This is the average young American white "male" in 2018

This is the average young American white "male" in 2018.

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fembots btfo for all time

Wish that pizza was me ol' trouser snake >:S

I'd sneak my cock right up his bellend

looks like a Carina

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if only tho, that's a future I can look forward to

>walk outside
>see dickgirl walking dog in booty shorts, head sneaking out , she winks at you
>walk to supermarket
>traps in muscle car honk horn passing you and flash bussy laughing gayly
>buy basedamilk
>check out
>cashier is qt femboi
>writes number on receipt and touches your hand

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who can stand behind this?

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No healthy individual, its my perverse dystopian world. And im entitled to it.

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I for one welcome this future full of girl penis

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Now this is the kind of future I can look forward to

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I will help you make it a reality user!

> this is the average
please post proof to support your baseless claims faggot

>I will help you make it a reality user!

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sneakyposting is abstract af and has been spammed on other boards
i'm glad Jow Forums hasn't been completely taken over by transgenders arguing though. there's a sneaky thread on /lgbt/ and the whole thread is arguing over whether he should transition or not

it's a mad mad mad mad world

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By walking my dog in booty shorts :3

I thought he was straight. Did that change? I haven't followed the league scene in years.

Slappin' that meat like a nigga on wheelzz

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What kind of dog do you have? Can I see?

What a fucking abomination. Damn that's really disgusting.

Yes, pineapple on pizza should be banned everywhere

How much money is that in facepaint? Does he do office parties as a clown or only birthday partys?

Sorry, I don't have any pics on my laptop and my phone is dead

And it's a good thing! The future is female

what makes you think ze isn't straight, are you assuming zer sexual orientation??

Would bite his neck and fuck his ass and then take a train to some congested part of the city and wistfully smoke a few while regretting, self hating and world hating

FTFY you fucking bigot

Sneaky doesn't identify as female, you faggot cuck.

Is it a cute dog?

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Yes! He is a very good, cute dog! :3

She's thinn

Not yet, but the tranny seed is sow in his corrupted mind

What did you name him, user?

Sigge, do you have a pet user?

He is straight.

Are you saying straight heterosexual boys cannot do a little dress up? How close-minded are you?

Newfags are so much gayer than b4

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No, I like leopard geckos and kittens though

Good choice :3

I think so. So where are you from, nonny?

I'm Swedish anonny

Thats realIy far away

oh no user :( where are you from?

funfact:if you give estrogen and testosterone blockers to somebody who is biologically male at a young age then they grow up to look exactly like women.

testosterone causes a boys face to grow distinctively male and estrogen makes a biological woman's face become distinctively female. and switching it get re puberty gives the same result regardless of biological sex

all those ugly trannies who look like men in a dress where just unpucky to grow up around now.

in the future because of medication, almost all trannies that grow up in this day and age not the older ugly ones, will look exactly like women.

pic related of a biological male who got on tranny meds at a young age and doesnt look male.

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Dont laugh, pls. America

oh :( dreams crushed

aye seppo i got your greasy pizza right here ya dumb mutt, better show me dat dolmio grin after

>mfw i wont get to go on walks with you and Siggie

>funfact:if you give estrogen and testosterone blockers to somebody who is biologically male at a young age then they grow up to look exactly like women.
They won't grow up at all because they'll hang themselves at 17 when they realize they've permanently fucked up their body and life

America is going forward, I'm proud of you muricans.

Why did I cum wtf?

Are you honestly saying you'd penetrate his urethra?

Cant wait for those traps to turn 18 and start getting into porn. Top tier trap porn is soon

I want to see the future filled with legitimately hot dickgirls and cuntbois. That shit would be fun.

This is your average league of legends streamer

>those big bony male knees

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There's no way a normal straight male puts insomuch effort to do sexy cosplays.

Don't worry user, I will take good care of him for both you and me :3

he's been caught watching trap porn on stream once already
shit quality pic cause taken from some clickbait yt video but you get the picture

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