If being incel is actually a choice then so is poverty.
If you hate one you must hate the other to be consistent.
If being incel is actually a choice then so is poverty
expecting the ruling class to be consistent
well, it's true both are the largely product of self destructive habits that the suffers refuse to make an effort to change, so yeah.
liberate the incel and the working man!
Lookup the definition of the word incel , idiot.
Think for at least a second before posting. Or at least don't be so aggressive about being wrong.
The most popular thing that the raiding normalfags are saying is that being an incel is not involuntary but actually a result of choosing to not make yourself more attractive.
I obviously know that it means involuntarily celibate you fucking retard. You'd have to be extremely stupid to not see that from the way I framed my post. The point was that if it's like the normalfags and it's actually a choice then with the same logic being poor must be a choice too.
spoiler alert: normalfaggots also hate the poors!
>Involuntary celibate
The people saying inceldom is a choice are trolls, you could make an argument that the shit reddit sub that started all this drama were only partially incels since for many of them their celibacy was (through lack of action or high standards) voluntary.
They think poorly of them but don't hate them like incels. Also the normalfags who think that it's someone else's fault when someone is poor still hate incels and think it's their own fault.
>through lack of action
>you haven't even asked any girls out
>you haven't even applied for any jobs
>you haven't even improved your looks or social skills
>you haven't even learnt any valuable skill
Exactly the same logic.
Not that I agree per se, but a lot of (right-wing) normies will actually say that poverty is a choice.
Yeah this was more directed to the ones who think that one is your own fault and the other isn't.
Absolutely both are a choice and a result of poor choices in the past, or sheer laziness.
Just lift heavy objects and eat less/more. Jesus Christ its not that hard
Although it's involuntary getting laid is incredibly easy
Just don't be like pic related and you will be drowning in pussy.
>Poverty is a result of choice
>Not asking girls out is the same as not improving yourself in fundamental ways
You're assuming that people are capable of improving themselves past a certain point, this is like assuming a computer can upgrade it's hardware by downloading software. The real incels are people who are ugly, short, and usually on the spectrum with some kind of serious crippling social disorder. Bottom feeders literally incapable of changing themselves who no woman considers as a potential mate. If you're 5'4 and have whiny voice and a stutter learning a skill will not make you a potential mate and improving your looks is beyond many peoples capacity.
This is very different from never asking out any girls which is an activity change. It's like the difference between a person not getting a tech job because they didn't apply for any tech jobs and a person not getting a tech job because they're literally retarded.
>Getting laid is incredibly easy
It's just as incredibly easy as just learning a skill that will get you a good job. This is why it's hypocrisy to say that one is a choice and the other isn't.
>Hello, Stacy McRostbeef. You want some companionship? Some confidence?
>I ... I'm not bad looking
>Cold now too, doesn't it.
>Why don't you get a gf? If you are so thirsty for companionship, why won't you get a gf?
>I lost my confidence.
>You're not urself? Is that's why you lost it?
>insider trading? Just joking. What's your name?
>Speak up, come on!
>Get a god damn gf Wojak. You've got a negative attitude. that's what stopping you. You've got to get your act together. I'll help you.
>You are so kind! You're kind! So kind! You're kind man!
>It's ok.
>Please you've got to tell me what to do! I'm so lonely. I have no will to live.
>You know how desperate you are. You reek of virgin. Wojak, I'm sorry. I don't know. I don't have anything in common with you. You know what a fucking looser you are?
*stab* *stab* *dog whimper*
They say that you could theoretically do enough to compensate for any disadvantage. Just get very fit, get very good social skills, just get a big social circle where you'll meet a lot of people, just dress well and every other thing you could think of.
It's like how some people could have very bad disadvantages but could just study every waking hour, get great social skills if they don't have them, get connections from having so many friends and so on.
They'll say that it's completely your own fault that you didn't do enough to make yourself desirable, regardless of how difficult it would be.
Then it must be true for poor people too. People with every kind of disadvantage that makes people poor have become rich so no matter how bad it is, you could fix it.
Obviously you can't say that one is a choice and the other isn't.
Otherwise pretty good
You're so close but so far. I truly hope you ascend past brainlethood one day, user.
This pic gave me a chilling thought.
The politicians or Congress, lobbyists more importantly, will never help sad depressed millennials by passing bills that seek to and then because they want a new group to pander to.
I'm sorry guys. It's gotta suck to be a 25+ virgin neet and hopelessly depressed.
And I don't mean govt appt gf I mean good health care and other gibbs u guys need. I don't mind some of my taxes going to my bris
*Seek to help and aid them
It feels like how it is in university for me. I dedicate most of my time to study the material, but because I'm pretty slow and not necessarily the brightest, I fail most of my exams. Even when I pass an exam, I usually just barely pass. My peers all seem to pass with less time spent on studying, but all assume that I'm just being lazy.
They also seem to think I'm being too negative and that I'll pass all of my exams if I just think positive.
I'm not trying to blog post, but my point is that it doesn't seem to matter what it is, normies will always blame you because "it worked for them, so why wouldn't it work for you".They don't care about your problems and never will because they don't need to.
>They don't care about your problems because they don't need to
That's fucked up but yeah, whenever I tried to talk about serious problems I had with my family or occasional friends there would always be "don't say that about yourself" or "you're too hard on yourself" or other generic catchphrases to make me feel good. If someone is suicidal for example, people will just give him meme advice because to not treat someone who is depressed in a positive manner would be risky on a personal level even if it's what that person needed. Even close friends won't have the same insight into your own mind that you do from living in it for your entire life, most will at best deny the ugly aspects of your soul as meaningless self-deprecation.
Actually helping someone requires being willing to address ideas that you may not be comfortable with and often takes personal risk and investment. People will sugar you up with good feels and sleep sound at night confident that they did the "right" thing by being emotionally selfish.
But often not. Same with incels.
>They say that you could theoretically do enough to compensate for any disadvantage. Just get very fit, get very good social skills, just get a big social circle where you'll meet a lot of people, just dress well and every other thing you could think of.
>It's like how some people could have very bad disadvantages but could just study every waking hour, get great social skills if they don't have them, get connections from having so many friends and so on.
>They'll say that it's completely your own fault that you didn't do enough to make yourself desirable, regardless of how difficult it would be.
And the beauty of it is that since the whole idea of "just improve yourself" is so vague as to be meaningless, the person telling you to do it never has to admit that maybe it doesn't hold up, because there's always one more thing you could be doing. No matter what you do, you can always theoretically do more. There's no point at which they'll say you've "made it" and that if you're not getting what you want, it's not your fault. People who give that kind of "advice" would have you go chasing after a phantom and then tell you it's your fault for never catching it.