All trap posters should be castrated and skinned alive.
All trap posters should be castrated and skinned alive
Or banned and sent back to their respective sites, as the situation may warrant.
>the metaphor
>user's head
Maybe you would clarify then. They'll probably castrate themselves anyway, but skinned alive? I'm not sure anyone wants that.
Just mail them to my rape dungeon. I'll keep em out of sight :)
All 3DPD posters should be castrated and skinned alive.
She got weird feet.
Why are her feet so weird?
damn imagine owning this boat and woman
He's not me.
t. OP
What's weird about them? Other than her toes being unusually long.
They're already castrated in one form or another.
Just chain them all up, drag them into the desert, shoot them all dead, set the corpses alight then put out the fire with holy water.
Keep the salty posts up. I'm sure you'll get what you want eventually. After all, complaints become reality; just keep moaning sociopathically about it.
Oh gosh user, you can't do this to me, im masochist y'know I might cum all over my crossdressing clothes
>6 anti trap threads up
>1 actual trap thread up after a few days with none
Just ignore them, it's not that hard. I bet you're a repressed homo who has trouble repressing when you see a trap thread like poltards trying to hide that they want to be cucked by a black man.
>being against something means you want to be that thing
this old retarded mentality
He's just doing the same shit our fundies do. "In your heart, you know I'm right, and your protestations are just an attempt to drown out the truth of our love". Live by the meme, die by the meme, coyote.
Bitching about it and searching it out when you could just easily filter it or ignore it is a sure sign of being closed and into it though.
*closeted. Damn auto correct.
>i hate terrorists but i secretly want to be them
JFL at your comparison. Those people are actually dangerous, as in they are out there killing people, while traps and their admirers are just posting threads on Jow Forums.
holy shit kill yourself
Lol, no. Learn to how to use a filter if you are a melting snowflake who can't bear to see a trap thread in the catalog.
>Probably hates on sjws needing a safe space from Trump
>Wines about needing a safe space from traps and bbc on r9k, a stupid image board for human trash
Fucking hypocrites
>muh Trump
so sad!
Exactly. The blatant hypocrisy and lack of self awareness is just astounding with Jow Forums types.
Why so trapposterphobic?
How? I think anyone expecting an online safe space is a retard.
>Basilisk update fucked my filters
>Don't feel like remaking them
Oh my fucking god I forgot how atrocious this board is.
Lol, just update them then and gtfo.