Fembots. This isn't meant to denigrate you but when you see a picture like this, how do you expect to compete with her? On what level could you compete?
Isn't it best to just resign yourself to fate and watch your boyfriend enjoy himself with her?
Fembots. This isn't meant to denigrate you but when you see a picture like this, how do you expect to compete with her? On what level could you compete?
Isn't it best to just resign yourself to fate and watch your boyfriend enjoy himself with her?
Other urls found in this thread:
those tits look fake as fuck and gross
what the actual fuck is wrong with those tits?
I'd rather have a fembot gf than that thing honestly, at least I know that the fembot is a garden variety manic depressive or borderline, who knows what the fuck that thing is. Their hair color is telling me to stay away.
whats originally with the long face
thems trashy tattoos....lol
Lmao loser femanons coping
Her head is kinda tall, and her lips are thin. The tits don't suit her figure and those areola would make me self conscious.
Naked boob's
Those pink platter things (aureolas?) are way too big. Her face is weird too. And she has tattoos. Other than that, she's perfect. Would fuck.
Unironically superior fembot incoming.
Dinner plate nipples
How do they get this big with that size
Stop, and look at it again when you're not horny af
shes actually really not hot sorry to break it to you
this sounds shitty as fuck but compared to her i think i might be cuter
I require one (1) english fembot, so that i can take her (female) on a date.
Thank you for your time.
She's cute but as unhappy with my body as I am, I actually prefer my nipples to hers. It looks like they're raised around the outer rim too and that leads me to believe she had some kind of surgery. I'm also not a fan of the tattoos. There are definitely girls who get posted here that make me feel bad about myself and like a -100/10 monster in comparison but this girl isn't one of them.
This is you? Time stamp needed
Really botched plastic surgery.
I have huge as and very cute face.
ugly face, great tits, no hips.
I am inclined to believe you.
same here tbqh with you fembot
Even I saw that image before and I mostly spend time on blue boards.
You might as well post an actual fembot, OP.
This is Jow Forums's token attention whore, I'd pick that over your pic related anytime.
This is the hilarious azn fembot (/soc/ crossboarder)
Most people who have been outside know girls have never had to be the best looking to get attention. Come on now
>how do you expect to compete with her
I can see her winning bigger tits competition, but I am sure as hell winning smaller tits competition.
another fembot that hilariously enough got her nudes leaked by her cuck bf on /b/
Another one.
There's no shortage of attention whores, surprisingly enough they congregate on Jow Forums of all places.
People who leak nudes are fucking horrible
goddamn hairy pussy is beautiful
I know I'm not the best looking, but I'm not extremely ugly either. Though it's all a moot point. I'll never have a boyfriend, can't lose what you don't have.
She said she didnt care, actually. I was as baffled when I read it as you probably are right now.
>Jow Forums whore, not a fembot but whatever.
>I'll never have a boyfriend, can't lose what you don't have.
If you're a girl and not ugly, then you will have a bf sooner or later.
Don't be dramatic.
You're right, I'm baffled. I would never do that to someone, then again, i' d never be with someone who was cool with having her nudes on the internet to begin with.
Maybe you should work on not ghosting guys on a whim.
>obligatory mini, she is probably lurking
>see pic
What the fuck, I hate living in this world now. I've seen the whole "sharpie in the pooper" joke for a long time, but actually seeing someone do it makes me lose faith in humanity
Then you must be pretty new, lad.
I've put worse things in my ass. You haven't?
thats my gf lol holy shit and it wasnt on /b/ i dont think? i think it was here
nah i didnt leak them user i asked her if i could post them to the bondage thread and she said yea
>You haven't?
Afraid not :/
It was a "share your gf" thread on /b/, lad.
Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about!
I'm not being dramatic and I don't ghost people, they ghost me. I don't blame them either. I'm not a good fit for people. It's better if I'm alone.
Excuse me for jumping the gun then. I've had enough fembots ghost me to last me several lifetimes, I'm probably prejudiced.
>inb4 "maybe it's your fault user.."
>that image
oh shit that makes me diamonds
>implying some narcissitic cosplay slut is even capable of a stable relationship
Not even a salty femanon, I just know better.
>be unresponsive and ignore people
>"they ghosted me"
You ghosted them, femanon.
some people just have large areolas
he average diameter of male areolae is around 28.0 mm (1.1 in). Sexually mature women have an average of 38.1 mm (1.5 in), but sizes can exceed 100 mm (4 in).[6] Lactating women, and women with particularly large breasts, may have even larger areolae. A function of the specialized dermis of the areola is to protect the regular breast skin from wear, cracking, and irritation. Infants sometimes create trauma to the nipple and areolae by latching-on of the infant.[7] Another function of an areola is to house slowly-adapting mechanoreceptors that trigger oxytocin excretion during nursing. The size of the areola implies a need to protect a larger area than the nipple due to many factors which are not fully known.
then someone has nicked my pic baka
hmmm not so good looking
I'm a guy and I have.
Yeah she aint exactly a looker.
Tell your gf to shave her armpits, lad. Boner-killer right there.
Sometimes I wonder how women feel because there is porn of the hottest women imaginable doing anything and everything. Like, how could an average or ugly woman even hope to compete with that? Most men are addicted to porn because we get to see women way hotter than we could possibly ever see in real life have sex and take shits and anything else. An average woman just can't compete. And now that sexbots are a thing, average and ugly women will probably never attract a man that doesn't just want to pump and dump.
I don't do either of those things. I talk to them, but I'm boring. It's hard for me to keep a conversation going and I'm always upfront about that. I often struggle to find things to say and they get bored of me. Which is completely understandable. Most have at least said why they were deleting me, which was really nice. Some haven't, but it's fine. I'm also not a very nice person either, boring and mean doesn't make for a great personality.
Literally how new. That shit's ancient.
Well then find an irl bf.
I'm sure your pussy is more interesting than your personality.
That would be mean. Nobody should have to settle for me.
Depends on the reason. If the woman cheated or spoke to other men it's warranted. You're a cuck if you think men and women can be friends.
>saying this on r9k where literally tons of thristy spergs will gladly settle for anybody
You clearly just hate yourself senpai
Can't you just not be a cunt? It's pretty simple.
No I don't, I just know myself really well. I'm not a good person and deserve to be alone.
Or just don't be a cunt . Once again, very simple. No woman has a personality. All you have to do is hold back your bitchy remarks and make pasta or something simple once a week.
>desecrating Rei's image with body tats and nudes
Perhaps that is your problem being alone. Friends and relationships tend to change a person over time. If you drop that tsudere shit or show effort on changing could keep something going. Its all about trying. Also the worst people in human history have had successful relationships so you have no excuse.
So uuuuuhhhhhhhhh
any actual fembots here?
>gf spoke to other men
>bf leaks her nudes
even if you think men and women cant be friends(youre fucking wrong btw), this is fucked.
I realize I could have a relationship if I wanted. I'm saying that there is something fundamentally wrong with me and I'm better off being alone than having someone have to deal with me. I don't have friends for the same reason. It's my way of being nice.
I literally have a better everything than her
I even cosplay better
>fake boobs where you can still see the scars
>cosplay whore
I could compete at a level of not being absolute trash.
I can't compete with these, gj anons
>there is something fundamentally wrong with me
What exactly? All women are fucked up in one way or another.
Her name? Origi
Well if want to remain the same there, its your choice. If there is some wrong tends to be a need to try fix it. Could be chemical imbalance to a lack of trust. But to be honesty you've seen that there is a problem. Perhaps you can become better which only needs you talking that first step.
I don't know. I try and try and try, but I don't connect with people. I can't seem to make things "click". I don't have any mental disorders, my mom had me tested when I was a kid, i just can't get along with others. I get conflicting advice on how to fix things and change, but I tried it anyways, though it never works. I'm 26 now, and I'm done with trying. I'm better off alone. I'm not that happy, but I'm not terribly unhappy.
Most people don't know how to be proper human beings these days. Its a whole lot of things. I'm not saying mental disorder but lack of proper diet. Or if you onions which fucks up both men and women. The think with advice it doesn't always work for you. You are the only one that can fix you. Plus everybody is a piece of shit, some are just better at hiding it. Plus the click thing doesn't always happen or not until you really know someone.
>but I'm not terribly unhappy.
Try saying that 10 years from now when you're a literal catlady.
I can't build connections either, but I figure it's a numbers game until I find somebody I really like. Best of luck not hating yourself and getting a bf.
if the character has a bigger breast size than me i wear breast forms
It's hard to fix something when you don't know what exactly is broken.
I already said I don't hate myself.
Well its a self journey that part. You might have to reflect on the past and figure out the problem really is.
>those huge delicious pepperoni nipples
fuck me, why can't I have a gf with huge tasty nips on her large milkers like that
>inb4 I don't have a gf in the first place