Share your saddest combinations

>handsome face and manlet
>Black and dicklet
>Jew and broke

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>Asian and dumb

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>10/10 green almond eyes with thick long eyelashes
>can't look people in the eye

Attached: 213414.gif (480x270, 44K)

>Broad shoulders and manlet
>Good chin and weak jawline

>White in Africa
>Nationalist and American mutt

>Smart and Autistic
>Know multiple languages and loses voice

>white in africa
That could be okay depending on where you are as long as you wanted a black wife and not a white one.

>9 incher virgin like me

>look like a goodboi instead of rockboi
>fat and skinny at the same time

>9 incher
show us....

your a handsome black jewish man with a small dick that is also short and has no money?

>Tall, Broad shoulders

Attached: why....jpg (288x499, 23K)

very sad!

Attached: 0e81472792e6f68bf184f4ff4a118d9f.png (600x723, 314K)

>Asian and male
>Hate women and want gf

>highly intelligent and open-minded
>lives in smol hicktown in a shithole country

>high IQ and no motivation

Please stop describing me.
This may not not be original.

>small dick

Attached: 1525477171889.gif (703x800, 25K)

>decent looking
I cant shave it because I got a big head and im not buff enough to pull it off

cute post boi pucci

Black and manlet. Aaaahahahahahahahah someone kill me.

>8" dick and 5'3"
>Large frame and 5'3"

Attached: Existence is pain.jpg (480x480, 24K)

>Decent looking
>Girls think I'm cool
>18 and only 5 '9


>school shooter and 0 kills
>white and male
>brainlet and ugly

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We are made to lose

>Non virgin
>Done everything on the normie checklist for being a cool guy
>For 5 years I haven't had a single friend or been anywhere.

decent facial structure
emerald eyes
auburn hair
decent cock size


god is cruel...

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>low IQ and high motivation

>ugly and alive

Attached: 1524187260914.gif (269x164, 1.33M)

>Goodloking front
>Godawful profile
Just kill me

Look up mewing and pretend it works

Attached: mike mew.jpg (225x225, 11K)

>handsome face and manlet

that's bad if you're straight, but I'm a gay boy who falls for a manlet every time I leave my house (once in a month), so maybe there are girls who are like that out there, or not

does that shit actually work? been trying it for a bit

I have been going for 6 months and although I have no idea if it did anything it allowed me to be comfortable in a position that I am just sticking out my jaw with no effort. It's night and day for me.
Just look in the mirror with your tongue up there applying pressure and without and keep it there for all eternity. It does not matter if it actually changes your bone structure if the act itself makes you more attractive.

thanks for the info fren

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Tall but too tall, like more than 6.8

Can I siphon some of it from you

I would if I could
Being a lanklet is suffering, at least manlets can find clothes and shoes that fit them

i know this feel. well except for the black part. im probably not as handsome as i think either. usually it's the crazies and chubbies that want my D

>being a lanklet is suffering
Oh really, would you like to switch places then? Fuck outta here. You don't know suffering.

>he says, wearing cheap clothes that fit perfectly, being able to fit through doors and into public transportation, in a world designed around his height

I'm straight. I've talked with a couple of girls when I'm sitting. When I stand up I can see the disappointment in their eyes

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I'd rather be 6'8 than 5'5 desu. At least I will find tall girls who like me. At 5'5 not even womanlets want you

>Short but big dick