Ugly being people confident is cringy af

ugly being people confident is cringy af

just stay in your room and wait til u get the courage to hang yourself

Attached: OTeZTzq.jpg (576x768, 83K)

Why do you care so much about what ugly people do?

Just because you’re a virgin loser doesn’t mean everyone else has to be, Jorge.

Jorge is attacking his ugly brethren

pic releated is a chad and gets 100 matches everyday on tinder

true but to be fair all spanish people look like the uggo on the right of the monster so you are one to talk

wise advice

He doesn't have the courage to meet his anime waifu on the other side of the portal.

Jorge stop acting like a crab, let other ugly people live.

>be ugly as fuck
>still get women

These women are touching him yet I a 7/10 have never been to touched by a woman

>what is the friendzone
Just because they are being nice doesnt mean they are fucking him lol

They only take pictures with him because they can use it to jack off their already big egos, like "look how nice I am to this ugly guy". It's completely pity to make themselves look like good people.

Did this guy get laid? Pity pussy?

same here bro, i have 9/10 chad genes yet still no gf

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Yeah, this.

>Look at what a good person i am.

Good lord, I wonder if you're the same faggot that was posting this picture like two years ago.

You do not have chad genes. You are a 4/10.

jealous cunt

u look high asf. no offense

You look like Booger, from the movie Revenge of the Nerds.

boi you have betaface if ive ever seen one