>One chance at life
>Consumed too much onions and is now a basedboy
I never knew it had estrogen in it, DON'T consume onions, it will make you feminine and a pussy, my ass has started growing, just don't comsume onions
One chance at life
>MFW Jow Forums censors "onions" and replaces it with onions and replaces basedboy with basedboy
>literally drink lidl milbona (tm) s0ya drink daily with my granola
>6'6" and fitter than the average person
This is a test
Ok i cracked the bastard
Eliminate the 69s to see the algorithm
S69o69y69 is converted to "onions" (which actually increase testosterone)
S69o69y69b69o69y69 is converted to "basedboy"
To avoid confusion, use "soi" instead of "s69o69y69"
>falling for the basedboy meme
A big ol' gallon of basedboy onions basedmilk.
Pol was a mistake originally
But seriously though... Why do they make that fucking face and all look alike
onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onion
>Why do they make that fucking face
they want to look "quirky"
>and all look alike
thick-rimmed glasses + bushy beards are considered trendy atm
But is everything really just, a coincidence?
Onions can't rewrite genetic code you brainlet
am I original yet?
These are onionbois
Onions Basedboy Basedboy Onions Onion Rings Shrek help
good onions eat your onions basedboy onions goi goy good goy oi vay goi boy onions soi
onion milk.
Look at all these newfags.