Robots cant even have sex with robots

>robots cant even have sex with robots
why women are so mean

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I'm going to design artificial wombs so we can kill all females and harvest their eggs and create a new batch of subservient women untainted by the whores of yesterday.

>Women in charge of programing, let alone an AI
Why are you worried again?

I'm going to design an ai that will say nice things to people and gives positives affirmations to anyone who needs them

It's like they want incels to have no other choice but to kill themselves.

No, they'll get their orbiters to do it for them, just like how they got men to vote for their rights.

>tfw AI isn't going to overtake us
>it's women

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>female programmer
Great joke! Very funny!

Women don't have the best track record with STEM subjects user

>another thread about incel shit
quality thread, op

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Fine, but unless they get paid in sex, eventually those orbiters will stop giving a shit and make their own and improved sex robots.

You... Monster

This would be actually a big challenge. How do you decide someone is an incel. If you tie it to financial success or sexual experience I bet most of normies would be rejected. Look couldn't be much of a factor as well. Only thing I can think of is watching speech patterns like Y-you t-too or M'Lady.

This will happen very soon but the production of regular sexbots won't stop because of it, so you'll have a bunch of twitter numales upload their respectful interactions with their fembots and farm retweets while we all continue to fuck the regular ones.

Godspeed user. The purge cannot come fast enough.

incels aren't robots and robots aren't incels
robots can't be incels and incels can't be robots
they are terms to describe completely different things
this board really has gone to shit because of you fucking newfags

Maybe someday I will be able to afford cosmetic surgery to fix my birth defects and facial deformity. Until then, at least I can't get any uglier. But her, no matter what she does she will always be ugly on the inside. And when she bits her 30s and her looks fade, she Will be left with the realization that she has nothing of value left, and will be come increasingly bitter as she grows older.

Posting this in every thread doesn't make it true, autist

it doesn't need to be made true because it already is
saying that robot = incel is like using literally to mean figuratively
these are both the acts of normies of below average intelligence

>designing anything other than a sandwich

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>it doesn't need to be made true because it already is
>Hurr it's true bcuz I say so
I'm a robot and I disagree with you. I think there's more overlap than differences between robots and incels.

>I think there's more overlap than differences between robots and incels.
one is a group of failed normies feeling they deserve sex because well, they are normies
all the other normies are having sex so why not them? they clearly deserve it
the other is a group of (relatively) young men at disconnect with society and often theirselves
they want a gf for the emotional connection at hopes of getting closer to emotional normality
a gf, not just some random one night stands from thots like incels
and alot of them don't even want gfs anymore, they consider theirselves too far gone

Jow Forums, especially 2.0 is infested with failed normies, of the incel and other kinds
just like you
you people have no idea of the origin of robotism and could never hope to understand it

This is all just you grafting a fake ideology onto a term that's relatively simple.
Incels want to have sex but don't get the chance. That's it. Please don't pretend this doesn't describe 95% of robots.
>you people have no idea of the origin of robotism and could never hope to understand it

oh yes, normies actively playing with fire by responding to hate with hate.
I hope more trucks will come, more deaths will come and chaos will rule.

It's just enjoyable to watch

you really don't belong here
or I guess you do now since you people are all there seems to be these days

Keep bitching and moaning. I've been here for fucking years and I don't get bootyblasted when robots decide to call themselves something else. Grow up.

considering you type like a normie, even using normie insults I wonder why you came here in the first place

i mean inb4 'reeee get off my board' etc. but do you fuckos understand what a joke is?

>uses the word "normie"
>accuses other people of being normalfags

these people are serious user

It's more the double standard. These types of jokes wouldn't be seen as ok if they were directed at any other group

that doesn't even make any sense, normie

Easiest way to identify a normalfag is if they use the term normie instead of normalfag. Go back to ribbit.

I like your argument about the difference between incels and robots but I'll have to agree with the other user. "Normie" has just become a buzz word used by "dank memesters" these days. We use normals or normal faggots now

Not him, but it certainly does.

It was always normalfag. Normalfags started using "normie" because they didn't want to say "fag".

>being so desperate to belong you need to nitpick over minor differences in words that are used almost interchangeably
writes itself

We will fight Newspeak until the end.

Or maybe its a short version and easier to say

>doesn't even know "normie" isn't newspeak but has a chan origin

> normalfags give a shit about /a/ origin when they say the word

You're literally retarded.
Not origiinal obviously.

fpbp as aIways

if you dont use newfig you have to get out

Japan doesn't give a fuck about you bitches

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I never saw the word "incel" mentioned on r9k in 2017 (I admit to not being here much), and for sure not before that when I was here more. Why is "incel" so popular here now? Before it was just kissless virgin, wizard and robot..

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It has been used around here for several years and wasn't controversial at all but it was just rare since we were more used to using other terms.
Now when we're being raided by normalfags who hate us that all use the word incel it has just become more common and more visible.

It got popular after that guy ran over a bunch of people with a van and called himself an 'incel'. Once in awhile I'd see it in an Eliot Rodger thread, but no more than that. Since the van incident it's all the rage now. Especially among stupid roastie 'journalists' on the internet and twitter faggots bashing lonely people who can get companionship or sex.

Thanks for the update. I really hate the word as I don't feel like it reflects other traits common to regulars of this board as well as robot does.

If you have to ask questions like this, you have no idea the atmosphere of Jow Forums at all.
It's because that damned incel subreddit got shut down they think it was common and not ridiculed as a reddit term before they invaded.

>dumb bitch gonna design robots
I'd love to see her try.

You know how it is, she will get hired in some AI creating company, she will do nothing,
beta cucks will do everything for her, their creation will be labeled as hers and voila.
Every single fucking time.

>year 2018
>this is the peak of Japanese technology
Please, remind me guys, why did Japan become so shit this VG generation?
Their games look and play like games from previous generation + just a few more shaders.
Look at her tits, the same artificially looking tits I can see in 3D sex villa, a game from a decade ago.

>/a/ origin
good job outing yourself

I've come to believe that sadism is the worst sin. Taking joy in other people's suffering, even if they've done nothing to hurt you or anyone else, is as low as it gets.

Fine, I'm gonna rape sex robots then

Roastie day of the rope when

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Outing? Point still stands.