Reminder that there's nothing wrong with

reminder that there's nothing wrong with
>hating women
>hating society
>hating normies
>rejecting social norms and standards
>not identifying with any form of normie political points of view
>wanting to just watch the world burn and normies suffer
anyone who disagrees is your enemy, and a normie
oh and use the word "normie" as much as you can, it pisses them off to high hell, and refrain from identifying with the term "incel", it's what they want you to do

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Reminder that there's nothing wrong with
>hating misogynists
>hating radical extremists
>hating historical oppressors
>hating autists
>rejecting counterculture and anti-establishment
>friendly political discussions
>wanting to see the world improve for all

>>rejecting social norms and standards
this is literally just sour grapes

you're right, that's the point of an anonymous image board, you can have and voice any opinions you want

>hating women
I hate men as well
>hating society
I agree, but myself is mostly to blame. And my parents for having sex and giving birth to a genetic abomination
>rejecting social norms and standards
Don't know what you exactly mean by this but I'm a shut in NEET so I guess I am defying social norms, eh?
>not identifying with any form of normie political points of view
Only thing I agree with liberals on is raising the minimum wage to $15 (for my own personal sake if I'm later forced to get a job)
>wanting to just watch the world burn and normies suffer
eh, I don't the world to go on literal fire but I wouldn't give two dog shits if a normie gets vanned over.

If you are to hate a person, hate them for being a piece of shit. Generalizing people will never create anything good.

I am hurting as bad as you are. But at least I can see thtough it and accept that I've been dealt a shit hand and suffer quietly.

Also, the word normie is retarded and not used here anymore. Please use normalfag

>reddit spacing
>"not all normies are bad"
>"i'm a robot just like you but..."
>trying to take away one of the most prominent r9k's memes/terms away and replece it with something else

Fuck off with your reddit spacing. I don't give a shit about that. I was pretty sure you'd call me out on that but hey

you do realize that the word normie became a normie word right?

Also, no, not all normies are bad.

>Fuck off with your reddit spacing. I don't give a shit about that. I was pretty sure you'd call me out on that but hey
just saying it how it is senpai
>you do realize that the word normie became a normie word right?
yeah but it retained its meaning, there's a reason normies get so pissed whenever they hear it, even here on r9k
>Also, no, not all normies are bad
they aren't per se, but they are when it comes to looking at things from a robot's perspective, they are all "bad" on r9k because r9k is a place for robots to discuss their lives and in most cases robots have negative experiences with normies, therefore most normies are "bad" when mentioned on here with relevance

I've been here almost since the beginning and the slow robot overtake was hoenstly the worst thing that happened to this board. But I'm just another oldfag whining about the changes so I guess that's that.

When you think about it, judging people is in human's nature. They judge based on their experiences just as you do. They were just given a better hand. That's it. There is an endless amount of personalities. And people who are tocix and hateful are those that you should hate. Hating women is stupid. Hating normal people is stupid. Nothing in this world holds any value anyway. So why should you care. Things are not going to change so why hate people when you can not give a fuck.

All this incle uproar will fall off anyway. Just as all the other school shootings.

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>I've been here almost since the beginning and the slow robot overtake was hoenstly the worst thing that happened to this board. But I'm just another oldfag whining about the changes so I guess that's that
i reckon you weren't here from "almost the beginning" based on what you're saying, i'll give you the benif of a doubt for the sake of this converation, but lets be real
>When you think about it, judging people is in human's nature. They judge based on their experiences just as you do. They were just given a better hand. That's it. There is an endless amount of personalities. And people who are tocix and hateful are those that you should hate. Hating women is stupid. Hating normal people is stupid. Nothing in this world holds any value anyway. So why should you care. Things are not going to change so why hate people when you can not give a fuck
whomever is toxic or hateful is entirely subjective and based on the set of morals/values you choose to apply
there's so much contradiction and irony in this one paragraph i'm kinda feeling too lazy to even get into it
>And people who are tocix and hateful are those that you should hate
>Hating women is stupid
i have yet to come across a woman (note an average woman, exceptions exist, but in a world of 7 billion people you're kinda forced to generalize a bit) who wasn't toxic or hateful towards what we refer to as robots, what the normies are now calling "incels" and what society in general just refers/referred to as "social outcasts". look at any screenshots of tinder profiles, shows, movies, youtube, personal stories, etc women (note: mostly just people but there's a higher interest in women than men among robots so they experience these things more when it comes to women) ridicule and look down upon people who fit the description of a "robot" it's just human nature, so yes, stacy isn't toxic or hateful in the eyes of chad or brad, but she is in the eyes of the robot, which is exactly why r9k is here

>whomever is toxic or hateful is entirely subjective and based on the set of morals/values you choose to apply
I know. I don't say that I have an absolute authority about what's wrong and what's right but you don't really choose the morals. Some things are obvious.
When you think of why a person might be doing something you have to think about what drove that person to do such a thing or say such a thing. One of the most important factors is intelligence. Most people are average. When I see a beautiful woman give me the side look, I know why she does. I can imagine the type of life she lived and lives. She has a different idea of the world and lives in the blissful ignorance of the society. She can't see it thorough my eyes. She most likely can't empathize with me because she sees me as a sore, ugly loser and doesn't understand why I am such a way since she never was. And the people she surrounded herself by weren't this way. She doesn't understand many things. She doesn't know many things. Her ignorance is the reason she is this way.
And I don't blame her. She doesn't have any need to do any of this. To research anything.
I know it's really hard to follow my train of thought but I hope you'll make something out of this.

uh oh! anonie tookie the baitie!

>I know it's really hard to follow my train of thought
it really isn't
your way of thinking is just not self fulfilling, it can be pragmatic but a passive form of pragmatic, it's a beta's way of thinking and rationalizing, you understand why a person thinks or does something and you just let them be, you blame it on their "average intelligence" and excuse it by saying "they can't know any better", i mean you completely exclude the possibility of educating them about their "wrongs" but more than that you imply that accepting their excuse for their behavior is more important than your self fulfillment/progress/growth/etc, that's the ultimate beta mindset.
life is built on conflicts, if you choose to lay down and let it run over you you're simply giving up, you rationalize it for yourself as a way of coping by saying "they are just too stupid to understand", so to answer your question from before
>Things are not going to change so why hate people when you can not give a fuck
this is the robots' way of coping: venting/complaining/blowing off steam/etc, this is, among other things, what r9k serves robots for

>Generalizing people will never create anything good.
It created the holocaust,

But thing will not change. That's the truth. Why would I fight when it is futile. I do not blame things on intelligence and brush things off as if the person couldn't know better. But there are many factors involved in this. They might just as well not know better. That's the way of life. If this type of rationalizing is a beta's way of thinking, tell me, how would I think if I was an alpha then?

says the beta nerd-fag who actually think he's superior to normies? xDDD

>reminder that
When the fuck did this place become tumblr

it doesn't need to change, as i said, people cope with things differently, you cope with the "intelligence" argument, others cope by venting and havig their thoughts/opinions reinforced and validated by others in similar situations
>If this type of rationalizing is a beta's way of thinking, tell me, how would I think if I was an alpha then
in general i reckon an alpha takes and establishes while the beta gives and accepts, your beta way of dealing with a situation that's not to your liking is by accepting it and rationalizing that a change is impossible and you knowing it is an actual strength of yours (normies will remain normies no matter what you do and the fact that you realize this and accept it means you're intelligent)
an alpha in your situation will refuse to accept that their position is written in stone and pursue a change, in whichever way they see it to be fit
note that i neither imply that the alpha or beta ways are proper or "right", i'm just denoting the difference between the two types' thinking, according to what you wrote earlier you shouldn't even probably care about it but some people don't like being associated with a "beta mentality"

>it doesn't need to change, as i said, people cope with things differently, you cope with the "intelligence" argument, others cope by venting and havig their thoughts/opinions reinforced and validated by others in similar situations
Well. I wouldn't call it coping with things. I just don't really give a fuck about things anymore. Also, it's more of a "I inderstand why they act this way" than "intelligence" argument. I just brought up intelligence as one of the many factors.

>in general i reckon an alpha takes and establishes...
Well... Not all alphas are like that. There are many types of personalities. Some alphas abuse the system, some alphas do not care about the system and pursue other things. There's many layers and sides to this to be honest. But I do agree with the fact that they do indeed usually push things and create but many of them think like me. I abuse the system though. I know true love (if that is even a thing) will miss me and is practically impossible but I do abuse the system a lot since I understand how it works in many ways. But that's me. Things are not going to change. And I think that alphas usually understand that. Anyway, that's just trying to see into people's minds in a way that is too complex and hard to deduce.

>Says normie instead of normalfag
Nice to meet you reddit

That includes the libtards, user.

i can hear the "stacy rejected me and tyrone beat me up for calling me a nigger" in this post

>"reddit" as an insult
yiu took the "newfag identifier bait" you need to go back now

>oh and use the word "normie" as much as you can, it pisses them off to high hell
No it doesn't. There's nothing insulting to a normal person about being called normal. All it does it make you look like a tryhard faggot.

>>reddit spacing
> Normies are all big stupid-head sheeple because they all do the same thing.
> If you don't format your text exactly like I do then you don't belong here.
The oblivious hypocrisy of incelbots would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

I just get mad when I hear normies use our memes and jokes out in public.

What particular memes and jokes have you heard normies using?

Most things originate here want it or not. A lot of robots are pretty creative when it comes to stupid inside jokes and memes.

>Most things originate here want it or not
Like what? I don't keep up with mainstream pop culture so I have no idea what they're stealing from you.

>hating misogynists
>hating radical extremists
>hating historical oppressors
>hating autists
>rejecting counterculture and anti-establishment
There is a fucton wrong with all of this, you massive cuck. I hope I get to see you garroted when the rebellion comes.

>I hope I get to see you garroted when the rebellion comes.
I hope you spend the rest of your life alone and miserable. Guess who's more likely to get their wish.

That's where you're wrong kiddo.
I agree, the most ethical action is to just have everyone die instead of suffer over more long periods of time.

>this bitter about his future of being a wage slave
lol at least losers get to relax as the world ends you're still trying pretty hard it seems.