What's the r9k of Japan?

What's the r9k of Japan?

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I wish I could be there. Id wanna meet a japanese fembot and fuck her eyes.

2ch you stupid newfag


the whole of japan

That's like saying "Jow Forums", there are a crapton of boards there.

Nice try Reiko.

came here to say this lol

There are a few 5ch boards that fit this bill. The most obvious one is the hikki board: matsuri.5ch.net/hikky/
I mean, just look at the board message:
>People who go to school or participate in society to even a limited degree are not considered hikki here. There are many people on this board who can't leave their house and have no friends. If you're someone who's capable of going outside, please be considerate when choosing your topics.

There's also the mental health board, which currently has popular general threads for people who want to return to the past and people who want to commit suicide: mevius.5ch.net/utu/
And here's the heartbreak board, for when you need to feel that feel: mevius.5ch.net/break/
Have fun(?)

Thanks robot it looks like a goldmine

>40+ thread
>hikki for 20+ years thread
>thread for people that spend all day in the bed doing nothing


>tfw they would consider you a normalfag since you go jogging every other day

japanese hikki NEETs are hardcore. they make the guys on wizardchan look like normalfag chads

>can't read japanese

I wonder if they ever come here and wonder about our obsession with posting frogs, BBC, traps, and wojaks.

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>"nice try reiko" to a 2chan link

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>I wonder if they ever come here and wonder about our obsession with posting frogs, BBC, traps, and wojaks.
You do know there's an entire market of Japanese blogs that translate Jow Forums posts, right? Look up "4ch matome" sometime. It's entirely possible that anything you post on Jow Forums could be poorly translated by some random Japanese guy and posted devoid of its context and with any memes or sarcasm mistranslated on a random blog and used to push a political agenda and get money for the owners. It's probably happened without you even knowing it.

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That's... Really weird... Japan really is autistic..

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Yeah that's the impression I got after reading a few threads. There are a few habits I got as I grew older and more depressed that are discussed there so that's probably what our future is gonna look like.

They know about Elliot and Eggman!

What the fuck
when you say that do you mean this board included?

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I've never gone on an in-depth dive through that shit as it weirds me the fuck out, but probably. Especially considering the various times Jow Forums has wound up in the news. /a/ and Jow Forums are popular targets, especially Jow Forums. They love seeing what we have to say about Japan.

What if we start talking about how much we hate japan?

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They'll probably just think you're korean.

What about en masse?

Should I learn Japanese just so I can browse fatuba chan?

Basically yes, and when you are fluent you can move there and become megachad instantly because of the overall baseline of their population
Shits cash m8



Who is this girl in the image?

We hope to see you soon robot

>yfw want to learn Japanese but too poor to buy books and I can't read off of screens for long periods at a time or else I get the worst headaches in the world and my eyesight gets fucked for a while

I wear glasses by the way but it doesn't help. I'm not really a weeb in a sense that I like anime. I'm just interested in Japanese internet/hiki culture

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There's tons of free resources online, begin by writing down the characters on cards and learn them that way maybe? That way you don't have to be in front of a screen all the time

Thanks for the advice user. I'll probably just wait till the next time I go to get my eyes checked and tell the guys there. I know they can coat your glasses with magic shit so you can stare at computers for a long time.

Also, how confusing will the grammar rules be for a person who can only speak English? I heard they're very confusing.

I learned 100% for free from resources online. Like the other robot said just write shit down, I have like 10 copybooks filled with grammar, kanji and words. Writing things it down is a good way to remember things so you are doing something useful on the way.

Haven't gotten to grammar yet, still struggling with the signs but I imagine the nuances are quite complicated for foreigners