What is an escort addiction like? I have this OVERWHELMING fetish and I'm unironically considering spending a shitton of money to feel good all the time. How often can a "healthy" person see an escort, and when does it become addiction?(I'm talking about the hundreds of dollars every week, even though it would break the bank)
What is an escort addiction like...
1-2 times a month is almost too expensive
it's not a real addiction, just a decision you make, for example, you hate your life and don't care about your future, so you blow it all on seeing escorts, don't blame that on "addiction"
>1-2 times a month is almost too expensive
Hm ok user. And yeah you're right, it's not like seeing escorts will bring any happiness right? But this fetish I have is SO fucking overwhelming, I can't control myself. I NEED to keep seeing her, and the worst thing is that it's a specific fetish and it's expensive as fuck to hire her. What do?
>it's not a real addiction, just a decision you make, for example, you hate your life and don't care about your futur
That's not true. I WANT to do something out of my life. I WANT to get things better and to fix my life. I WANT to save money for the future, but it's just that this fetish I have is so overwhelming I can't fucking help myself, and I know it doesn't bring happiness long-term yet I keep on going. What do?
once every 2 weeks is healthy sexy time. If the hooker thing is a kink good on you!
Get some self control,
I really can't help you here buddy, I may have some masochistic tendency when it comes to living, like I get some enjoyment out of not ever getting anything I want, as if not spending gives me some sort of moral high ground over this hyper consumerist society where everyone spends spends spends
I guess you could learn to enjoy a barebones life like I did, but it is probably harder once you've had a taste
>If the hooker thing is a kink good on you!
No, it isn't good for me because it's a relatively unknown fetish and it's expensive as hell to hire escorts who are into it. Like more than 200 dollars an hour and I'd love to do this every week, and that would obviously suck me dry.
>tfw unironically saving up 1200 dollars for an overnight with this escort
This doesn't bring any happiness long-term. Does it? It will just make me miserable, right?
Hey at least your main kink is within the realm of possibility. Pls share what it is.
Escort? You mean like chicks that will go on a pity date with you if you have like an event to go to or something?
Buying sex probably means you're not mentally healthy.
you have a bunch of options
1. get a gf that will do that specific thing with you for free
2. tell your regular escort that you can't afford her anymore and try to negotiate a better price, if not, her loss (no whore's time is worth 200 an hour)
3. learn to live without it and not do anything about it
4. move to a poor country where whores would do this 10x more for the same amount of money
5. visit poor countries where you could have 5 trips to that specific place and book a room and get a whore while spending less than 1200
6. stop being a degenerate
7. get a good career to fund your autistic pursuits
Say that to Charles Bukowski.
If you're that into it it doing anything else is just going to be unsatisfying and you'll spend the whole time wishing you'd done what you want to do.
Honestly, if you have somebody you know is reliable who will do exactly what you want what's there to think about? Admit you're a perv and do the pervy shit that you want to do.
>Honestly, if you have somebody you know is reliable who will do exactly what you want what's there to think about?
There's a lot to think about due to the fact that this isn't free and costs a shitton of my money, which could be so much better spent.
>this isn't free
Nothing is, user. Getting a girlfriend to do it for "free" is not only difficult but would require a huge commitment of time and resources. Not like she's just going to indulge your fetish and leave you alone afterwards. You pay one way or another.
>money, which could be so much better spent.
It's not better spent if you're not spending it on the one thing you want most. More practical, maybe, but not better.
The reason why I'm going to escorts is precisely because I can't get a gf and at this point don't even want one.
At the same time it is very ironic considering my fetish is passionate, loving sex with mommy kink
Please help me.
>mommy kink is expensive
you're honestly getting ripped off with that 1200 dollars price tag
Just buy a sex doll at this point
She's an extremely gorgeous woman, let me tell you that. EXTREMELY gorgeous.
>Just buy a sex doll at this point
Maybe I should. How much does that shit cost?
Yeah mate, I'm sure it's hard not to come back when you get a taste of heaven, just remember that she's rotten on the inside, and just looks good due to genetics she did nothing to deserve
If you lack self control in relation to this particular thing, either earn more money, or waste away your long term future
Mine cost 2k bought her so she can sit on my face while I jerk off
Damn... Seems like I gotta shake off this addiction and move on with my life. Theres no way I can make more money now and even if I did, it would be really
foolish to squander it instead of focusing on my future. Thanks for the advice user. Seriously.
>Mine cost 2k bought her so she can sit on my face while I jerk off
Can you kiss her on the lips? Does that work or does it feel extremely weird? I want to kiss. That's a pretty important part to me.
Yes ofc you can.
It costs like $75 additional dollars to make her mouth even more realistic.
Can she say I love you?
No, she does not lie. She doesn't have to either cause she is a doll. All I'm saying is a doll is way better than paying a disgusting hooker for sex.
That's actually a decent point. But what about with you put on headphones with audio and imagined it was her saying, do you think it would sound fairly convincing?
Is the skin nice to lick?
Fuck you Ricebot. You only come here to ruin threads.
alien forehead no thx
And then people wonder why there are so many incels on this board.