Some women were just meant to be banged

Some women were just meant to be banged.

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Some niggers were just meant to be hanged.

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>this mad because a black guy can fuck a white qt and you can't
You really want to kill a man for enjoying life?

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More like meant to be fat.

You guys are fags. I wouldn't expect you to appreciate peak femininity.

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You retards saying you wouldn't take a nap in her asshole?

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I want to kill this man because I'm black and white women won't give me the time of day. Therefore race traitors should die

Be with an African goddess instead retard. They're better.

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>tfw no dark chocolate African goddess to breed

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Fuck wrong pic. That is regular chocolate.

This is dark chocolate

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Some children were meant to be banged.
I agree.

Fucking plebeian.
This is a real woman.

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>a woman

I shiggy diggy

That is a young boy. Fuck off, Father McGregor.

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Fuck off

Look at the ass, maybe it'll trigger some testosterone you twink.

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>implying flat chested women arent the patricians choice

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Aren't all women meant to be banged? That's the purpose of life, to reproduce, right?

Some women are superior to others. A big ass and thick legs shows that she'll have a healthy child. A femboy like this other user is posting will have conehead children because her pussy lips will crush the baby.

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She's almost repulsive yet I still want to gang bang her.

jesuss fucking christ

>conehead children because her pussy lips will crush the baby
I dont like baby hairs either.

I wonder how much bullshit you'd have to put up with to bang her.

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She'd be worth the hassle.

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It's not fair, none of this is fair. A chick like that wouldn't even look twice in my direction, fuck.


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My dick isn;'t even big enough for her.

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Where do people get the idea that you need a huge dick to fuck a girl with a big ass? Just put it in her pussy.

>implying desperate incels who have warped minds understand how a pussy works
>inb4 uberdicklette

My dick is 3 inches nigga, even we fucked she'd do the race on my ass

>being a nigger with a three inch lbc

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It's a very obscure feel that only African Americans will understand. White guys can have average dicks and nobody cares. A black guy has anything under 7 inches and it's like we're disappointing everyone.

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This is the best thread I've seen in a while and I will celebrate it by contributing some of my own

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And you just ruined the thread.

Now that's fucking gross

I feel sorry for good black men. It's so easy to find some worthless thots who want a quick fuck but nobody wants to actually date black guys so they end up lonely.
You call that African? She is a quadroon at most.

Bumpin this thread cuz why not

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I sort of know the feeling, I once had to give up the opportunity of fucking my friend from sweden because she thought I had the "mythical bbc".

I'm a little over 7 and 6.5 around, but that's like average in our community. I would think that would have been a good size for any woman, *Charlie Murphy voice* Wrong!

I really wish I didn't know that feel, bro.

>MFW I'm absolutely fucked on a biological level and no amount of money, charisma, or looks could ever mask my sheer sexual inadequacy

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The fuck is with these philosophical discussions!?! Still bumpin this

>supposedly at work in an important office jb
>has fb open

When you work for (((((((them))))))) you can use kikebook. As long as you sign over your password.

I have fb open at my workplace but if someone was taking my picture I'd change it to display something more professional.

she's a weather woman

African goddess reality

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