>personality changes based on the activity i'm doing/the environment i'm in
what is this a symptom of? it feels like i don't have a stable self
Personality changes based on the activity i'm doing/the environment i'm in
Its perfectly normal to act in somewhat different ways depending on your environment. When im with my best friend we yell nigger and shit at each other but when were with our mutual friends we obviously dont do that
a symptom of being a human bean?
I think everyone changes depending on what they're doing or where they are.
I'm happy when I scratch my ass, I'm annoyed when it is really windy.
that's not your personality changing, it's your mood. your mood changes depending on the situation that you're in you dumb underagefag.
Its a symptom of being a massive fucking beta bitch
it's not like that, it changes drastically to the point i feel like i'm a completely differnt person, it affects my perception of my surroundings and generally how i see things, i don't have any values/morals because they always change and shift
i don't have any friends nor do i socialize a lot but it's not like i act differently around different people based on our relationship (social masks) it changes within me and makes me act differently/think differently
you're fine,
but go to a therapist so they can laugh at you too.
this can't be normal, anything that i read online about it points to depersonalization or symptoms of disorders such as bpd and the like
it wasn't like this forever for me either, as a teen i'd change my mind about things but i knew who i was, i didn't feel like i was in a stranger's skin everyday
a fucking meme but you're welcome to go to an actual professional. also stop googling symptoms, it's a rabbit hole.
You need principle. Things you don't just logic your way through. You need to refuse to always do the easiest way even if there were no consequences to it. Just force it at first and let the ethics develop later.
>a fucking meme
what makes it a "meme"?
that's what i'm talking about
>You need principle
>let the ethics develop later
it doesn't work because i change my perspective on things in a matter of hours at times, not my logic, but the way i feel about them, i understand the importance of values/principles but the only way i can have them is if i entirely lie to myself about trully thinking in a certain way, and sure it works on the surface, but within me it's a constant chaos, like nothing sticks
Let your principle be that you have none and never will, then. It is a little fallacious due to the circular reasoning involved but it will at least give you something of a base. Accept adaptation as who you are, and let your memories define how you perceive yourself.
actually a good advince t b h
i guess this is how i've been living my life for the last year or so but as i said in the op i'm worried it might be a symptom of something bigger and if so that it might worsen/develop into something serious, just wanted to see if others on here have something similar
I do this too but always assumed it was just me trying to fit in and not fuck it too badly. I basically become a clone of the person I'm talking to.
The more you worry about things being mental conditions the more likely they are to become one. Just assure yourself that you're fine and don't think about it and you usually will be fine. That user who said googling symptoms is a rabbit hole had it absolutely correct.
yeah i get it
so you don't think i should check it with a psychiatrist or something?
It's called borderline personality disorder, OP.
its cause and effect and you have no control over what you do. you are simply an observer, enjoy the ride
Not really, just learn to manage on your own, you seem like you do well at that. You will either pay out the nose to hear something you could have figured out yourself, or pay out the nose to get prescribed pills you will have to pay out the nose for that have a higher chance of making your problems worse than they do at fixing them. Of course, they will try to fix that with more pills. Believe me, your far better off just being who you are now.
Seasonal Affective Disorder, but it sounds like you're talking about some deeper psychology here.
From your description you have social/empathetic psychopathy
Sounds like borderline personality disorder.
Get help for that shit. It's really, really bad and can ruin you and other people.
see you say
>just learn to manage on your own
but then say i shouldn't google the symptoms and whatever, i think learning through trail and error could really backfire with things like this
well shit so it does sound like a mental issue
i reckon it isn't because it's not affected by seasons, it changes in hours/days
do you have anything you're diagnosed with?
When I say manage on your own I mean just use the coping mechanisms you have used already and keep on doing what you have done. It's worked this far and experience will help you improve. Think of the endgame you want when you go to a therapist. Do you want to work through certain thought processes that might be holding you back? You can do that on your own. Do you want to become dependent on medication? Fine, seek therapy, but even therapists agree that dependence on medication is awful for you, and should only be used short term.
Feel the same way man wtf
I call this kind of thing "phone voice" due to noticing that people always change their tone of voice when they answer the phone regardless of what mood they were in before.
You are not special. Nothing you experience is unique or even abnormal.
You're not original.
lying liars and the retards who think I believe them
shut up normie just because you aren't special doesn't mean others aren't you fucking boring cunt
Are you a sociopath lmao
It's called adaptation you little weasel
>it doesn't work
you better figure out why. this sounds like some sissyboi in the making. you don't have your own ethical compass? how would you even have agency?
No it's a symptom of being a coward
i dunno could be
Sociopaths don't have much of a sense of self and tend to take on whatever 'personality' they feel will be of advantage to them at the time. And they may display different 'personalities' at different times or with different people. So you're a giant parasite on society and everyone around you.
You need to throw your real self in the fucking trash can to survive normal society in public and social settings. Take me for example. If I'm sitting around at home and my wife tells me that the store down the street was robbed my first reaction would be "oh, 190% chance it was niggers or ms13 spics". If the same news is broken to me while I'm at work I can have a 15 minute conversation about how crazy the world is these days and never once allude to a race/motivation. I can feel out what the other person believes and wants to hear and start saying things which subtly lead them down this line. That allows them to relate to me better and be more comfortable around me. The key is to not go too deep or be too passionate about anything, especially anything which is generally objectionable to the normies, for the event that you cross streams, i.e you have two normie colleagues at a happy hour and on one occasion you sympathized with the one's communist leanings and the other's libertarian leanings.
I used to feel bad about doing it, like I was being manipulative or something, but the me that everyone at work knows professionally and socially is a nice and likeable guy with a level head who is agreeable with a lot of their opinions. The alternatives are to say nothing and not be involved in conversation be that weird quiet guy who people start rumors about or suspect of who knows what, or to overtly be myself which would be 100% complete and total career or friendship suicide. Sure, it makes it difficult to have any degree of closeness but I don't feel bad about doing it anymore, since I have the feeling that other people are all doing the same thing, and that normal society is just one big bullshit charade where will get mad at you for breaking character and revealing who you really are and what you really think.
I share what I really think all of the time but because I can discuss it rationally and non-aggressively and because most of it is pretty agreeable to normies I mostly just get slightly ostracized.