
First ever thread also the homos should fuck off to >tfw no wife and kids

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Other urls found in this thread:


You may no realize it, but there's propaganda in that picture. Estimating the age of the father and mother, they should have more kids by now. Modern families are way too small. Children are a blessing from God.

You ever sometimes just want to have sex with a man?

Sorry I don't think I have any pictures of there with more than three children
But yeah I agree people should have bigger families
No I don't

Tfw no gf to go shoot guns with in the woods and go backpacking

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Love the thread. The modern family is an abomination. Keep it up, user.

That's a beautiful foto

Go back to Jow Forums you inbred fucks

this isn't the board for you. you're not oppressed just because people hate racists or because you hold beliefs most people find to be abhorrent. holy fucking shit

No how about you go back to /lgbt/ you queerbating faggot
Why don't you go post more femboi threads

i am almoast certain i remember a r9straight thread a month or so ago
also let the homosexuals stay, they are as much losers as we are and the kind of casual discussion and whatever posting here is not the same as the more advice/help ish nature of /lgbt/

t. a "chaser" who lurks lgbt for the transexuals (not in a creepy way)

kys faggot hahahahaha

>This thread upsets me
>I know, I'll shout "racist"
>Looks like I'm the king of arguments now
Kill yourself, brainlet.

>t. a "chaser"


>TFW no qt traditional Christian wife to have a big family with
it really is not good for man to be alone

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This image always makes me sad.
Things were already beyond salvation at the time this photo was taken, but nonetheless it was likely Western society's last great feat.
At the end off all good things, at least there was some cohesive families who got to watch in awe. Sadly, these people were some of the last of their kind.

Our technological feats today are primarily based around consumerism, rather than advancing society itself. Industry has degraded the family by making children an economic burden, rather than an asset as they were when subsistence farming was still widespread.

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reminder that Catholic and Orthodox don't count

I don't even know what's racist about it
The fact that the picture is of a white family?

>reactionary thread of a sperg fetishizing the god ole days
>how is it Jow Forums

you're a moron

Oh yeah because it's only Jow Forums who appreciates 1950s America

Ya I don't know, user. The left is absolutely batshit insane. They've been brainwashed into hating anything traditional. All races should have strong families, it makes everyone better people. But they'll just sleep around until 40 without ever learning the value of love, dedication, and sacrifice. They're lesser beings.

you made this thread because you're upset about homosexuals being on Jow Forums, attached a trad dumbfuck pic to it, and you're asking you why I might assume you're from Jow Forums?

a person with a hightened sexual and/or romantic interest in transexuals relative to cis ("normal") people
the term implies actively seeking a transsexual romantic or sexual partner in a unpleasant manner wich i don't do because
A. i don't know any transsexuals
B. i'm not a dick

the space race wasn't about "advancing society" it was about saying fuck you to the commies/capitalist pigs
and there will be a point in a couple of generations where atoumation has turned having a job in a choise between a middle class life and a upper middle class life

This is my favourite thread up at the moment

Cope more homo
No matter how much gay sex you have, you'll never get the OP pic

>this thread upsets me
>I know, I'll shout "fags" and make my own counter thread

i don't have a problem with Catholic and Orthodox but i'd rather marry a Protestant like myself.

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t. trad christian fundamentalist who jerks off 5 times a day and whines about how evil women are

I can't think of much sadder than LARPing as muh conservative christian who wants a wholesome family on an anonymous smoke signaling board.

You are not a robot if you do not want a cute femboi girlfriend.

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And you will?
I just find it weird to do it on Jow Forums of all places.

we just really like the good old days back when ''chads and ''stacys'' did not exist and people were just people.

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>wants to have sex with femboy trap
>trap has to take a shit/hose out anal cavity as not to cause a mess. Must do that everytime you want to put peeppee in pooper.
Die faggot.

neck yourself fag.
original af

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Back then Chad's and Staceys didn't exist because every man was a Chad (except he voluntarily didn't fuck every night), and in a society where most men are Chads, Staceys will not exist

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You seem to have a lot of vivid first hand experience there desu ~

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Isn't the entire board (except for r9gay) basically /r9straight/?

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the "incels" back then were actually treated much more harshly

pretty much any deviation from the norm was punished heavily

nowadays people are much more accepting of people like us, which is what you retards have a problem with. you're human scum

>hurrr bodily functions are a mystery
>hate faggots? Must want to fuck one. Checkmate biggot.
Go away faggot.

I never said Apollo in itself was about advancing society. I even criticize industry in general; my point is that technology today has more pros than cons.
However, I'd argue that conflict leads to a more pragmatic drive towards truly beneficial technology.

Automation of that sort won't be beneficial in the long term. Having to choose between a "middle class life and a upper middle class life" doesn't make a society great.

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we just love shoving are straight pride into other people's faces

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It's not the first ever you faggot, not even close.
Modern """""family"""" where all brothers are half brothers and the mother has been married to three different guys, absolutely abhorrent
OP probably is a crossboarder, but so are you. There is a dedicated board for gays and you and your fag buddies seem incapable of understanding that. Fuck off.

Honestly why even start this shitty general with an even shitter name.
Puhlease, this is just another pathetic excuse to straighsplain to the rest of us well reformed cuteboys why you're incelebacy is our fault.
Well fuck off nazi.

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>OP probably is a crossboarder, but so are you. There is a dedicated board for gays and you and your fag buddies seem incapable of understanding that. Fuck off.
I'm not. I'm not even gay myself. I'm just standing up for them against the Jow Forums subhumans who seek to oppress the real robots.

Okay, you do you, I'm just gonna filter this thread and be done with it.
Bye bye.

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god saved me and he can save you too he can help you overcome your sickness just accept his free gift.

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Become a magnificent gentleman.
You will get all the ladies after that.

Are you serious m8? Have you not heard of people like lepers?
It is pretty fucky if you think about it. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about what's in store down the road, though I think automization in our lifetimes is mostly going to affect your food industry workers as well as people like truckers, and even that is up to debate as to how much it's going to affect them. All I can say is invest in a weapon to defend yourself with should you have the choice to do so, all benefit with no downside.

you can't get away from us now is the time of /r9 straight/ we will be coming for you

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Because telling someone their disgusting behavior is gross and unnatural is "straightsplainin".
>I'm a faggot an people hate me.... must be because their nazis!
Please return to your containment board or die.

>str8 boys see a gay parade
>gay boy says "why? you're the majority of the population and there really no reason to--"
/r9straight/ isn't even a good pun lmao
heteros are truly pathetic

The only Homo that i've known personally is a massive fucking retard and attention whore. He talks behind your back and told me how hard it is to get a proper boyfriend these days, because every single one of your kind has a disorder. He also told me that most of you just want to have sex and very few of the relationships that formed out of this cesspool of a gay society, hold for a longer time than a year. Most of the shit you and your people are talking is pure propaganda and projection. Homosexuality is a mental disorder and should be threated as one. Not a single one of you should be allowed to marry or jave children at any point in your life. People like you do it for the attention, got brainwashed into it, or turned into a faggot because of their abusive fathers.
I swear to god that i'm happy how i turned out to be, in a healthy relationship for 3 years now, while attenting university. You'll never experience natural love, only another form of fetishising another male human being. You'll never experience what it means to raise your own children and seeing them growing up normal and healthy.
I've been working in a mental asylum duo to my studies and every single one of your degenerate idiots, who took up needet space there, was way more retarded than the shizo guys. Seriously, gays are a burden to society, dangerous for our health, children and leeches to any form of social circle. I wish the very worst for you and your fucked up generation, from the deepest parts of my heart.
No one, not even goddamn women like the way you are, because of how annoying it is to talk to your kind. It was one of the worst experiences in my life to have contact with a homosexual, i cannot put it in words how toxic their personalities are.
Jesus user, i beg you, for the betternes of humanity, to off you and everyone involving your homo circle. Spread as much HIV as you can, our Planet will be better off without you.
Thanks for your understanding

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Why are straight people so insecure?

I mean, it's not like you can actually do anything to me, so go ahead mate.

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The pasta is excellent, 10/10.

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>I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about what's in store down the road
I could talk about this all day, but I'll just leave you with a video and an article.


>telling someone their disgusting behavior is gross and unnatural
Oh yeah I forgot about when society follows natural law verbatim. Yeah because we don't fly around in metal things and eat synthetic chemical concoctions 3 meals a day. Yuh I really value natural law.
>please return to your containment board or die
At least I have a board, hetero scum.

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Wrote that down originally, at least you enjoyed it user

go the fuck back to /incel/ cuck

>reeeee normal people don't accept us!
>forces government to make normal people to accept gays
>people still hate gays
>reeeee straight people are pathetic
Oh boy, you got us. You are a genetic dead end. Have fun getting a prolapsed anus.

Yes we're the pathetic guys. Of course.

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I'm straight but women aren't worth fighting and I think this kind of thread isn't necessary here.

Fags should hang, though.

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>>people still hate gays

you're the minority you absolute inbred retard

never doubt the power of propaganda i will turn the hole of Jow Forums straight

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>inbred retard
Says the one who enjoys to take dicks up his arse. Enjoy your pathetic life. Your ancestors would sure be proud to see how you fap to sissy hypno. Tell your grandpa how much of a faggot you're user.

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you are a disgusting fool but god can save you and you can be made good again.

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Someone seems tilted.

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Well i guess i'll help out when i'm on Jow Forums and see a thread like this one
You sure convinced me with those hot opinions you massive fucking beta male

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>appeal to tradition the post
>appeal to tradition the thread

get a grip on reality and think for yourself for once, inbred moron

>people still hate gays
yes and for a very good reason

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>have you not heard of people like lepers?
True, but they were only alienated due to a disease, not due to intentional social alienation

As i mentioned in this post
You and your kind is what is wrong with our society. People like you're trying to poison our children with this completly unnatural behavior. I'm studying psychology just to heal retards like you

the majority of people in america are in favor of gay marriage

You're such a massive retard it's unbelieveable

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Nah, it's a close tie but the majority do not

and it's only getting worse

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>"Based on polling in 2017, a majority of Americans (62%) support same-sex marriage, while 32% oppose it."

user we should know better by know that you can't trust any polls

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You can try, but I dunno.
Have fun, or whatever.

>I never said Apollo in itself was about advancing society. I even criticize industry in general; my point is that technology today has more pros than cons.
>However, I'd argue that conflict leads to a more pragmatic drive towards truly beneficial technology.
right you might want to learn the art of obvious implications
besides that, what conflict besides the space race involved goverments/people deliberately searching for truly beneficial technology in a way that is not the case in recent conflict.
you're also making it sound like all the inventors and stuff of old did stuff for the sake of humanity and now the only thing anyone cares about is the botom line. while a majority of organisations do only care about money, there are a lot individuals who work their asses off to get us further. and let's face it, a lot of those romanticized inventors probibly also wanted to see a paychek.

>Automation of that sort won't be beneficial in the long term. Having to choose between a "middle class life and a upper middle class life" doesn't make a society great.
it doesn't par se, but it fixes the time issue you were talking about and will get a lot of folk out of the shitter

>i met a gay guy once and he was a big fat meanie >:(

>thread devolves into mindless shitposting and baits
Who the hell didn't see that coming.

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bump, fuck fags.
Go to >>>/LGBT/

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marriage should only be between a man and a women of the same race.

It's not about meanie you fucking inbred retard, it's about how all of you are leeches to our society, but i guess you forfot how reading comprehension works the moment you shoved another dildo up your ass

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>Straight thread begins with calling for gays to leave the board

You guys have such little self awareness. Just have a straight thread, why is it whenever straight white males make pride groups it's always hateful you SOMEBODY

the gays can't let us have anything nice

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Children are disgusting + good luck on giving more than 3 kids a good future

>he has pride in a fetish

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>"mooooom, tyrone just dicked stacy again. Why does stacy only want to fuck black guys, I mean I know i'm 300lbs and literally support nazis and my dick is about 3 inches shorter but MOOOOOOOOOOOOOM"
Mfw hetero nazis want to legally regulate out tyrones competition dick because they are dicklets.

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didn't god impregnate a young teenager (as was the fashion at the time)

if anything, the slope seems to be going in the opposite direction

You're a real fucking dick, you know that?

it evolved into gays using strawman arguments to combat actual criticism and arguments of the anti homo agenda. You might ask yourself why they are doing it? of course to get more retards for their retarded believes

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but gays should leave and go to

>/r9gay/ is a really sweet and docile general where everyone is pretty nice to you, even if you're straight and just want to talk
>/r9straight/ is aggressive and arrogant, attacking literally everyone who isn't straight white and (cis) male
this is why people hate you, str8bois. this is Exhibit A.

The gays aren't the problem here Christian larper.
>that grammar
>calling others retards

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Right back at you, chum

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when normgroids accuse me of shit their own people did, i'm not going to tie one hand behind my back and act like it never happened

I don't care about straight pride or any of that bullshit, the only thing i care for is to get rid off as many of you as possible.

Luckly Biology will sort your kind out with time and your retarded genes will die out at some point. Congratulation for being a biological failure

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But you should stop being an asshole.

and you want to take dick up your ass, leave this board and off yourself. You're a burden to humanity and a leech to everyone around you

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