I feel it again

I feel it again
The drive
The anger
The happiness
Im finally back alive. Im human again. I found a goal
HAHAHAHAHAHA im sol happy user.
I have a goal! MY life is not worthless anymore !
Enjoy this with me user

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How did you do it. I have come to a point where nothing in my life matters I feel absolutely nothing at all. I'm new here, but is this what it means to be a robot?

I'm happy for you OP, what is your new goal if you don't mind me asking?

Good luck with your new life, never look back, user

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I just keep looking to things that made me angry so much that I got the motivation to destroy them
I'm going to be a #Prolife activist. And I'm also going to study outside. I'm gonna be an atheist spic going anti-abortion on everyone's asses.

How did you become a pro life coming from the point of view of an atheist?

Thanks and checked. I can feel the normiedom and robot power flowing inside me. I won't forget you anons.

I'm a pro-life atheist. It's just ethical imo.

Two very simple things.
1) Biologically , the fetus is alive, has human DNA different from the mother and has potentiality to become a full fledged human being. Destroying it is killing a human bean
2) Ideologically, abortion allows for even further degeneracy since it completely dissociates sex with procreation and guarantees an even more hedonistic society

The anger isn't there anymore, a man could punch me in the face and I simply wouldn't care

But how do you know that? They say that the law of God is written into the heart of every man, deep down they know what is truly good and moral, if they search for the truth.

Then get punched again user. A sleeping bear can only take so much poking with a stick. Even you can become annoyed,And annoyance is the start of anger.

Idk what you're talking about in this post but I just feel like at some point you were in the position of a fetus and someone cared for you and it's kind of fucked up that you won't do the same. If you didn't want a kid you shouldn't have had sex.

This is like the most basic level of care anyone should have. Lefties are kind of selfhating or smtg, i dont see how they would be pro-abortion in any other case

what do you care if a fetus dies, you're not gonna feel its suffering

>like at some point you were in the position of a fetus and someone cared for you and it's kind of fucked up that you won't do the same
I would have preferred if they killed me tho

Life is valuable user. If we let this slide, then we might as well kill anyone as long as they are sedated

if you stop a woman from getting an abortion, you owe her your lifeforce (your death)

there are much worse things than dying. I've had a handful of times I wanted to be dead but I wasn't allowed to. I wish I had been able to. inb4 i'm strapped to a gurney typing with my toes

Why tho? Stopping her from killing doesnt mean she has to kill me

and u know what? I c through your plan: you are a sadist who wants to torture people; you want to tell children you own them bc you saved their lives. you're an incel (as you should be) who wants new women so he can sex them

if she wants to be just, she does. i'm not going to argue with a mentally ill evil nitwit who has no compassion, no empathy, just sadism inflicting your philosophy or masochism until their deaths

Agreed. Life is still precious tho
Keked, not even an incel but i can see how lefties would think that.
Im not a sadist, i just think life is worth protecting. I dont think suicide should be prohibited tho, one should be able to decide only ove their own lifes

not an incel? i'm anarchocapitalist. then why shouldn't I take your antivalue life? i'll do it on the grounds you're destroying planet earth's resources for an immoral cause

you vote you die simple as that

OP is trying to breed

Anarchism doesn't work, sorry but I think you need a reality check user. I'm not mis using resources since new lives could be super smart, better educated people and bring actual positive change. Or not, but you dont know that.

No, i have gone monk and i dont desire females anymore

u qualified yourself to me

Does that mean i have to die?

Good luck on your future user.
I'm nearly there, I just need to be able to fall in love with somebody again to be human.

It's not working kek