What is your stance on abortion? Is it permittable under any circumstances? Or are there any cases in which you believe it should even be mandatory?
What is your stance on abortion? Is it permittable under any circumstances...
It should be mandatory
>I m groot
Abortion permissible in cases of rape, or rare birth defects like Tay-Sachs syndrome that condemn the child to a short, painful existance. Otherwise, it should be the price they pay for being irresponsible.
Depends on the race. If purely by the virtue of quantity, some genetic expressions are more valuable than others. White women aborting healthy babies in order to eschew responsibility is disgusting and unforgivable.
I'm fully behind it generally. I do think it should be done within a time frame, or maybe in extreme/rare cases after that window.
Literally nothing wrong with it. If someone can create life, he can destroy it.
>Or are there any cases in which you believe it should even be mandatory?
If the unborn baby is committed in a court of law to commit a capital offense
>capital crimes or capital offences, and they commonly include offences such as murder, treason, espionage, war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.
Then yeah kill that little fuck otherwise it is murder and the woman should be charged with murder for committing such a heinous act.
Bit selfish for parents who already know they can pass on birth defects to have them but then again they have the money and time to take care of them
yes any circumstance, providing it doesn't cause a lot of suffering, not that it matters much, the child barely has any reference point to what life is like without suffering
denying abortion only to grow up and suffer because someone didnt want you for even longer is absurd
but they can have a happy life in an orphanage
Forcing someone to live under certain circumstances can be considered cruel and unusual punishment. It wouldn't be fair to anyone to force this on them because of the opinions of someone who has absolutely zero presence in their life.
I do honestly think that if before 12 weeks they detect the baby will have some kind of horrible deformity like the elephant man or OP's pic related there should definitely be a mandatory abortion. People who know they will pass on something like that have no right to put someone through such a horrible life. Take that as you will, most of us will never know what that feels like but I can imagine it's not a good feeling.
what about kids born with an undetected extreme deformity? the kind that don't have the capacity to choose suicide. if their relatives don't want them do you think there should be some sort of legal murder thing?
oh well, its not like theyll know that theyve missed out on the orphanage life
"damn i missed out on the orphanage life, fuck you roastie"
it looks like a sweet is this real
Absolutely revolting and monstrous in any circumstance. A fetus is more fully human than an abortionist.
it's a cake user
what if the mom could die during the birth. is the child's life worth more than the mother's?
abortion borrows aspects from satanic rituals.. so
I don't fucking care, Ill never have to deal with this personally because I never have sex.
I say kill em all and let god sort em
Mandatory: physical deformities, mental issues and incurable illnesses that prevent normal functioning.
Permittable: rape.
Fuck off Shapiro.
The same as my toughts on antibiotics, fetuses are literally parasites and if you make one you should get rid of it ASAP
unironically women should have the right to abortion whenever they want
>Otherwise, it should be the price they pay for being irresponsible.
Except that's not how it works. What an incredibly naive way to see it. Unwanted babies who are more likely to end up being criminals or whatever hurt all of us.
mmh im hungry now what are the ingredients? im interested in the red things I ate a sweet like that some time ago and it was something like a fruit thing but jelly
In the end, it hurts society more forcing women to have children they can't take care of. I believe it should be permissable in all cases. Thankfully, with better screening technology, we are also heavily cutting down on the number of handicapped children being born.
This, giving birth is a crime
It should have been mandatory to abort me
>Unwanted babies who are more likely to end up being criminals or whatever hurt all of us.
That is by no means a certainty. Even if the parents fail to step up and do right by their child, that doesn't mean the kid is going to be some kind of psychopath unless they were born with defective genes that make them more likely to be violent.
I don't give a fuck about it, I just like the butthurt around the topic.
Upbringing can do a whole lot to fuck up a child. There are no certainties, but statistics do matter. Ask yourself: which segment of the population is more likely to suffer unwanted pregnancies? And can this particular segment raise an unplanned child into a functioning adult?
For white women with white babies, $10,000.
For non-white women, free. For white women with mixed babies, free.
OP's pic is a baby with harlequin ichthyosis but i had those cookies too, i think it's just strawberry jam
>That is by no means a certainty.
Potential both means nothing and everything, it can go in all directions. Personally I think that self-consciousness is a big deal, and the potential shouldn't prevail over the established.
Three circumstances :
>The baby has an horrific genetical disease. The mother (and father if she knows who it is)has to be sterilized too.
>The mother's life is at risk
>Any other case is unironically murder.
The segment of the population I assume you're talking about is unlikely to get abortions anyway. We can better help by educating people about methods to safely prevent conception and making birth control options more readily available.
Anyways, why they should have right to kill a human for their wish? I understand that it isn't too self-conscious and it's life at this stage isn't worth much (on the other hand it may be cooked after the abortion and sold as a street food) but shouldn't the father have at least something to say, I mean if he decides to take all the care of the child after its born why shouldn't he have the right to do so?
Honest question: Do those things move and "live" after they are born? I have never seen a video of
one, only still images...
>the price they pay to condemn the child to a short, painful existence
on the other hand condemning a child to be raised and shaped and taught by irresponsible parents who would have rather gotten an abortion is fine..hmm
*ebryo growin itself* ok so that's two butts right?
oh shit can't forget the face pussy
legal when:
-Child from rape. (women was raped and get pregnant)
-Sick child.
-Life of mother is in danger.
Child is opportunity for better word.
>having to live in a rotting flesh prison with only the most basic primal human instincts for all of your existence while the person responsible justifies it and thinks they are doing you a favor
"bit selfish"
It's dependent on the mother which gives it food and oxygen, but when you take out it very fast it should be still alive for a while. Nevertheless during the abortion the head is crushed and its literally torn apart, so it shouldn't be alive.
or adoption
I wasn't talking about abortion. I was talking about those things with that particular illness like in OPs pic.
It's Harlequin Ichthyosis and yes, the newborn may stay alive for some time.
yeah they look a lot less freaky as adults actually
I really don't care, do whatever the fuck you want. I think that if you want to you can scramble that baby up. As for the mandatory stuff, I'm not too about that.
But OP pic case are so severre that they die in minutes/hours/days right?
Is there some porn with adults with this illness?
I envy those who died before they had a chance to suffer.
Imagine this thing slithering out of your vagina
I don't have any problem with it in the early stages, where it has less cells than the eye of a fly and shit
i dont get how its "killing"
not creating a life isnt taking a life. by that logic every women is killing dozens of babies by not constantly getting pregnant, etc
I think its too bad that its used as a safety net, but unwanted children from parents that are not prepared emotionally or financially are not going to to be getting a good shot in life.
Its probably better that they can just not have that child, or wait till the parents are in a more stable financial/emotional status.
If this thing was born 500 years ago it would be killed on the spot, probably the mother too just for good measure
>Is there some porn with adults with this illness?
You're too far gone lad.
in cases of predicted biological fuckups:
mandatory abortion or set of talks with a professional to inform you what pain you are bringing into this world
pregnany thanks to concencual sex:
permittable three times without fine (after third time a hefty fine) with mandatory "this how you don't get pregnant" talk
pregnancy thanks to rape:
permittable for free even in questionable cases. the person who gets the abortion should get money from the state if it has been that it was rape. (because i wan't to breed out rapists)
The universe is just random chaos and there really isn't such thing as good or evil. We obviously create our own definitions of good and evil but they don't really matter at the end of the day because a full reset is inevitable, then civilization will rise again, then there will be another reset, that is all that happens for eternity. Truth hurts, but it's still the truth and no cult of pedo thieves is ever going to change that.
I believe it's permissible up to a certain time in the pregnancy, but I wouldn't know exactly where to draw the line.
A fertilized egg is not a human being. A clump of cells is not a human being.
A tiny bean-shaped thing with limbs and eyes starting to form... dude that's a tough one. It's not a human being but it's some kind of living organism.
As for aborting fetuses with Downs or whatever, I'm less cool with that. Harlequin baby? I dunno man, are you cool with executing terminally ill cancer patients as well?
While I don't wish to take away women's rights to their own bodies and reproductive organs, I keep remembering the story about a robot who got his gf pregnant and was super proud and happy to be a dad.
Then she aborted without his consent.
Not trying to make that illegal, but it sucked for him.
I am against it, but... not entirely. These images of birth defects have always made me think it would be better if they weren't brought into this world. They would only suffer until they die. Dying would be the only sweet feeling they feel.
I don't want anyone to suffer. If my mother were to be on life support, we've already agreed I'd tell them to pull the plug. I don't want her to suffer. I don't want babies to suffer.
You can clearly see birth defects before the baby comes out in this day and age, so abortion should only be available to those parents. And shame on the parents who monetize on their child's birth defects.
Pepperoni pizza baby?
Abortion should be legal in every case.
Situations in which I somehow have a girlfriend or wife.
>Knock her up accidentally
>Too late for plan B
>She wants an abortion and isn't on the fence about it
>Agree to help her have it, no use bringing in a child that isn't wanted by her mother and father had no intention of bringing it to life
>Same situation as above
>but she does want it or is on the fence
>Support the side of her that wants it and get ready for parenthood together
>We intentionally get knocked up
>but she has second thoughts while pregnant
>Try my best to get her to have the baby and get ready to raise it
>If she still can't ever see herself raising or loving this child and really wants an abortion I wouldn't try to stop her from having one
>Might leave the relationship over this depending on how much of a betrayal it was
I used to be an anti-natalist but I now realize that you can make the world a lot better by bringing in a child that you love and care for and raise right. However, I don't think that parents who already dislike their future child in utero should be forced to nor should that future person should be forced into the world as an unwanted child. Abortion adds stress to people's lives but it's a tool to help prevent a shitty life full of suffering from being brought into the word.
Also if the fetus is a downie or aome other shit then that's an instant "get an abortion" vote from me.
I think we should kill everyone, not only unborn babies.
It would've sucked for his child if they were raised by a woman like that.
its fucked up buy id rather just have the kid not know suffering than grow up with some single mom who wont even love it
harlequin ichthyosis is so fucking horrifying jesus christ, i can only image what kind of intense pain that baby experienced. it's like you're covered in a thick mold and you can't see or move. it's so sad, the poor thing doesnt even look human.
I think the woman knows best. Regarding situation etc
It's up to her, her body, she knows best.
we will never know what its like to carry a child inside us
I agree, except I believe the baby in OP is a just harlequin baby, which is treatable these days and the baby will live a mostly normal life afterwards.
loli iq beta post.
If they are the type of person who wants their baby to die by abortion, they are better off not being parents. Let them abort is my opinoin
I think we should promote abortion.
Not enough people adopt and adoption is not feasible in many cased. That leaves either a child whose parents hate him, or a child who lives in orphanages and foster homes his whole life.
Don't give a fuck. I'm fucked either way
Imagine youre the dad,for months youre excited if its going to be a boy or girl,and this poor being of pure agony live a couple of moments before dying in a utterly sad and horrible death.
Should downies be allowed to live
.>What is your stance on abortion? Is it permittable under any circumstances?
Only if both parents agree to it. If the father desires to care for the baby and the mother doesn't, he can have it and she can pay child support.
"muh body muh choice" isn't an argument and shouldn't be an argument at all for women, since I believe most of their rights to make decisions should be revoked. I'm willing to compromise in the meantime however.
If you were so concerned about having your cunt expanded you shouldn't have fucked Chad to begin with.
>Or are there any cases in which you believe it should even be mandatory?
>If the father desires to care for the baby and the mother doesn't, he can have it and she can pay child support.
if the father wants it he can give birth to it then.
I swear that they modeled a dark souls boss after this poor child.
He can't give birth to it, though.
You choose to be irresponsible, you're a femoid, you give birth.
I'm glad some roasties get their comeuppance for their degeneracy.
>He can't give birth to it, though.
then he can't have a baby.
Then why is it if the man wants nothing to do with it he is given the check for two fucking decades? At least if this were the case things would actually be equal
>Heben Jewniverse clone
>Whites are bad
>men are bad
>killing people to continue your first world decadance is good
Unironically you and alk who think like you need to be gassed.
>kill me and analyze my brain waves/configuration
>abort any baby with a brain even 0.0001% similar
its mercy killing, really
child support should be optional. my dad never gave my mom money.
He can HAVE a baby if he TAKES the baby.
there is no baby to take because it has been aborted.
men don't get babies without permission from females.
if i was forced to give birth, i would suffocate the baby the minute it was left alone with me so the man couldn't have it.
>you legally have the right to make a doctor kill a baby
>you dont legally have the right to make a doctor kill you
This country is fucked up, if a teenage mother can decide her child is better of dead then I can decide that I am too
Euthanasia not being available to the severely mentally ill is a violation of human rights
>there is no baby to take because it has been aborted.
No it hasn't, because it's not allowed in this hypothetical. Are you fucking retarded?
>men don't get babies without permission from females.
They do if we force women to.
>if i was forced to give birth, i would suffocate the baby the minute it was left alone with me so the man couldn't have it.
Then you'd be fucking tortured to death. In this hypothetical of course.
>force woman to have a baby
>expect the reward of a baby
you don't get rewarded for subjecting people to atrocities
your dream world will never exist.
It shouldn't ever happen unless the mother's health is at risk.
Or if the mother or father is a feminist.
life has no value
there is no reason abortion shouldn't be allowed in all cases
even post term abortion should be allowed desu
>if i was forced to give birth, i would suffocate the baby the minute it was left alone with me so the man couldn't have it.
Frankly, my dear, if you were forced to do so, what makes you think you'd be allowed to be alone with it in this scenario.
I think we've conversed before. You'd rather kill and die for your cause than submit, and multiple times I replied by saying there would be no cause to die for in this scenario. You'd be all alone, and your heroic struggle would never see the light of day, and as I just mentioned, the punishment for such a terrible act would be both agonizing and humiliating. It'd all be for nothing.
you're retarded if you think any of your ideas are remotely realistic
>man commits terrible act to get a baby
>he gets a baby
>woman commits terrible act to gain freedom
>death penalty
>you don't get rewarded for subjecting people to atrocities
Mao did. Kublai Khan did. Obama did. Your idealistic posturing is meaningless.
>your dream world will never exist.
It already has existed. This is but a small window in western history where being a whore is allowed, and it's going to close very soon.
Jesus man I'd kill the baby myself If I saw a psycho like you with it.
Further proof that all women have no qualms or hesitation about killing their own children even if the child would have a fantastic happy life elsewhere it doesn't matter because roasties just have some instinctive desire to murder babies (which is why feminists push abortion so very hard) women truely are animals and we should never have given them the rights or the ability to vote
You're not a great leader. We average people are held to a different standard.
Also why do you think that there are but two ways to be: mother or whore? that makes no sense.
This, and intentionally reproducing should be a crime.
>women have no qualms or hesitation about killing their own children
nope. i want to put a newborn in a microwave like a gremlin.
to force someone to give birth is terrible and an unforgivable act