How broke are you?
How broke are you?
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I don't have a cent to my name.
Used to have more but it's been a long time since I've worked.
where you from bucko?
France origniaglgzklgzlly
$100 in checking, $450 in savings. My shitty job has been shitting on me hard lately so I've basically been a NEET for the past few months. I want another job but the job I have is really easy and I don't have to do much.
Also I'd love a full time job that doesn't suck dick/isn't in food.
I only have 1000.. I need to pay my bills and mortgage.. Im fucked.
40$ in bank 125$ on stocks
interestingly when a thread asks r9k to do something pretty much only an adult can do, there are barely any replies
I've been spending too much lately. Only something like 50k in cash and another 50k in stocks.
Look into manufacturing jobs.
Nowhere I've worked in that field has required that you have more than a high school diploma. Usually an entry level position would be somewhere that is hiring for assembly positions, a lot of the nig nogs around me do that because again, it doesn't require a shiny resume or work history and tends to pay a decent amount more than minimum wage.
originally meant for you user
Not very broke at all.
Thanks! I dunno how much manufacturing goes on where I live though but I'll keep it in mind.
2900 innabank, 500 in a separate credit union account. After bills this month it'll be around an even 3000
Oh, here's a rule for this thread:
No bitcoin balances, nobody gives a shit about your faggy currency
About 3k. Considering I'm NEET that's pretty good.
Or, just take an online CADD course and get paid twice as much to do the drawings...You have to be to bitch of the engineers, but you are always someone's bitch if you do not own your own business.
I'm 3000 in debt with no job and 1100 in the bank. How fucked am I?
40k stocks 57k cash 20k pretend but im old so still counts as broke
That doesn't require college? Just a certificate?
it's truly a mystery why you're making threads about being broke in 2018
$100 in bank, entire life savings in bitcoin
Didn't see your rule but i still dont care
Aren't you afraid that it might crash again?
I spent my last dollar on a big gulp (only $1.19 where I live) not 3 hours ago.
Could be worse I guess
This is original
>tfw could live the rest of my life happy if I had 20k
>tfw people sit around with 200k+ doing nothing in their accounts
>thinking 20k will last for the rest of your life
are you 15?
i wish someone would hire me
>le kid card
Why do you faggots always assume someone is immature if they say something that doesn't align with your world view?
I dont even have a bank account but I have about $70 in my wallet
i can't even afford a pack of cigs and i get paid in two weeks.
i think i have to borrow some cash from my parents or something.
I doubt it's just your world view, please explain how you can live happily for the rest of your life with 20k
vandwelling nigger
Im a NEET living at home making more than working and paying rent, bills and food.
Have about $2k in one bank account, $2k in another, $2-3k in crypto that used to be worth $6k.
That's literally all the money to my name though.
>be me, crippled in poverty
>get credit card
>buy PC and VR headset
>make VR games
>having released products, though relatively 'meh' in quality (keeping in mind I was a neet and never had any education other than practice), leads into getting jobs
>pay off my credit card debt with new job in 2 months
>now making money
Feels decent man.
>tfw checking bank account more and more as the numbers improve whereas before I was scared to check my accounts
Half of it was working hard, half of it was getting lucky.
I am unbelievably happy.
>be me
>literal autistic retard with OCD
>have to stim (pace, handflap, spin)
>can mostly pose as normal but I have to do these for several hours in my room to avoid having sensory overload etc. meltdowns in public
>currently living with (((a landlord))) 40 minutes away from school who charges me 800 dollars a month
>for a room with rats, no kitchen, a laundry sink for dishes, a bathroom with carpeting and the privileges of her regular lecturing, verbal abuse, threats against my security deposit for infractions such as lint, and her snooping through my shit
>lease ends in June
>looking for places
>can't find anything within the price range of my earnings that is not an hour away from class, a place where I can stim, or bedbug free
>find a place 50 minutes away that's cheap and stimmable
>piles of applications, have to print off my paystub and get references ( a professor found my request funny and I spaghetti'd)
>find another place
>rent would take all my earnings
>no money for food
>ask my mom for help
>she agrees
>but I feel insanely guilty because she already had a heart attack, works full time and baby sits her parents who live with her 24/7
>terribly ashamed but I am desperate
>still keep browsing out of habit
>find a place for 700 dollars
>aka under my budget
>huge room with hardwood floor
>no distressing carpeting
>aka stim heaven
>three Stacey roommates with whom to share a kitchen
>it looks clean
>mom asks if I would be okay sharing a kitchen
>I just cooked a years meals in a laundry sink and a hot plate because the upstairs kitchen was kosher
Don't worry anons, totally made bacon up there.
>nothing could be worse than that
>lots of natural lighting for my plants
>closer to school by 20 minutes
>even the Staceys seem nice
>slightly weirded by how sweaty and a awkward I am, but they offered to help me move in and sent me a super cute thank you note for the brownies I made my new flatmates landlords are old Asian people who struggle with English but who seem grumpy but well meaning enough
>they were genuinely horrified by my (((current situation)))
>the new place is beside a Church, several nature trails, a ravine, and botannical gardens I like to visit already
I am unbelievably happy.
Anyway, keep trying anons. I've definitely been there, OP.
$5 in the bank, $20 in my wallet, $20 of gas in the tank
I'm staying as long I can today with my parents for free food.
Much more broke than you are, asshole.
So much money yet i feel no different
>tfw stacking that autismbux
650 in main account
895 in savings
I'm debating whether to blow the savings on more computer parts or to keep saving.
350 bucks to my name.
I buy shit for my projects everytime i get some money.
Currwnt build and parts yoyre upgrading? Id say wait for memory prices to drop and the new gpus to release
What projects?
i checked yesterday: 5euros(4$)
i dont have a job, my mom is poor and im living in a different city attending university.
Im fucked r9k
I'm going to be paying off my student loans in a couple months.
Current stuff: i7 2600k, 1080, 16gb RAM.
I'm like to get a new motherboard, new CPU and upgrade to DDR4. Would also like a new smaller case and to try an AIO cooler.
everything from raspberry pi projects to other random shit i 3d print and build. Do lots of printing for friends and their projects aswell.
My hobbies are a bit to expensive for me since i cant get a real job. But i live in neet country so i get a decent welfare check considering.
Imo wait for zen3. Z370 is already a dead chipset so no point buying into it. Dont go aio man, theyre a meme
Thats cool, im considering getting a raspberry pi 3 b+ but i cant think of a whole lot of practical uses for it
home automation is a nice everlasting niche with raspberry\arduinos.
I mainly use it for environmental control in the projects where i need it. I avoid over complicating projects as much as possible. Since they get real expensive once i start buying lots of sensors and such.
Raspberry has an easy to learn interface and has lots of turtorials, why i like it. Not educated in the topic so i need some youtube to hold my hand for the most of it.
People really are broke these days huh? I got about 5k to my name but that is still broke tier in my eyes considering I didn't have 500 the beginning of February
I got like maybe 60 dollars spread across my bank account, paypal and cash/change.
Y'all a buncha rich cunts
I have 5k$ savings, but I'm yuropoor. I'm saving up for a flat, for which this is still basically nothing, need about 10x more. Living with parents at 27.
>better than debt i guess
not like I won't get a nice amount eventually[\spoiler]
I had 10k but I spent it all on a girl over a few years so now I'm broke
Current full time student.
$4,000 in checking.
$2,500 available credit.
$10,000 I'm student loans.
1,700 in bank account.
20,000 in savings.
32,000 in past student loans
125,000 credit available in current student loans
So I'm negative networth, fun times.
>$20641 in savings
>$6700 in debt
I'm okay, no source of income at the moment though.
havent had money in almost two months, tried getting a job but the manager fucked me over and wasnt paying me
fuck this shit
How did you cook meals for a years worth lmao
broke right now because haven't received money from dad in months :^(
Become a doorman
i dont even have a bank account. i wonder if im legally dead
i have like 8000 euros
why dont you pay off your debt with your savings?