Why aren't you breeding a chubby titcow and making her your baby factory?

Why aren't you breeding a chubby titcow and making her your baby factory?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Thats what i aspire to desu

Why would I want to have kids? What an enormous financial and emotional burden. Irresponsible to bring them up in a world like this anyway.

Even the most disgusting fatasses like the one in your OP have ridiculous standards for their potential partners. This has been caused in large part by the recent introduction of social media and datting apps. Now with thousands of potential partners at her fingertips the fempig's value is artificially increased. Women swipe left on every man while men swipe right on every woman. The lowest 80% of men are rejected by women, while the highest 80% of women are accepted by men. This creates a situation wherein the female selectors are able to be incredibly discriminating and any man that isn't exceptional is automatically disqualified. Being a normal guy is no longer enough. Being fit or having a good job isn't either. You need to check off every single box to qualify. Tall, handsome face, well dressed, drives a nice car, prestigious high-income job, immaculate physical fitness, careful salon-quality grooming, etc etc etc it never ends.

Being fat doesnt matter if you got a juicy pair of knockers

This, by far.
>Chubby girls with no tits
Fucking gross
>Chubby girls with proportional or over proportioned (large) tits

If you add a nice shaped ass a chubby girl can go from a 2/10-8/10

They're both nasty and incredibly unhealthy. She's obviously obese. You children will be obese and unhealthy. They'll inherit both her disgusting blobby shape and horrible eating habits. Don't do it to yourselves.




God I wish, where do I find one?

Bump for th1s

The kids and me would get loads of delicious milkies.

would unironically fuck this thing, being a virgin at 25 is a torture, I just want to get my dick wet at this point, I want to know how a pussy feels like, don't care if it's fat and greasy

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what is wrong with people on this board hating on fat chicks, if she was nice, you wouldn't date one? they are the same as any other chick, I don't fetishize them but I wouldn't reject them

Are you mentally retarded? Throughout history how you got strong children was by a fit tall strong guy breeding a literal hucow girl.
Her milk gives the children good nutrition and the father trains the kids, the kids grow up healthy and strong.
Chubby women with big tits are literally GOAT for raising kids

Contrary to popular belief, fat people are not jolly. She's probably got a whole mess of other problems. I'd rather date an ugly girl.

If theyre fat and got small tits they should kyt

I'm fucking hot chicks and hoping one can be a life partner. I'm not fucking life partners and hoping that one can be a hot chick.

My gf is a chubby titcow. I wish she had thighs like that though, delicious

It's all over a lot of imageboards lately, basically there's a cabal of traps, trannies and transvestites organising on various discords to shit up various boards and sites with their agenda

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My genes are shit-tier
>brown hair and eyes
>tendency for depression in the family
also kids cost an arm and a leg and I'm not responsible enough to be a dad. If only I was black

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Love to creampie some fat hucow heifers like this

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I would if I could but I'm an autistic depressed manlet skeleton so I have no chance anyways

Why are you posting this shit you cunt mouthed retarded bitch-ass piece of subhuman trash?

Its okay user take a deep breath
Tell me whats bothering you

Wow they look like bags

You know you want to do this to a big girl user

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small nipples, yucks, will kill this cow bitch

Her nips will become huge once you put a baby or three inside her.

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that feel when gf is starting to show again and her big belly is making me diamonds

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Literally married one. She accepted my seed and gave me a strong male child. Feels good man.

>Even the most disgusting fatasses like the one in your OP have ridiculous standards for their potential partners.

LOL you have self-programmed yourself to fail.

Sause please.
Or the name of the one on the right.

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>Tall, handsome face, well dressed, drives a nice car, prestigious high-income job, immaculate physical fitness, careful salon-quality grooming, etc etc etc it never ends.

Literally the only one of these qualifications I had was "tall." It didn't stop me from having several girlfriends and sexual partners before I got married. You're fucking yourself over thinking every single woman on Earth thinks this way.

literally anywhere except your own disgusting piss-jug filled room

Same, I was tall but that was it. I was especially poor and still got one. All she wanted was a strong tall man to manhandle her a bit and get the old womb juices flowing

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Rachel Aldana

Because Jow Forums is either a bunch of retarded volcels or the grapes are indeed sour.
Dating a fatty as a 28 year old and it's great.

>It didn't stop me from having several girlfriends and sexual partners before I got married.
>posts on Jow Forums

I do what I want you fucking pussy. I don't see anything in the site rules about having to be a virgin to post here. I'm trying to help you fags by teaching you that the shit you believe is not true.


It's sad that the only thread fighting the faggot propaganda here is going to die while 10x trap, faggot and crossdresser threads will live

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I exclusively fuck fat piggies. So much fun. Made this almost ten years ago.

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Because chubby titcows are even harder to get than regular Stacies.

you give sauce

You are insane if you believe this is true. Or at least it wasn't true a few years ago. I've been married to my favorite titcow for almost 7 years now.

"thick" girls like the girl in OP pics are what guys like these days. At least in America

Because even fat fucks want 10/10 partners. See

>citing that poor delusional fuck

This is why so many of you fail.

Needs more preggo chubsters

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>they are the same as any other chick,

That's part of the problem.
A chick that is half the size of a car has the same standards as a 9/10.
And I'm the one who has unrealistic standards...

Jesus you failures really believe that every woman on earth has the same standards? The same wants, needs, preferences? You guys have really programmed yourselves to go nowhere in life.

>teaching you the shit you believe is not true
>using his own life experience
>to teach others their life experiences didn't happen

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This thread looks pretty good

BBW discord invite for any anons interested
discord gg/N6RD2GZ

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Who says I want kids

"literally all women have the same standards and only want Chad" is not anyone's life experience. Not one person can say life has taught them that all women want the same kind of mate. That's ridiculous.

>necrotic flesh
thanks for reminding me that 85% of people deserve to get their head busted open like a zombie
this board is full of the undead
they think they are alive and post, post, post...
postin' trannies...
gonna put their heads on posts

My friend, you need some serious help. I'm worried I'm going to see you on the news soon.

check out this future school shooter right here

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Find a little fat asian breeding sow. That should be easy enough for you guys.

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Aww, it's like a mini Bebe Cooper.
The face needs some reworking though.

wish i could honestly desu baka senpai

Who is this fluid druid?

I need an answer.

>Thanks for the hot dogs, user, but there's only one wiener I really want right now...
what do you do?

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Go ahead and tell me why he's wrong then. From my experience it's true, fat women have the same standards as skinny women. Why should I, who works out and is skinny, lower my standards?

It's not that they have the same standards. It's just that unfortunately, you can't live up to any woman's standards. Not any women you've met yet, anyway. It's not that all women like only one type of guy, it's just that all the women you've met so far don't like you.

I'm not talking on some deeper level. This is strictly superficial. From just looks. I'm not talking about some experience where i spoke to a girl and she didn't like me because of my hobbies or the way I carried myself. I'm talking strictly physical attraction. These planetary blobs have the same attraction wants as women who are not fat. This has nothing to do with "type" because type include personality (quiet, outgoing, etc).


I never said "every" woman. Maybe the other guy was speaking in hyperbole, but most do. And only one gender is demanding the other drop their standards as a publicly and generally accepted thing. "Beautiful at any weight" only applies to women, and us skinny guys don't even have a say in it.

I've honestly never seen a fat chick with a fat guy.

The preferences might not be exactly the same, but they're close enough to not really matter.

What fucking functional difference is there between "liking guys with barely visible abs" to "liking guys with shredded abs"?

There is no hope for people like you. None.

There are just as many women who would tell you abs don't matter, or that they even find a "dad bod" to be preferable. You're stupid.

I would if chubby Asian girls weren't rarer than unicorns

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>who would tell you

Yeah, they can say whatever they want.
But actions speak louder, as they say...

They say they don't like abs, but then, strangely, they reject every guy until they get one with abs.
But it's all a coincidence, they don't like guys with abs!

>muh azn gf

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>They say they don't like abs, but then, strangely, they reject every guy until they get one with abs.

You are fucking retarded. Does your spinal cord even touch your brain? I've never, ever, ever had abs and I've had sex with 22 women including the one I married. Not a single one of them gave a fuck about "abs." Some of them might find that sort of build sexy, sure, but that doesn't mean they reject every man who doesn't look like that.

Don't you like a variety of women? A variety of looks and body types? I know I do. Very few people in the entire world have only one body type or aesthetic that they're willing to have sex with or date. You're being ridiculous.

Why are you even here? Also I have abs and still don't get shit. Sorry but this doesn't work. I'm the guy you responded to here yet for some reason you didn't respond to my next post.

>I have abs and still don't get shit
So the whole thing falls apart.

>Why are you even here?
Am I not allowed to be here if I'm not a miserable delusional fuck?

>yet for some reason you didn't respond to my next post
Three people responded to that post, which one was yours?

The first one obviously. We were having such a good conversation too.

The "beautiful at any weight" meme?
That's just bullshit put forward by the media ans SJWs. Real people don't think that way.

Although I have dated and fucked what I consider to be beautiful fat women. But they're not all beautiful. I dated a fat girl for 3+ years. We lived together. After we broke up, her next boyfriend was a very fat dude.

Look up Lahna Turner, who was married to fucking Ralphie May and gave him several children before he divorced her.

Different strokes, man. People are all different, and they want different things. There is no formula.

I'm different toward the fat aspect
I just want a girl w cow tits...

passing on my genetics would just be cruel. plus its not like i could get one to fuck me anyways

your "son" (yeah sure) is gay mark my words

As I said, I know it's not all. I never said all. But I've seen a vast greater amount of demand for higher standards from women than from men. You asked another user if they liked a variety of women. In fact, I wouldn't mind dating an overweight woman. But I don't see this same acceptance among women. In fact, the women I've tried to date were all fairly ugly compared to me.

T. Nigger or roastie

If this one was 25% lighter i would hit

My son is six and a half years old. You, on the other hand, are not a day over 13.

The longer you live, and the more experience you have, the more you will learn that these generalizations simply do not fit. They just don't. The more people you interact with, the more you will learn how different we and they all are. It's that simple.

Well I've been on this planet for a while and I can say that 100% of what is said in this board says is true.

Holy shit.
I'm out.
I won't be replying to you maniacs anymore.
I'm done.
You're beyond help.

You are wasting your time my man, the average user of r9k is edgy 16-22 year olds who are filled with bitterness coupled with little life experience. Their view of the world is through internet horror stories about women and everything is either black or white with no middle ground.

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yeah thats just cope because youre homophobic

You will never hear a thod contradict what we say, ever.
It's always some blue pilled guy.

this and post-wall degenerates have nothing but time and anger so they are doing well
Sad! Keep up the good fight

I am 28 years old user. How long must I keep experiencing these things until I learned enough? Also whoever responded to you before is trolling you.

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>There is no hope for people like you. None.
We know that idiot.

>a "dad bod"
Which is literally a body 2 weeks away from abs, moron.

All the fat chicks are taken.

They all have methhead / skinny boyfriends or husbands.

All that's left is single Moms, ugly, and mentally unstable chicks.

>open thread
>expect pics of thicc mommies/mommy gfs
>instead get walls of text of two fags arguing
This is why the fag threads are winning.

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necrotic flesh

Wassup Ken?

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How about this one? Qt

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