know it.
You put up with it because you want to get your dick wet.
Why don't you spend your time enjoying a real hobby, instead of being pussy whipped? Not cool enough for you, """Chad"""?

> Yea, sometimes i'm laughing mentally but so what? I still respect the passion people put into their hobbies even if they are stupid.
I don't have to share anything I enjoy doing to people who think what I do is stupid.

>I'm just tried of it all to be fully honest. I gain nothing from most conversations and they are a real drag.
You aren't owed anything. That's your social circle, enjoy being the alpha, and stick to it: your kind ends up poisoning every nerd hobby they touch with your degeneracy.

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nice chadpost, I like it
one of the few quality threads on r9k rn

Absolutely YES give it an uncensored rewatch and it's just incredible. I get what you're saying actually, a lot of people might treat me like a normie because I definitely seem like it, a lot of people in this little music scene I'm in were robots at some point to be honest. I was actually part of a wave of robots who added each other on social media years ago and we all kinda seemed like robots but it wasn't obvious, we all had shit going for us. Still talk to a few of them.

>You put up with it because you want to get your dick wet.
>Why don't you spend your time enjoying a real hobby
I do. I want to hear about other peoples hobby's. I like to hear about new things.

>I don't have to share anything I enjoy doing to people who think what I do is stupid.
Correct. I guess it's your choice if you don't wana talk. Sucks for me tho.

What i'm noticing is that the only people doing interesting things are so fixated on them that they won't talk about them with other people. Real shame. Makes the world a lot less interesting.

Seen this reaction image used multiple times so I'm gonna assume you're the same person and a massive faggot.

>I was actually part of a wave of robots who added each other on social media years ago and we all kinda seemed like robots but it wasn't obvious, we all had shit going for us. Still talk to a few of them.

I'm wishing I could luck into something like that but I never really got into the social media thing. Sounds like a blast. Really would like to meet some people IRL who can talk like normal people and talk about weeb shit. I don't feel like it should be 1 or the other.

I have never seen robots doing small talk.

I lucked out, my fiancee ended up being a giant weeb. I met her at a show of a band I loved and then when I scanned her Instagram, I saw she had been doing amazing ff7 sketches and liked the same anime as me so of course I had to stalk her for ages before she finally agreed to go out with me. The cool thing about the nicer robots is that they're fucking amazing to hang out with and just shoot the shit with. Where are you from, man? I'm in Southern California and there are a surprising amount of people who post on this board in disguise.

I know to retaliate if I face hardship. That doesn't matter though because I learned that too late in life, and I didn't fight back in my formative years when I faced it the most. I've firmly developed an isolationist behaviour that I only break under very specific circumstances with significant effort.

I cant speak for the others, but I hate telling people about my nerdy interests, I always feel like they dont care and talking about myself for more than 30 seconds makes me feel self obsessed.
I can say that I dont avoid normal people, I just dont really talk much to people I dont know

Robots will actually fall for this bait.

It's not even a "Stacy", that'd be at least interesting.

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You know those boring, shitty people who you described?
You are one of them.
You're boring and shitty, piss off.

>I do. I want to hear about other peoples hobby's. I like to hear about new things.
That's not a fucking hobby.

>Correct. I guess it's your choice if you don't wana talk. Sucks for me tho.
It's not about you. I wouldn't ever talk to any of you, if not anonymously or for work related issues. You just cannot be trusted.

>What i'm noticing is that the only people doing interesting things are so fixated on them that they won't talk about them with other people.
It's because we care so much about what we do, that we get hurt when people shit-talk our hobbies.

Tee-hee! Triggered again?

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>Where are you from, man? I'm in Southern California and there are a surprising amount of people who post on this board in disguise.
I'm stuck in south Carolina. Redneck HQ. That's why it bothers me when I see the rare channer and they don't wana chat.

Legit happy for you and a little jelly. I bet California has a lot more nerds then the south.

Do we sound like normal people to you? Thanks for a decent thread btw.

Oof, that is a tough one, man but I grew up in a fairly conservative (racist, misogynist) school and always felt like an outcast there. I guess once I graduated, realizing people weren't shitheads or just all Chads or something like that, my bitterness left me now some of my best friends are Chads. That kinda sucks that you get brushed off like that. I'm kinda bummed about the state of the board now that I've come back after like 7 years. Keep an eye out for the 25+ threads, those are usually full of cool enough people from all over.

There's no easy answer, my man.

You seem like a decent guy, don't worry, you'll find some that will be able to let their guard down. Just don't take it personal when the guard comes back up-- it's nothing personal, just survival mechanisms.