I actually liked being called

I actually liked being called

More than INCEL. At least when I Googled S O Y it actually described me right.

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>At least when I Googled S O Y it actually described me right.

oh sweetie no, not a good look

S O Yboyism transcends style, you can physically be a s-o-yboy without dressing or acting like one. For instance if you have wide hips or gyno, you got s-o-y'd from a young age, during vital parts of your puberty. Why else would you start to develop feminine features as a male?
And no, it's not only s---o-y feminizing the boys, it's cocktail effect of all environmental estrogens they are exposed to, such as tap water (containing excess estrogen from women on birth control pissing it into the water supply) and xenoestrogens from plastics and cleaning products.

I have a S O Y personality.
Not a S O Y body but a skeleton body.

Then that's likely the results of being brought up by a single mother and being taught by mainly female teachers. Basically a lack of real male role models.

Got verbal abuse from my dad. Dude literally called me useless and a piece of shit my whole life.
My mom never said a single bad thing to me.

I feel scared to talk to people because what if they start to judge me like my dad.
But at least I'm a nicer person than my dad.

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That sucks man, nobody deserves to be treated like that. It's like some people expect humans to come out of the womb fully developed and competent at everything they do, like learning and making mistakes along the way isn't a thing.
The best thing you can do is to develop a sense of healthy masculinity, maybe even use the neighborhood daddy figure Jordan B Peterson as a good role model. His lectures are pretty insightful stuff.

You aren't alone, fren. My childhood was like that too.

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People give Jordan Peterson a lot of shit but he really is a godsend for fatherless young men. I feel like a lot of the people who don't get his appeal or dislike him grew up with a healthy father figure in their life, so they're not the target audience.

thats fucking retarded
you do realize you are on the same level as these retards saying they are proud to be called cucks

I find it ironic when my dad asks me who hurt me.

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At least the meme brings attention to the feminization of males, when you actually look deeper into things.

This is when you can get all dramatic and exclaim "IT WAS YOOOOOOOOOOOU"

sure but why would you willingly associate yourself with these kind of

Which lectures would you recommend?

I once told him that he doesn't like me and he called me crazy.
The only reason I told him he doesn't like me is because he broke me. When he called me crazy I felt like I couldn't defend myself anymore.

Now my partners won't stop bringing it up to me. Plus they act like I said nobody likes me.
I wish I just stayed quiet.

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Basedboys get laid, usually often. Girls don't see them as threatening like they do with cringey wannabe alphas. Most basedboy content is expressing frustration at their having relationships and gfs, implying they must all be cucks and surely it isn't that they're more fun to be around than OP.

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Because at the end of the day they're victims of modern society, as are all of us. Maybe you came out as a perfectly healthy masculine man, but I'm willing to admit that I have been feminized from early childhood without ever realizing it until recently.
It was so bad, that I even developed minor gyno and wide hips because I basically started going through female puberty and it delayed my development as a man. Luckily I lost some weight and started eating better, but not before the damage had already been done.
That shit really put a dent in my self esteem, when the other boys were growing facial hair and I was some wide hipped chubby boy with mantits. It really made me question what the heck was wrong with me.
But now I know, it wasn't my fault. It was unavoidable. So I'm willing to admit I'm a s-o-y-bo-y, because so many others are and it's not their fault.
Of course, the typical ones used in popular memes are dumb cucks, especially those with the gay ass gaping mouth smile. I think it's too late for those types, they seriously have brain issues. Too much tap water and fluoride must have fucked their shit up.
Not to mention indoctrinated by feminist ideals.

Don't worry, you're certainly not crazy. He's gas-lighting you. Your dad sounds like he's a narcissist. Better off to cut off all ties if possible. Disown him.

Just watch all the maps of meaning lectures
The bible ones are really good too, he deconstructs the stories and extracts the morals from them
He's got a ton of content for free on his youtube page

you misunderstood the meaning of that word. It describes first and foremost the state of mind. Effeminate and weak apperance is just something reflected by that persons life choices. Being a soiboy is a choice, thats why they are made fun of. What you seem to have is a fucked up hormonal balance and some minor developement issues. A medical condition. You shouldnt sully your name by associating with deranged and self destructive leftists

found asoyboy

These posts give me hope. I'm glad I'm not the only one with a degenerate father.