She's got a point ya know.
She's got a point ya know
Women are the gatekeepers of sex so it's hardly an even comparison.
yes. I whole heartedly agree.
not every man has standards that high mine are simple they have to be Asians and not obese
>have an ass
>don't be fat
women just have to breathe and they have the dream-body for 90% of males.
"She has to be nice."
One requirement. Just one.
When will manlets ever learn? How many times must they get schooled!?
>she NEEDS
nobody says or thinks this
when you go into such specifics it is either a) implicitly understood that it's a perfect ideal rather than a baseline requirement or b) a literal chad setting his requirements because he can have whatever he wants
but you knew this when posting this bait didn't you faggot
>have height
>don't be ugly
That's literally all you have to do to be desirable.
I literally see chads with human fridges. I hate women non-ironically at this point in my life.
I havent heard the first one from any guy in my whole life.
But I hear a worst variation of the second every fucking week.
>have ass
subjective taste so that doesnt even count from the other guy
>dont be fat
easily manageable/changable, very straightforward
>have height
>dont be ugly
neither of which can be controlled or altered by any man to a meaningful extent
Then grow taller, manlet.
are you being purposefully retarded
I'm not the one who needs to learn.
the average female would be rated 7/10 by most males
the average male would be rated 5/10 by most females
think about it
Where is this meme coming from that the vast majority of men have standards? Is it just 5/10 and lower girls not being pounded by Chad complaining?
based manlet poster
for women
>don't be fat
>one thing, easy to control, some men like whales anyways
for men
>don't be ugly
>be tall
>be rich
win genetic lottery or work hard just for one of the three
So you're saying that most women understand how a bell curve is supposed to work?
>being born ugly or short
How the fuck do you even do that? It's not hard at all, and yet you still have the nerve to complain.
It must be hard to hear anything when sounds dont even reach that low
You guys are joking right? Men have the highest standards because they are biologically visual creatures. Thats scientific fact. A woman can date an unattractive male or even a shorter male, as long as they charisma, personality or confidence. A man will literally never enter into a relationship with an unattractive fat girl because they are primitively hardwired into chasing after physically attractive girls which are young, have big tits, big ass, pretty face etc etc. This is simply fact. An ugly male has it way easier than an ugly female.
Comment Serial #10149148
I don't really hear me talk about hip/waist ratios and asses to be honest.
"A belly" is well within a person's control, unlike height.
>A woman can date an unattractive male or even a shorter male, as long as they charisma, personality or confidence.
>A woman can date an unattractive male or even a shorter male, as long as they are attractive, are attractive or are attractive.
so 98% of men are undesirable? really makes one cerebrate.
>She needs to meet requirements that anyone can achieve (IE; Dont be a fat fuck)
>He needs to do something physically impossible to meet my standards
Oh gee i wonder why
does "she" have to have a stock vagina?
No she doesn't faggot
Get this bluepilled trash off mah board.
this must be oriigami b8
>98% of men are short and or ugly
LMAO what is this faggot smoking?
You forgot:
>at least a 6 figure salary
>ok with cheating
I fucking hate how you faggots are so binary with your judgments.
Are we on the same planet? It's time to lurk.
those are all things you can work on, apply yourself
>binary with your judgments
I have BPD, I know.
seriously? you're not even trying, man.
Tell this to all the normies that share this all over the place and to whom your arguments would never pass their fucking brains.
I'll bite, there are extremely rare chances when you can actually get a woman if you are ugly, but you have to be at exactly the right moment when she is feeling down or her self esteem is nonexistent, but trust me, girls now are more arrogant than ever
>even when they cherry pick and make an overly one sided and exaggerated argument they still still mention things that can be changed/achieved by exercise while height is still a permanent thing
are they all mentally challenged?
Most men are under 6 foot you fucking ignoramus. As such, even more men are filtered out that are over 6 foot because they are ugly.
Women need to make up their fucking minds and stop wanting any potential partner to be perfect.
Yes, nobody considers this. Literally nobody. If you mention this to a roastie or normie they'll just change the subject or say something unrelated or say that in fact it doesn't really matter. It makes me insane to see that level of ignorance.
That's why the black pill annoys them so much. Its a reminder of how shallow they really are. These days a man has high standards if he doesn't want to fuck a fat chick, something anyone can change.
>most men are under 6 foot
Holy shit how is that even possible? Dude I was 6 foot when I was 15, how can you seriously fail that fucking hard?
>even more are ugly
Dude it's literally just a tiny bit of bone how the FUCK can you not grow that? Lmao stop making excuses loser.
some men like big asses and don't give a fuck about tits, some like big tits and don't give a fuck about asses, some like thicc, some like sticc, some like tall, some like short, and every thing in between. most like a mix of all those types.
all women like tall men
>the average male would be rated 5/10 by most females
Factually Untrue
Tall is just one thing, doesn't mean everything, lots of weird skinny tall losers exist with marfans that don't get pussy or love.
Even though men are more specific their tastes vary more so all women have men going after them. All women prefer tall men so short men are right to be annoyed
samefag, cocksucker
T. Angry manlet. lol.
that was fast, life-liver
The lexicon betrays her thoughts.
It's easy being fast when your legs aren't 1 foot long, manlet.
>tfw pale creepy 6'2 lanklet
>tfw fucked qt thicc short stack black girl after she turned down manlet tyrone in my senior year
Honestly all of you fags who're virgins are probably manlets too, being tall is the golden ticket.