Get in here loner lads and post your waifu and if anything major or interesting is happening in your life.
Comfy Waifu Thread for Loners
Having been stalked for about a week by an ex, I've decided to contact the authorities and cut off most of the friends who were defending them. Changed all contact info, found new place to crash, can't wait to reset.
That sounds pretty rough. I hope you can pull through and get your life in order agin
I ghosted a bunch of people I know irl and my sleep/eating schedules are still a mess. Gonna finally try to get my driver's license soon because I'm fucking bored.
Things are okay, eating a bagel.
Ghosting people ain't nice user. That being said, I am the person who is usually ghosted so my feelings on the matter are a bit strong.
I don't give a shit anymore, I just want to get in a car accident lose all my limbs and live like a nugget for a while.
Sometimes I feel the same. After all these years all I've become is a misanthrope
Oh I'm not a misanthrope I just have a thing for limb mutilation.
I see. Humans are indeed very interesting creatures.
Man I know. Life can get hard but you gotta move forward.
Yui best girl.
I'm pretty sure I am going back to school. This semester fucked me and I dropped my class, became NEET. Going back is going to be a challenge but at least there's a bus to the campus now so I can get there without paying for Ubers.
Looking forward to my birthday in a couple of days, but have to take exams the week after. I'm feeling confident though, because my teachers have told me that they're certain that I'm going to pass and I've more than distinguished myself throughout the year.
I use to distance myself from all my friends because I didn't think I needed them because all they do is just drag me down, but now I realize how important bonds with the right people can prevent you from harboring negative and malicious thoughts after spending time with them.
same on all counts except i keep ghosting people. what is wrong with me
mio chan best girl
mio is definitely up there for me
Not much notable happening right now, i'm going to the Cincinnati Zoo for the first time this summer though.
Second place is yui
0/10 fucking trash kill yourself
I appreciate it when you post girls with cat ears.
First for the Spicy Wolf!
have a Mugi-nyan, user
just saying that I read all the posts in this thread so you're not alone
This is her
But I'm not a loner
And she's not mai waifu
But you guys don't have actual waifus either.
Why the hell is this here
Why'm I even here
I love Maki-chan so much.
Nice waifu, although I would hate to struggle if I'd lost my limbs, simple and quick death sounds more like my way