> Paki
> Not a muslim but still wash myself 5 times a day due to what the religion taught me growing up
> Actually use water and a bidet to clean my ass while you filthy fucks use dry paper wipes. Shit cakes.
> Go to San Francisco
> Has access to toiletry unlike India but still see shit on the streets
> No excuse for the filthiness
> Half of the population smells
> Half of the population is butt fuck ugly in silicon valley
> Millionaires going to clubs and still getting rejected due to poor looks and game
> One night stand every time I go out
Other urls found in this thread:
>One night stand every night i go out
> One night stand every time I go out
hookers and rape don't count
Cope 1
Cope 2
this thread is a good look into the mind of shitskins
>thinks cuckfornians are Americans
San Francisco is basically a third world shithole, please don't lump it in with the rest of this beautiful country. God bless the USA.
All of Europe plus North America plus Australia wipes their filthy ass butts with dry ass toilet paper, allowing shit to cake. The filth is astounding, might I say, from predominantly white countries as well (only saying this because most people are racist on this board, so wanted the racists to get a taste of their own medicine).
Read Also,
New Jersey: bbc.com
Honestly I wash my ass with soap in my shower every time I take a shit, and I live in bumfuck nowhere USA, what's your point paki?
>Shitskin with a complex trying to cope
Imagine moi shawk
Most people in the West don't. My point is people from the West are filthier than you think and not all brown people smell like shit. I bet you didn't know Pakis wash themselves a day and just assumed Pakis = Indians = Hispanics = any other race you hate.
Coming from a white incel who calls his race superior yet hasn't seen the inside of a pussy his entire life. LOL.
This. I shit and then shower every morning and I live in a climate that doesn't cause me to sweat all day. This Paki's idea of "cleanliness" is to splash a bit of water on his face.
Wow, a couple of people shower every time they shit. Therefore, all Americans/Europeans/Australians must be doing the same!
>Coping this hard
I don't blame you. Must suck having to move to a better country than your own.
>go to country
>complain about country
>continue to live in said country
Who said I hate America? I love America. I just hate the racists on this board from the few times I have visited it who presume all brown people smell and treat them like trash.
Shitskins in a nutshell.
No, I don't assume Pakis are Indians, and I dont assume someone smell an like shit based on their skin color, in judge them based on the fact that they smell like shit. The bad Indians have smelled like curry and BO, not shit.
Google what a 'strawman' is. I never said anything about hating America. Low IQ post.
sometimes I wonder why pakis are so obsessed with this. But then I think I would also need to wash that often if I was just doing curry shits all day
Good for you that you don't assume that. I am glad but you are a rarity.
Delet this thread behan chod and get off my board
>All white people are like this but how DARE you think all brown people are like this
I don't need to since you've been propping them up since you started this thread
>I love the country I just hate the people
The people are the country to a massive extent, and it'll show as it gets less and less white.
Never said all white people are like anything. Again, google strawman.
come on. you know that's not true. don't you remember poo in the loo? india is a festering hole. I've encountered plenty of smelly pakis. That is not a race hate thing. its just a thing. and its weird.
>who said I hate America
Literally no one, dipshit. Maybe learn the language before coming here. That being said you make some real big claims about populations and then act as if "racists" are so bad for making some real big claims about populations.
Never said I hate the people. Again, google 'strawman' and come back when you learn how to make a coherent point.
>m-muh strawman!
>D-don't call out my glaring hypocrisy
Get over that chip on your shoulder.
Italian here and I wash my ass every time i shit
I'm speaking and understanding English very well, probably better than you. Also, stop using the phrase 'before coming here' as if land is somehow entitled to you. You were born to ancestors who happened to have conquered this country out of sheer luck. You had no part in it.
>Lol white people stink and use dry ass toilet paper
Look I found the strawman
why do so many paki/indian women have beards?
>People should just give up their land because they only inherited it
If we actually listened to scum like you, we'd all be dead by now.
i'm an white european and i can tell this is true. Black muslims literally brough the bath concept to europe. occident is a shithole and you should stop being racist pieces of absolute shit
This thread is hilarious, it's just some butt devastated shitskin being trying to be racist and getting called out for it.
My sides are in orbit
I'd call you out for samefagging but I buy into Eurofags being this cucked. Enjoy your beheading.
>I'm speaking and understanding English very well,
Yes which is why you misread my post and then asked a pointless question.
>inheritance does not exist
What the fuck? People strive to better not only their own lives, but their children's lives, and their people's lives. Saying "you had no part in it" is retarded.
Also nice attempt at trying to steer away from having to address your hypocrisy.
bidets are objectively unsanitary and there's a reason the civilized world had them and moved on from them in the 19th century
unless properly disinfected after each use (which we know you fucks don't do, if ever), it's a hot bed for harmful bacteria
besides that, water pressure simply isn't enough to scrape off all the shit in most cases. using bidets + toilet paper (or towels you wash after each use) is an acceptable alternative, and is in fact superior to toilet paper alone
but bidets on their own are the worst option
personal note, the number of pajeets absolutely enamored with their medieval-tier version of hygiene has only increased my disgust for your kind. it was one thing to believe you were gross simply because you didn't know better, it's another to see you genuinely believe your barbaric practices are superior
how sad must it be that you compare the best of your country to the worst of america (which is itself the worst of white places)
>a paki
lmao look at this dude
>with a superiority complex
>about cleanliness and not being a shitskin
im samefagging for saying my opinion and agreeing with op, okay
>this exact same thread on Jow Forums
fuck off
>Not just using baby wipes
Ahahahahahaha the absolute STATE of this board
I use wet toilet paper wipes. I did not mention anything about hating white people. I also did not mention anything about inheritance not existing. This entire thread is a cesspool of strawmen. Anyone who agrees with my overall points is called a "cuck". LOL. No wonder you all are incels.
I do also use a bidet sometimes, but it's not the kind of bidet you think of.
>You own NOTHING whitey this ain't YOUR country
All you've been doing is lash out at whitey while crying that you're being strawmanned when you're just having your own stupidity reflected back towards you.
Low IQ comment.
Wow, brown "people" are pathetic THAT much?
>Also, stop using the phrase 'before coming here' as if land is somehow entitled to you. You were born to ancestors who happened to have conquered this country out of sheer luck.
I am entitled to the fruits of my ancestors labor. You are not entitled to my homeland. Die, shitskin.
>Copes with being a shitskin
>claims others cope
>thinks "cope" is an argument
>there are "people" that reply to bait and don't sage
Come one guys
>Europe plus North America plus Australia wipes their filthy ass butts with dry ass toilet paper, allowing shit to cake.
That's not how toilet paper works, pujeet. The shit is removed.
>The filth is astounding, might I say, from predominantly white countries as well
Compared to your shithole country, it is not.
>(only saying this because most people are racist on this board, so wanted the racists to get a taste of their own medicine).
If that's your only logic for doing this, then your claims have no basis in fact.
>Not a muslim but still wash myself 5 times a day due to what the religion taught me growing up
And it's STILL not enough to wash away that paki stench.
> Go to San Francisco
> Has access to toiletry unlike India but still see shit on the streets
(((San Francisco))) isn't representative of whites or white countries.
>One night stand every time I go out
Get the fuck out, normalfag. This is an incel board.
Aleast Americans can poo in the loo
As an American, I can confirm that yes, we do in fact have designated shitting streets.
Low IQ non argument, and Reddit phrase. Go back
Your worse than him lad, that's all I'm going to say
i'm bengali and i was raised to clean my butt with water and soap and stuff every time i pooped but i still think its better to just use toilet paper
if you use toilet paper, you run the risk of having a little bit of poop in your butthole, but if you're washing your butt with your hands every time you take a dump no matter how much you wash your hands afterwards you always have a chance of having a small amount of poop on your hand.
so its basically a chance of having poop on your butthole which doesn't touch anything, vs the chance of having poop on your hands which touches everything
thats probably why typhus rates were so high in india and shit
>I use wet toilet paper wipes.
No, you use a bidet, as you mentioned in OP. Stop backpedaling.
>I did not mention anything about hating white people. I also did not mention anything about inheritance not existing.
You didn't have to. You implied them through your moronic logic.
why did i say typhus, i meant to say typhoid
Pajeet here wash my ass with washlet and later dry it with toilet paper.
This is one of the most autistic bait threads I've been in a long time it was fun to watch but I'm already getting 3rd degree retardo burns and OP you are one sly motherfucker
I can't get rid of the feeling my ass is clean even when it is after I use baby wipes seriously how do you do it
what ever happened to washing hands. this whole thing is ridiculous. unless you are taking monsterous watery shits then paper is more than adequate to get it off. adding simple water to the mix isn't going to make it any less of a bacteria ridden place. and even then. Christ, its an anus. you aren't eating with it. nobody is going to smell anything from it unless they are inches away. and presumably in that situation you would actually have gave that area a wash.
they all just want to feel superior because they know we realise what a dirty race they are ( I have done hygiene inspections in takeaway restaurants and Indians are by far the most disgusting)
You wash your ass 5 times a day? Why? You shitting a bit too much there pakjeet.
You might have some serious stomach bug.
You come from a muslim country.
>no booze
>no music
>no woman unless arranged.
Dont tell me you guys play with your a holes all day for fun. You guys are fucked up.
Oh and you splash some water on your bum how you know its even clean Pakjeet.