Would you rather be
>an 18 year old in 2018 with 100k USD, with a 110 I.Q and ADHD
>an 18 year old in 2018 with 1,000 dollars, but a 120 I.Q and no ADHD.
Would you rather be
>an 18 year old in 2018 with 100k USD, with a 110 I.Q and ADHD
>an 18 year old in 2018 with 1,000 dollars, but a 120 I.Q and no ADHD.
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still above average and you can just medicate adhd
why the fuck would anyone take a measly 100k over a healthier brain
at 18 that puts you at the top of the food chain. thats why
110 is above average, but 120 is really when intelligence starts to become very beneficial, the difference between a 110 and 120 is the difference between not being able to go to a uni, and being able to go to one. In most American unis it will be hard to find anyone under a 120 I.Q in any worthwhile major. Plus ADHD meds are bad for your brain in the long term. I'd choose the 120 I.Q and no ADHD, you would make much more money in the long run.
a higher IQ and the ability to focus is an investment that dwarfs the paltry 99k bux bonus
at least make it a million or sth more tempting
all the 18yo pussy you want or all the 30yo pussy you want once you make that money
I don't plan on living past 28
gonna go out like Kurt Cobain
IQ btw. smart btw. not retarded btw
Thats not how IQ works. It isnt "the more points you have the smarter you are", well it is to a certian extent. Once you get around 110, there isnt a noticable increase in success. It plateaus.
Already have Adhd so give me those stacks, also dgaf about IQ cause i'm rich now
This isn't remotely hard. 120 iq. 100k isn't much over your life, 20iq is a huge difference. You'll easily make up the difference just by getting a better hjob
It's a 10 I.Q difference. First one is a 110 I.Q.
ahh ok, I'd still definitely go with iq. It's a big difference
(I am assuming iq basically means scores in academic exams/everyday problem solving. If it doesn't relate to those then I'd take the money)
>the difference between a 110 and 120 is the difference between not being able to go to a uni, and being able to go to one
I find it cute that you believe this.
This is wrong. First day back to posting on Jow Forums and I'm already realizing I can't stick around to wrong with all the misinformation and misconceptions you lot have.
Please don't spout garbage. If you really think the average person in an American college has an IQ in excess of 120, when the average IQ is 107, I question whether you're American or attended an American college.
>The relationship between IQ and achievement is imperfect, with many exceptions to the rule. For a variety of reasons, some students with high IQ don't perform well, and others achieve at higher levels than we would predict from their scores. IQ tests seem to predict performance on traditional academic tasks better than they predict performance on everyday, real-world tasks or on unusual, multifaceted problems (J. E. Davidson, 2003; Sternberg, Grigorenko, & Kidd, 2005; Wenke & Frensch, 2003).
Myself, a 25 years old in 2018 with 100k USD, an IQ of 140, and no ADHD. Why would I want to be a subhuman who hasn't even known the last good years of vidya, the pre-smartphones world, the only years where the internet wasn't dogshit, real chan action, and playing outside?
Why would I want to be retarded with a mental illness, or retarded with no mental illness?
It is very true though, the average I.Q of a uni graduate in the US is 120.
>in the top 1% I.Q
>only has 100k at 25.
What are you doing? With a 140 I.Q and no mental problems you could probably make 150k-200k right out of college easily.
You literally don't even begin to have a clue about anything you're talking about, it's actually very cute.
I go for whichever one that would make me happy
why are you writing the year if it's the same
are you aware that such a thing as conscientiousness exists and it's possible to have a high iq but no drive whatsoever?
My 130+ IQ never did shit for me. I'll take more money.
sucks for him then
>an 18 year old in 2018 with 1,000 dollars, but a 120 I.Q and no ADHD.
I'd choose this one, the second one.
Do you work at Wendy's?
Can you give me a job, Manager?
I work as a researcher at a fortune 500 company.
a 10 IQ difference is insignificant and ADHD is a meme. i'll take the 100k and start a business.
>an 18 year old in 2018 with 1,000 dollars, but a 120 I.Q and no ADHD
this would make me less intelligent than I am now though
ur so inteligent wow proud of u
>Once you get around 110, there isnt a noticable increase in success. It plateaus.
Imagine actually believing this. Just imagine.
its true, and you're stupid
You're low IQ. Literally, objectively stupid
The first guy cuz it sounds like he fucks. This place is filthy with high iqs and yet some of you persist in believing that iq amounts to anything.
you are stupid. very very dumb. low IQ.
ya i lYke 1st gyy b/c it sound s he gets PUSS naw mean
who the fuck cares that much about 10 iq points or iq in general?
I'd rather be me, an 18 year old in 2018 with 300k USD, 120 IQ and no ADHD. Damn it feels good
4.0 gpa
Topped many classes, including one with 400 students
Top 2% of my graduating year
>plays video games
>proud owner of 8th grade level vocabulary
>denies the reality of IQ against all scientific evidence because dude like anecdotes
im very very smart, you're very very dumb and stupid. i did good in school im the best
what about you dummy?
>you are childish
>you are uneducated
>greentext assumption
It's pretty tragic if you ask me, people can't help but associate education with intelligence.
All the things I posted about me were true. I wonder how it must feel to need to believe otherwise.
All the things I posted about you were the maximum accomplishments I expect an IQ denier to be capable of. Since you deny IQ's effectiveness beyond an EXTREMELY low threshold (110), lower than I've ever seen claimed before, it follows that your IQ is likewise extremely low. Or, at best, 110. Because your insecurity demands 111 cannot be an advantage, not something you would need were your IQ 111.
It's not that you're uneducated. It's that you CANNOT be educated. You don't have the ability to learn anything but the most banal and routine careers.
But I shouldn't be so hard on you. It's like beating up a child
i am unironically the second one, ama
u very dumb. low iq. stupid person. you are unintelligent and uneducated. i am very smart and you're not. im very very intelligent and better than u.
u looser
you stupid dumbass. i am top of my class. you are dropout. im very very veryyyyyyy smart and you're not. i win you loose
More like 90 senpai
A number does not make you smart. What you create and accomplish makes you smart.
>the difference between a 110 and 120 is the difference between not being able to go to a uni
Ya, no. This isn't true at all.