
Another friday night in with the lads

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first for ignore crona and gooseberry

Varg claims this thread.

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great first post I also encourage everyone to remind any people who reply to them of this

Romanians are on point at the moment in the /punting/ world. The pimps must have finally clocked that they've got a bad rep

Had a wee, now hunting some Vampires in Dresden files RPG roleplaying sesh.

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>tfw you'll never go back to the blissful days of being an 18 year old NEET straight out of school
>sleeping all day and watching anime/playing video games all night
>didn't even give a shit and lived my life because had plans to kill myself at 21
>now 25

Is there a more kino tim pic than this one?

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What are you lads drinking and listening to?
>old fashioned
>Dark Side of the Moon

Played Vampire:The Masquerade Bloodlines?

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>gays beat man united

you knew I was right dc

I'm fine once I become comfortable with someone
The problem is that the only means of this is through talking online, I can't function when it comes to strangers
Not function as in both my body and voice lock up along with the other normie cold sweats, inability to make eye contact etc.
Fair enough, I wouldn't know

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everyone here is a normie. only my mental illnesses are real

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Watch generation kill yet?

no one is mentally ill some people are just born to be broken

Like I said, I don't really care about a league game at the very end of the season

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My depression is fake yet i'm on ESA. Oh dear

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A 2010 Casa Emma and Schumann's Kinderscenen.

I wanna believe this is the real Mimorin
What happened to your phoneposter filenames?

hmmmm no. can't even remember what i've been doing. haven't watched anything though
i'm posting on PC now. I'll post on my phone to show I guess

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it's pubeboi

>Stella and Pirroni only the best for mummys big bouncing boy
>Old Busta Rhymes videos on YouTube black music inspires me

got to type something to deceive the robot

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Remember the beach?

>got to type something to deceive the robot
Thanks, how you doing lad?

Holy shit lads, I think I have made it
>never had a gf
>been friends with this girl for a couple of years
>started to fall hard for her
>eventually decide fuck it, tell her
>she actually feels the same
>officially a couple for the past few months
>everything is going really well, we get on great
>my birthday was yesterday
>she gives me an envelope
>its a ticket for a full experience day driving a few very nice cars around a track
I have been into cars my whole life, but obviously don't talk about it that much with her as its not her thing. I can't believe she remembered, and actually got me that. I honestly think I am going to cry like a total faggot, no one has ever given me such a thoughtful gift in all my life. Jesus


>both my body and voice lock up
Get in the bag sissyboi its rape time.

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Meant Peroni, I was thinking of the guitarist from Adam and the Ants

>the beach?
the book or the movie?

Not liking this new mimorin - gooseberry alliance.
This is bad for /britfeel/

Movie, was it a book 1st?

>Adam and the Ants

you're not a faggot mate that's really nice and it seems like she values you highly and cares a lot about making you happy, hope you have a great time

I wonder what it feels like to be happy

Yes, a very good one. It's by Alex Garland who wrote 28 Days Later and a bunch of other stuff

everything every tripfag has done has been bad for britfeel, the day in which yellow moot disables tripcodes for r9k cannot come soon enough, someone make a petition and share it across the board

10/10 a month ago then it has been climbing down ever since. wbu
I probably won't stay desu

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Alex Garland fella.

Hi dhere, fellow brirish peepl, i am indeed brirish, don't u see my teeths? Oh, bloodee hell it's cold right here, so wot you fellas doing dis fine night? I'm drinking som tea, beating my wife and listening to arab museec. Also, does anyone here hav a knif? I wanna coot my cheeken, but i can't, bloody hell! Sir William, my lord, please geev me a knif!

Fags comes from the word Fasces

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Is it much different, what was it all about?

>10/10 a month ago then it has been climbing down ever since
How so? Tell your tale
Been 50/50 past few weeks, getting better though I believe

Dunno, never seen the film.

Meant the booko

>Is it much different
havent watched/read in over ten years but I there was some key stuff missing from the film. That's normal with adaptations though. About a wandering backpacker who finds a small hippieish community and then ruins everything.


*Flirts over voice chat and arranges 2 week long gay hookups which involve inviting people to stay at his house over internet boards*

*Buys weed off his friend*

>week old plastic bottle filled with tap water

hour 1 of nofap

incredibly horny


i'd rather not. I got rejected though. that was a new feel. was pretty bad. then it started to get better. then I came back to uni and things are going full JUST again. eh

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53rd for cuddling gooseberry

54th for cucking gooseberry


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>*Buys weed off his friend*
Kek, could tell you were really scraping the barrel with this one aha, I've known that lad since primary school
Oh really? M/F? I remember you were quite fervently repressing your homosexuality
Sorry to hear it, suppose you've just got to wait out feels like that

do NOT be mean to gooseberry. GOOSIE IS FOR CUDDLES AND LOVE.

>Not raping white girls


Can we ease off on the shitposting lads?

Was nice and comfy there for a while.

>I've known that lad since primary school
so you did buy weed off your friend then? his point stands

Imagine if a stranger let you put your wimbus in their shuttle bay in exchange for some pound sterling. Having only just met them, and all.

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Hate normie cunts like gooseberry, his type make it harder for real robots and sufferers of mental health just because they want a special unique reason to be lazy

what're some of your interests lads find someone to chat about with stuff



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>Hate normie cunts like gooseberry

I bet they speak very highly of you.

wat dat

Any of you lads got any talents? I just got my guitar out of the loft and started practicing again.

>so you did buy weed off your friend then?
Ye, so what lol? Not sure what that proves
Le O I am laffin

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Too early for comfy posting sadly

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goosie why must you acknowledge their hatred but not my love?

G'night, gonna try my best to do as little as possible tomorrow.

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>lost media

>hip hop music

Property of Crona, friend.

>Not sure what that proves
>social anxiety
>can reach out to someone and break the law
also the main point of his post is you're clearly not anxious if you can organize gay hookups and invite people to stay with you

>what're some of your interests lads find someone to chat about with stuff

Early Jazz
4x4 Driving
Classic Scooters
Collect things that run on paraffin
Collect portable gramophones

Thanks mate, I appreciate that. Can't quite put in to words what I am feeling but it goes a bit beyond happiness. Took me totally by surprise, I was expecting a bottle of whisky or something

very well, i shall bide my time

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Any chance of naders tonight frendo?

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>>lost media
just recently heard about this term lad, whats an interesting one you've heard of and whats the most interesting one you've found or seen

fucking sad is what that is, not just the way you say it but the fact Crona is legit a Low IQ, naive and ignorant child.

just make sure you're constantly improving and treating her as good as she does you

>Any of you lads got any talents?

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Male. and yeah time is the only thing to solve it. I didn't leave completely empty-handed if that makes sense but it just makes it worse desu.

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Proves you're a normie, you even type like one.

I still don't know why you trip, so irredeemably boring and the fact you try so hard to prove the opposite is just pathetic. So so desperate for validation you'd even try force a diagnosis for mental health (which rightly has been shot down) to fit in more

Waste of luv
*gives hand a kiss and blows it to user*

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>I didn't leave completely empty-handed

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>Collect things that run on paraffin
>Collect portable gramophones
more about these?

you proved on brit/pol/ you're like the biggest normie ever

thx lad. appreciate it.

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Sssh lad. If you've nothing nice to say just be quiet.

No need to show off, lad.

there's quite a bit, I usually just read articles for hours on end through the lost media wiki

the most interesting one though is the story of el apostol, it was supposed to be the first animated feature length film but it hasn't survived to this day save a few titbits from it's production

>spooky stuff
>cancelled tv shows
>used to collect old smoking tins and other random stuff

>I didn't leave completely empty-handed if that makes sense
he bust a nut in you?

No, I won't stay quiet. I can post whatever I want and my posts are a lot better than teenage normies tripping for attention.

how so? a lot of what I post is a joke. including the one you just replied to

reminder to all the lads ignoring the cancer and having comfy chats that i appreciate every one of you and wish you all the best in life

a gentleman never tells.

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no sweat anonie

>Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
>Warcraft 3v3 arena
>Reading horror/paranormal books