Reminder if someone if suicidal they will likely drag you down and make you their lifeforce...

Reminder if someone if suicidal they will likely drag you down and make you their lifeforce. Just leave them to rot and eventually they'll kill themselves from being utter pieces of shit. Don't fall for it like I did anons!

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see you, positivity user

>hehe, just let people die lamo!
>What if a person gets to the point that their pain supersedes their self-perservation instinct? Fuck 'em!

Dont get emotionally invested. Go into it for the sole purpose of helping them. Dont be bitter, you knew that would be the case from day 1.

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Exactly you don't wanna help them. Helping them is the biggest nono
once you do the suicidal person will lure you in and want you to be around
Just tell them to off themselves and cut contact

even better as soon as they mention they are suicidal, kick them in the leg with your shoe that contains a needle in the tip with a lethal injection of morphine, then while maintaining your composure stand up and leave while maintaining an aura of confidence and calm

Reading comprehension is evidently not your forte.

This is what someone did to me when I mentioned I was thinking of ending it all, they didn't respond and ghosted me, we had been friends for years, I didn't end it and now believe nobody actually cares if I live or die.

It definitely is. I just have no care for what a furry avatarfag has to say
Because you're pathetic. You give people second hand embarrassment and it means you should probably seek help and take meds like a good boy or just kill yourself

Are you the same normalfag that made the other thread?

You are right, I wanted others to make my life better, which is pathetic, I don't tell people anymore.

Good. Now get off this board. you make me sick faggot

>don't do it bro just be urslef
How are you going to help them if you don't get emotionally invested?
It's not like suicidefags are rational.

Could you find it in your heart to let me stay, I swear I'm not manipulating but I don't have anywhere else to go, please.

No. stop looking for sympathy and get help

Your very hard and firm but I guess you are doing this to toughen me up.

CBT and DBT are a thing.
Sometimes just listening is enough. You have to pick your battles, some people dont want help or their conflicting emotional states disallow you to actually help them. Then you give up, as it's nigh impossible to actually help those people over the internet.

Getting emotionally invested only serves to make things worse, avoid it until the patient is in a better headspace.

>meet a friend online
>later meet at a convention
>seems pretty cool, spend the entire con with her
>talk pretty much daily via text or chat
>turns out shes depressed, but so am I so I try to help her with it
>she also has some autistic hobbies, but so do I so we have shit to talk about
>3 years later
>I have now learned shes a shitty person that claims to have an open mind but is very close minded
>she doesnt give a shit about anybody else, only talks about herself. Literally kept track of this and at one point it was a full 6 days of her talking about herself and what she was doing
>depression is worse but she wont put effort into changing anything
>at the point I'm irritated by even seeing her icon, most draining person I know
>finally decide to cut her out after plenty of bullshit fights where she turns shit around on me

Tl;dr if you get stuck with them and they show no sign of changing just fucking cut them out, you'll feel a lot better, and maybe you can help someone else that will actually do something

>Your very hard and firm
creepy af
Stop treating me like your dad

you must be at least 18 to browse this german break baking forum

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sad but true

originalio comment that's original

Kill yourself suicidal person

You are blatantly underage and apparently inexperienced with dealing with suicidal people.
>Reminder if someone if suicidal they will likely drag you down and make you their lifeforce.
This isn't necessarily always the case, but it's not them making you their life force, you let yourself become a life force. I've deal with suicidal people before, you can't give them what they want. They'll always want you to hang out with them and do stuff for you, but if you actually wanted to help them, you wouldn't give in like some week willed faggot and give them what they want, then wonder why you're being used and respond with "fucking asshole, I'll let you rot". You gotta understand the nature and dynamics of these type of people. Understand that they're mentally ill and that a different approach needs to be taken. Put your foot down. When they want to sit in the house all day and mope around, offer to take them outside and do something productive. Humans are very weird creatures, and a lot of our mental states are the result of our environment. If they're like your average 4channer, sitting on his ass all day refreshing r9k, he's constantly being exposed to nihilistic and defeatist attitudes, not to mention the lack of sunlight and malnutrition. You'd be surprised how much things can brighten up and how mentally healthier you are when you've been properly fed, gotten enough exercise for that day, spend sometime in the sun, etc. Obviously you won't be able to do everything on your own, you might want to suggest them to go see one. You can't just give in a half assed effort and give into a suicidal persons bad habits, and wonder why you're so exhausted, then blame them out of frustration and give up on them like some uneducated asshat. You might as well not even help them at all at that point.

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Maybe you should be left to rot friend.

not even suicidal desu, you're actually an underage edgy little shit lmao

God Im glad i dont write posts as long and pathetic as this. kill yourself

OP is mad that his depressed boyfriend ghosted him so now he's making sweeping generalizations. Sorry you got hurt, OP, don't turn into a suicidefag now.

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>Projecting this much
lmao pathetic

trips of truth op is a faggot

you are a cancer to the earth, it brings me immense pleasure that you will never breed. Any Anons in this thread who are suicidal or depressed in any way please seek help. Youd be suprised what you are capable of. Dont let actual retarded people like op cloud your judgement. The suicide hotline is also a great resource so use it, its not only for when youre in crisis, they can help you find free or really low cost services.

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>God Im glad I don't write posts as long and pathetic as this. kill yourself
You're far too ignorant, inexperienced, and brain dead to be able to post anything above shitty bait anyways, user. OP's topic is addressing a very complex and dynamic issue. Such an issue requires a response on the same level. I'm simply trying to explain to OP why he got the results he got, there's no easy way for me to summarize that. You clearly have no intention of engaging in a productive conversation, or care about the reality of the dynamics of the human psyche.
Go shit post on /b/ where trash like you belongs.

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Holy shit what a sperg. you know im not even reading more than half of your posts right? theyre too autistic

So you're in a argument with someone and you don't listen to what they say that is why you think you are right

>So you're in a argument
stopped reading

Reminder if you love someone that is hopelessly suicidal, if you care or ever cared about them you would help them die. You're only upset they want to leave because you're losing something you like. Remember when you were a kid and didnt get that toy you wanted so you threw a fit? Being upset over someone voluntarily dying is a lot like that.

It was an informative summary. Thank You.