Genuinely believe I'lI be reincarnated into a perfect anime world after death...

>genuinely believe I'lI be reincarnated into a perfect anime world after death. And experience all the great things I was deprived of here in this shitty life...

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Take note future robots this is what happens to you when you watch too much anime and become a weeb

Sounds like wishful thinking. Hey, at least u know ur truest desire now.

made in abyss is a pretty imperfect anime world you know
you got monsters out to kill you and being sent into an endless pit

>perfect anime world
>posts Made in Abyss

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Thanks man, I have believed this for almost 7 years now and will remain faithful till the day I die. It's the only thing that keeps me going. That and my cat.

so what about manbabies who watch a lot of western cartoons? its no different if they also wish to be in a cartoon world like how weebs want an anime world

never gonna happen
welcome to the club faggot

>tfw you're reborn as an orphan girl and sent to the bottom of the abyss in a cage

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you've lost your fucking mind user

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Ozen is my spirit animal. The perfect reflection of who I am and what I feel. Having the opportunity to become a white whistle and live in and explore the abyss would be a very awesome journey to take after I leave this world. I consider it 1 of my top 3 Anime after life's to live.

Nope! I've created purpose. That is a threat to you and all of the other people who say the same. Embrace what I believe and you will truly be free my fellow Robot. You have nothing to lose.

No one knows what happens after death. You don't know if it will happen or not. If people can believe something as crazy as some all powerful old man in the sky who will take them to heaven. Or worship some fucking rocks in the middle east made by a bunch of goat fucker muzzies. My religion is just as valid as any other. Anime After Death my dear Robot. Join and become enlightened.

>tfw you're reborn as an inhuman scientist experimenting on orphans and stuffing their most basic capacities for life inside of cartridges all while being out of reach from the normies inside your secret base

Doesn't sound so bad now, does it?

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i'll tell you a little secret. you will see whatever you expect the moment you die. that's one last reflex of the brain when it knows it's over.
that's why so many people with "near death" experiences see heaven, or hell, or family, or heir lives flashing in an instant. reality is, your brain is releasing a top of endorphins. another example is when people "get high" when drowing
if you were religious and knowingly lived a fucked up, dick life you will see hell, while the grandma will be happy seeing heaven.

I'll rise above and overcome any barrier or challenge in my way. After all I'll be the main character in my own perfect world.

Also bondrewd is a massive faggot who got beat by a robot with spaghetti arms. Ozen would beat the fuck outta him.

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Exactly! In those last milliseconds of life I will have lived an entirely perfect and innocent anime life. I can't wait!

Vr soon user oregano

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>liking an implied pedophile who forced a boy to crossdress
That being said Ozen looks pretty for an 80-something year old grill so good taste

What mechanism determines the anime life you life in? Do you choose if it's a harem anime or a mecha anime?

What happens when you die in the anime realm? Do you come back here?

Thank you for the kind words user. Ozen is my eternal waifu. I respect her too much to see her in a lewd way though. She only made the boy cross dress in response to her life and the events that were forced upon her and her mind in the abyss. She is a result of the harsh world and environment that is the abyss. Me and her have a lot of similarities as everything that I am is in response to this normie hellhole that I was worn and effected in.

>generally believe that my soulmate doesn't exist in this version of reality and is responsible for me not finding anyone
>she wants me to remain this way until we meet again

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>Ozen would beat the fuck outta him
Ozen couldn't even put a dent in Reg after thrashing and throwing him around. Bondrewd only lost because of the hand laser held by Riko. I'd love to see Ozen be still standing after the type of shit Bondrewd is capable of doing to her, namely Sparagmos.

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The anime world and life you take upon after death is determined by your true desires and wants in this life. What you missed out on, What you like, relate to, Whatever you truly want and may not even be consciously aware of right now. The only thing that will prevent you from this perfect heaven is if you stop believing while your still alive in this world or your faith dwindles.

If you death in that world does not matter and is completely situational as you will have moved on from this shitty life and lived a great one. I cannot see to far into the future user. The only important thing is that you believe and never give up on your AAD faith. (Anime After Death)

I wish you the best of luck my friend. I hope you and her can live together and happy when and if you meet in the next life. I hope you do :)

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This is our hope past the afterlife of this world. All there is to do now is to wish that on the other side, the grass is as green as it is on this side of the wasteland

Thanks user

Ozen is cute

>be beggar kid life shit
>guy comes and says he can provide fortune and shit
>take to this big ass hole and stuff with a bunch of other kids
>put in this room and called out for examinations
>get called and put in weird ass tube
>launched into deep ass hole
>oh fuck shits scary
> get brought up
>kid next to me dies and i become blob
yeah great life

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still better than being a wagecuck or going to school

Lets hope It's that way :)

I sure am holding strong! I know you can to! Hopefully we will all have great anime afterlife's!

Truest words my friend! Fuck that guy! He is a non believer pessimist who suffers knowing we faithful Anime After Death followers will have a great afterlife and be 100% fulfilled and happy in the future.

anime after death is as stupid as ponies after death
nevertheless, MiA is a good anime

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What would the average death look like for your typical Jow Forums basement dweller in the abyss?

>dehydration, following with succumbing to exhaustion and being too physically weak to ascend
>slipping and falling after trying to get a good look into the center of the abyss
>venturing into a cave with the entrance collapsing shortly afterwards, and no one knowing or bothering to look for you
>pleading with Reg to incinerate you and end your miserable existence

I reject your statement but respect your interest in anime. Would you not want to be nanachi in the after life user? Or get to love and treat her? vice versa? Maybe even go on an adventure and explore the abyss together? Anime After Death is just as valid as ANY OTHER religion on this planet that has or ever will exist. No matter how popular or old it may be.

This would all of course only be on the first layer. I can't imagine anyone here getting much farther than that.

>slipping in the second layer, being trapped by ozen
>being too fatigued by the ascension of the first layer, puking and slipping further than you can ascend
>eat the wrong organs of a demonfish, die
>be totally skilled and proficient delver, make it to the fifth layer, take evasive action when pursued by a big ol sea monster, jump up, get hit with the curse, fucking drown

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Thank's for the hearty kek user! That last one was great xD

There will be no negative events in Anime After Death. Only good things will come to you. Nomatter the life you live here on this globe. As long as you simply believe. Your truest desires will manifest in the that life. If you truly want to be gang raped and fall off a cliff then I guess that is what you want. But 99.9% of Robots will not end up that way. I hope

I certainly wouldn't wanna be Nanachi, because she has experienced some very terrible things at the behest of our dear mangaka, but that's besides the point. Anime after death is as valid as many other religions, but that's an incredibly low bar: in all cases, the claims are made without evidence. You can choose to believe it, but that doesn't make it the case, and it's a shitty model. You're always going to inhabit your body and live on earth: if you aren't doing those things, you won't be the same you. Coming to terms with your three dimensional existence might not be immediately pleasant, but you know deep down that immediate. real experience is all you know and all you ever can know.

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>There will be no negative events in Anime After Death
I thought you said yourself that there would be obstacles and challenges for you to overcome. Surely these challenges would arise from mortality and the lingering possibility of death, right?

You can't have adversity without having the chance of losing something. Now, if you're saying you are perfectly content with that, what makes this after life any different from this one? Why not be content with what you have right now?

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those with good smell can tell his secret

That's bullshit. What you just said and your constant stress and believe in this 3 dimensional world is no different from mine in an anime form or any other religion. Your just pushing your belief just as I. You continue thinking your wrong and un provable thing as well as I. The truth is nobody knows. Don't try to dissuade others from believing just because you cant bring yourself too. Also anime after death is just as physical as this world. Keep up the lonely atheist game man! I'm sure you will live a happy and fulfilling life knowing in your own mind that there is nothing for you after a painful death.

image missed kill me oli

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Because the end result and journey will be better than this one from this life. Every experience is different per individual. I cannot say or guarantee you wont experience hardships but no matter what your life will be better than this one and Its shaped from what you truly desire. So if you want hardships and challenges you will get them. if not then you won't. Its as simple as that!

You dolt, the difference between three dimensional space and time and your theory of transmigration of soul to anime is that 3d is experientially verifiable. You know this too, all your experience has been in this sort of environment, of more or less euclidian space and time, except for maybe dreams or intense psychedelic states. As for fulfillment and happiness, no life is going to be fulfilling and happy if lived in the shadow of death: if you're always anticipating death and what might or might not come after, you won't reap the joys to be had here. Anime, for example, is wonderful art, but it's derived from the wonderful experiences to be had here, incarnate in an animal body with crazy cultures and technologies. No one but the dead know what happens after death, and until then it's not worth losing much sleep. Don't waste tears wistfully hoping for what might be on the other side of the yawning grave, brother.
pic related: I'd like to sniff nanachi, but I'm realistic about my desire to. I can do it in some dreams. But I don't see much value in deluding my model of reality for some hollow comfort.

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I would think that the surrounding smell of Nanachi would drown out anything that trap has to offer. The bunny scent is just too strong.
What if someone doesn't know what they truly desire? Are they given a life that is only marginally better than the last? I prefer non-existence, because sticking with any particular set of desires would get old.

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Oh shit Ozen from SS is that you?

Yeah okay buddy. Keep on pushing! I'm sure you will have a great painful pointless death that you so desire one day. Try not to drag others down with you in your hopefully long years in this "3 dimensional" life here on earth. Make sure to get married, have lots of kids, get sick, divorce, lose half your shit, get raped, kill someone, JUST EXPIERIENCE IT ALL! as it is all you will get :) No afterlife for you! Meanwhile us fortunate individuals will be living the good life smelling the real Nanachi in the 3D anime world. Best of luck normie :3

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Be an unfaithful atheist then! The choice is yours! Either choose to accept this shitty World and your pointless miserable and painful death or the Eventual 3D Anime Paradise of your dreams. You have the rest of your life to decide user! :) Hopefully you choose wisely.

What if it is user?

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Projecting much, user? You're implying that I'm some bee yourself instagram girl. Life doesn't have to be as agonizing as you think it is. You need to take some mushrooms or study zen bhuddism or something. Live a life ozen would be proud of, rather than moping about her.

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OP you clueless fuck look up lucid dreaming you can get what you desire in this life too you know.

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"I'm not exactly what I just said I was user" Shut the fuck up normie. You had me good there for the first few post but your not a robot and do not belong here. You reek of fucking bait now faggot.

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No you can't newfag! Get the fuck off this board RIGHT NOW! Normies and thier "thinking" PISS ME THE FUCK OFF AND GRIND MY GEARS! Tell me to stop projecting as you double standard fuckers spew your projecting and bossy "Life tips" around. FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!

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nevertheless, anime heaven is epistemologically bankrupt. you live in the world, user. you're made of flesh and blood just like the other animals.

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>still no new fucking chapter
>mia thread appearing on Jow Forums of all places

Tsukushi better hurry up before we all kill ourselves.

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What are you even bitching about? You really are clueless.

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HAHAHAAHAH You don't know what happens after death faggot! Don't act like you do and please kill yourself if you are so happy with eternal darkness! FUCK YOU FUCKING NORMIES! I"M FUCKING DONE! SEE YOU WHEN YOU COME HOME FROM WORK TOMORROW FAGGOT!

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he's streaming on nicovideo right now. nice rare nanachi btw

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Ignore this thread dude. The normies hijacked it with their atheist ideals and are now shitting all over the place. Fucking uncultured swines that cant appreciate The masterpiece that is Made In Abyss and the Anime After Death religion.

Source or not happening

No one disputing you is claiming that eternal darkness is the case. There are a lot more ways of looking at consciousness than you think- the brain may be a receiver of content from a higher dimension, and there are a great many different things consciousness could be, whether we restrict it to a determinist physical process or not. The world could be a hallucination or a dream or a simulation or the hundred billion faces of a sleeping god. As monkeys, it is hard for us to gather substantial data in these far flung metaphysical fields, and your anime idea is silly and not a working model.
you need a nicovideo account to see it, just go to the live section. his style is unmistakable, though as of right now the screen is blurred to prevent spoilers.

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Made me laugh. Have another Nanachi, friend. Not sure how rare it is.

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delicious, have a spicy nanachi

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I wonder how many potential /a/nons are lurking this thread. I bet they feel uncomfortable reading this.

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i want to sniff the smug bun

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Glad to see you're ok.

What would you do for Nanachi that is deserving of the sniff, user?

Also I should really go to bed. I said I would study for finals but I've yet to do it and instead am staying up for this autistic shit.

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I would do anything almost to rub my face on nanachi's belly. I wouldn't kill someone, though.

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I'm sure there isn't much point to me posting the images of Nanachi I have saved knowing that I'm talking to an enthusiast; your folder is probably far more vast than mine. I hope you find something that comes close to that kind of happiness.

I don't think I'm the only one who was surprised that Nanachi was going to be such an important character. I feel like the end of this arc will leave Nanachi out of the squad. You're going to have to let go, user.

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I'm not that dedicated, I just like a good bun. I'm gonna sleep now, goodnight user and may you be visited by good sleep

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It was comfy talking to you. I hope I never see you again on this god forsaken board. It'd be better that way.

Sleep tight, user.

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