This girl turned her life around, whats your excuse?
This girl turned her life around, whats your excuse?
I'm not of the female gender
>above average looks
>is a woman so she has the support of literally everyone
Serious question, should female depression even be taken seriously? I mean is it a waste of time? A woman like this has literally no reason to be depressed.
>those crazy eyes
Jesus Christ I guarantee shes got BPD
what's stopping you from transitioning user?
She gets 2970 upvotes, I get someone telling me to shut the fuck up.
>t. every obese person on r9k
hi somik
I am masculine looking
It's a fucking mental illness. You don't need a "reason" to be depressed, just like you don't need a "reason" to be OCD or schizophrenic or something.
Reminder that there's a difference between "depression" caused by events vs actual depression.
She hurt herself because Chad didn't give her enough attention
shut up Reiko
This picture is sad and appalling at the same time. He looks like he could've been a normal guy.
Now he's tortured and mutilated, a ruined and terrible form of life.
reiko, your rope just got 5 cm higher
How do I motivate myself to self harm
wait a second, if the rope gets higher, that would mean he gets closer to not dying. right?
She can try to hide her cuts but she cant hide that crazy unstable aura she gives off
Good job retard.
A longer rope means the hanging won't work cause it will be slack
I still hate myself and I'm only average looking
If you don't need a reason how do you get it then?
There is a chemical imbalance in the brain which can just randomly happen
wouldn't you say that this imbalance is the reason then?
This website is like overrun with teenagers/normies now, or maybe just really really dumb people.
>what's your excuse?
>you can turn your life around too
>she has a point
>misogynists deserve death
>women have it harder than men
>fembot here
> tortured
> mutilated
Depression is the inbalance
The inbalance is caused for no reason
Therefore depression is caused for no reason
Have you never seen a rope in your entire life (or a knot for that matter)?
>gives a shit about female depression
>uses the word normie
shut the fuck up kike you and i both know very rarely does anyone on this board make a passable tranny in the slightest
You are aware that men commit suicide at three times the rate of women right? Turns out when you spend your life privileged you don't have nearly the same rate of depression
Even on the rare instance a woman does have depression she has more social programs and safety nets than any man
I'm not a woman and therefore my problems are not a facade to have people pay attention to me, they are real.
That's Elliot and his sister
>attractive female stops cutting as a way to attention whore and instead is whoring for attention by telling her """"""tragic story"""""""
Wow what a true heroine!
I look like a fucking orc. An orc in a dress is hardly a good or appealing thing
>8/10 girl "problems"
Nothing to see here.
not every woman is in the same situation as her. it's undeniable that women receive more support for mental health issues than men, but that's no reason for their illness(es) to be taken seriously.
>implying ugly girls have problems
that doesn't refute user's point. yes, men commit suicide at a higher rate and yes, there is more support available for women, but that in no way proves that women cannot suffer from depression.
>2 years out of in patient
>life is in an absoloute state still
God I fucking hate people who brag about shit like that. I despise that shit. Especially that fucking happy sub reddit.
>hahha look at how well Im doing
god I wish that were me
this should actually be illegal
Why? Who gives a fuck about what mentally ill trannies do?
Women rarely ever get to the point of depression that leads to suicide though it is like comparing brainfreeze to migraines
Women barely face any kind of rejection as well which contributes to never having low self-esteem that leads to actual severe depression
That's where you're wrong. They sometimes get rejected by 10/10 Chads
They do. They are just different from guy problems.
t. dating a female clone of myself
Get the fuck out of my threab
Nope. Their issues are lesser and mostly their own fault.
Never ever.
You can't make me.
They can have the same issues as guys, but they'll just never have issues as far as sex and relationships go.
No one loves me and I have nothing to live for.
That's my excuse.
they trick people
Arguable, depending on the location but still, fair enough.
I wish user...
I fucking wish I could.
I'm literally chris-chan tier here if I transitioned.
>whats your excuse?
I don't need to turn my life around. Its okay that I'm a loser, I don't need to be a winner.
Not really even 2/10 girls can get a 10/10 Chad for a lay or a little while and usually they have plenty of beta orbiters to make themselves feel better
>Arguable, depending on the location
Sure, if you life in bumfuck nowhere, you'll have to settle for whatever is there, but in any somewhat urban area you won't have to.
>women get rejected by Chad
>men get rejected by average women
>women dont get attention from the people they want
>men dont get attention at all
>men have low standards
>women have high ones
The list goes on and on but the point is already clear
Thank you user,
t. not meme depressed user
Go back to reddirt dumbass
I meant that the first part is arguable. In some places women have crazy advantages in a lot of areas, not just sex and relationships
t. Redditer abomination
I'm still dating a girl with the same mental issues.
I agree that women live life on easy mode, just saying that some issues can be shared.
>when you spend your life privileged you don't have nearly the same rate of depression
then why do 1st world countries have the highest rate of suicide??
you're implying that rejection is the cause of depression when that's simply not true. there are plenty of environmental factors that can lead to depression, as well as being predisposed to mental health issues. if rejection is the sole cause of a person's "depression", i'd argue that it's not depression in the first place.
>then why do 1st world countries have the highest rate of suicide??
that's actually not true
>Women earn more money than men until around 30 when they quit the workforce to be SAHM
>'Women are wonderful effect' is a psychological term you might want to get familiar with
>One third as likely to commit suicide or suffer from learning disabilities
>Overall make 70% of income due to the first point but spend twice as much on consumer goods wonder how that happens?
>Have shelters and almost all social programs designed specifically with women in mind
>Have ever right a man has and still have advocacy groups fighting for more
>Government run advocacy groups like NOW
>Are not viewed as disposable
>Selective service
>Initiates 90% of divorces and gets awarded 98% of alimony settlements
Yeah bro it's just sex
>wahh im going to cut myself because no Chad wants to commit to me
>*ignores the hundreds of betas willing to be her lifetime provider*
I never said it was just sex man. Did you reply to the wrong post or something?
>There is a chemical imbalance in the brain which can just randomly happen
That's still a theory with no actual evidence behind it
> i'd argue that it's not depression in the first place.
That's exactly the point I am trying to make
not deserving of a reply desu
>being this fucking stupid
Youve got to be a woman because you are incapable of seeing the connections between ideas. Its like talking to a child
care to explain what part of my post you disagree with?
good on her
I have family that loves me.