Life is really boring

Life is really boring

Attached: boring.gif (220x276, 59K)

So then do something

I wonder if the capability for imagination coupled with no social interaction to keep daydreaming away is the true punishment of the robot. You imagine better worlds all day while stuck in this boring shithole, but you can never have them.


very original comment

>Life is boring
>Do something
>Still bored
You solved nothing

Exactly, what's the point of living if you can't be a superhero who will solve every problem in the world, or travel through time and space?

Have you tried doing something fun for once?

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>Life is really boring

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> apply for jobs
no one wants me it seems. can't progress past first interview on anything paying a living wage
> date girls from apps
one and dones with no physical contact at all
> get a hobby
I programmed for years and still I'm not qualified for basic entry level jobs even with a BS. Maybe I just need to sell myself
> exercise
still fat in areas consistent with high cortisol production. My caloric intake is pretty low
> improve your looks.
for every step I take forward, nature takes 2 back. Fuck MPB. We can cure polio but not simple baldness? Teeth are gone and without good job I can't pay for polishing or braces

That doesn't sound like fun at all.

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No wonder you're bored
Do something exciting that's not some vain effort to "self improve".

>internet connection
>clean running water
>grocery stores
Ya. Tell me about it.

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Good thing I discovered booze. May get another bottle of the hard stuff tonight. Finished 5L of 12.5% boxed wine within 10 days. I thought I paced myself. One time I drank 3L in one sitting and had an epic hangover

Like what? Watch a movie? Drink beer and play darts?

I've played every type of vidya and new games offer nothing except fancy graphics. RDR2, Hotline Miami and BOTW are on my todo, but games lost a lot of magic.

At least blacks get to muh dick girls with low inhibition

My dude, give BotW a try. It may just keep you occupied for 100 hours.

I need a Switch

yes, buying more stuff will certainly help you

Then go out and buy a Switch and BotW today. BOOM. Boredom solved. For now...

I don't think they are bored, user.

Thanks for the advice, merchant friend

Jesus, how boring are you?

No, do something EXCITING. Go skydiving. Go for a ride and hit 200km/h. Travel somewhere you've never been to. They may make you feel negative emotions, but they're still better than boredom.

No wonder you're bored when your definition of excitement is watching a movie or drinking a beer.