my sister is turning 12 soon and i dont want her to become a thot. she is already developing proto-thot tendencies. how do i kill the monster in its' crib?
Advice for a concerned brother
Molest her and scar her for life
uhh shit. the best you could do is be a guiding hand. no matter what i say it will come off as pedo shit so just do what you think is right. fuck with her thot friends. give her interests beyond thottery and it will all work out
That's right!! You've got to DESTROY HER user... SEXUALLY! Oh my goddddddddd stick it in there and UNF UNF UNF DE LA UNF UNF DE LA UNF! I'm high as FUCK right now holy shit tutti fruition I'm in a fucking high ass condition! Man you gotta get high and jack off thinking about her Opie! Yes Indeedle-dee-deed smoke that weedle-dee-deed every God damn diddly day you ninny muggins! I'm high as FUCK!!
Fuck off normalshit. Opie, turn that bitch out.
fucking dipshit. dont listen to this junkie op
Worked for me, now both my sisters are lesbians
>don't listen to this junkie
Obvious normalfag is obvious
Well if you were a good older brother you would've gained her trust and affection by now. Most younger siblings look up to their eldest sibling. So as long you and your father have set good examples of a proper decent man, after she's played the field a bit in high school (meeting with, talking to boys not fucking them) she will know what kind of man to aspire to be with. Also hopefully your parents have talked with her the dangers of casual sex and brought her ip to be a proper young lady. If you haven't already been teaching her how to be a decent human being by now your fucked op. But then again you're posting here so I know she'll become a thot
Back to buzzfe3d for you
You can't do anything. She's a woman, she's can't resist the urge to attract dicks.
Even taking away the fact that it's reprehensible on every level a lot of thots have been or so claim to have been raped in their pubescence. Also fuck off
What would be an interest though? Both of us already play piano and she also plays the violin and is part of a local swim team. Part of the issue is my parents push her a lot and their strictness is inciting her to rebel
go to rehab
Just tell her to calm the fuck down if she loses control. There is nothing else you can do other than that, leave her alone. Shes a own person. Either she will continue to be such an abomination or get punched by reality and learn to be better person eventually. And where are your parents? Arent they supposed to be the ones to guide her to the right path?
never let her go
idk my dude.
jesus it sounds like you live in one of those no fun allowed families. just talk to her, hang out together. meet her friends and all that jazz to make sure she isnt thotting.
I definitely have her affection but each passing year I command less of her respect since my life's being going palpably downhill since graduating highschool. Both my parents are workaholics so when we were younger I often had to take complete care of her, making our meals etc but as a teenager I was pretty lousy and never talked to her about serious issues in lieu of my parents' absence
I'm referring to the ad hominem user used, normalfags like to call people unlike themselves junkies.
In reality us 'junkies' don't care
Thus obvious normalfag is obvious
Back to school with you brainlet
Well if she likes you then there's still time. But explain to her that sadly you are not a good rolemodel and what a real true hard working man with good morals and a strong backbone can provide for her. And you may need to talk with her yourself about sex then if your parents have neglected her as you say. But remember she's only human and a woman so she will make mistakes and this world has been designed to train young girls to be whores. Our society is irreparable and going deeper downhill everyday. Sometimes in certain situations there's nothing you can or could've done so just make sure you've prepared, covered your bases and done all you can while hoping for the best. All women a thousand in some way it's their nature, she will lust for cock it's inevitable but the cock she lusts can be swayed in a more favorable fashion based on her upbringing. Hell you could even make sure she takes birth control and monitor what time she takes it if you want an easier, cop-out quick fix of a way to protect her. But all in all she will always think she knows best and "it muh body I can whore if I want to" media andour corporate govt wanted it that way using their promiscuity as a way to make money. Trust me op the whole world is against you on this one you have to really fight in today's age to achieve what your ayyytemping
>Obvious blank is obvious
Is a gay way to say 'your being obvious" is what I was getting at it's a buzzword type phrase and sounds gay as fuck
wew lad!
your newfag is showing
This, try to get her out of the family strictness by going on non-degenerate activities together. That way, you're sort of prepping her to go on "normal" dates (movies, restaurants, outside stuff) without the constant burden of parental supervision.
Come on dude, have some self respect.
I'll have you know I was trained in a deep underground cia training facility navy seals around the county