>Girl likes me and wants to date me
>She's a 5/10 or below (uglier)
How do I get myself out of this mess guys?
Girl likes me and wants to date me
When did 5 stop being average?
>actual hot girls like me
>can't talk to them
my mess is worse than yours, good luck with them 5/10s
>girl likes you
>you reject her
gee I wonder what your problem could be.
ratings don't work that way. Think about movies, 5/10 isn't an average movie, it's a shitty movie. 7/10 is average, 8/10 is good, 9/10 is great and 10/10 is masterpiece
6/10 is passable, 5/10 is don't watch tier, below that is just different levels of suck
it uses the grading system in school, where a 60-70 is the bare minimum to pass with a D, and anything below that is just a measure of how stupid you are
>absolute state of Jow Forums
Even if you find her disgusting use her as practice girl to ascend into chadhood.
I've actually had very few (2-4) hot girls that (I think/thought) liked me. The thing is with attractive girls it's hard to tell if they like me or if I'm not reading their signs correctly. I think that they're just fucking with me
>girl likes you
Oh I wish it were that easy. It's actually multiple average or ugly girls. I mean most of them are average or below
why would it be harder to read attractive girls signs?
I think it's much easier because hotties usually have very good charisma and can make signs much clearer than some mousy 5/10
This guy gets it. Which is funny because this is how women view and select men
>because hotties usually have very good charisma and can make signs much clearer
They do. but not all of them. Some of the really hot girls as just as shy as average looking girls.
women rate bank accounts if your looks are below a certain point, so not it's not at all the same
>shy pretty girls
hahahahaha I used to believe that one too, good luck with that
>no girl has ever wanted to date me
You have no idea how good you have it, you ungrateful faggot
Your saying you have multiple girls fawning over you?
The absolute state of this shitty board.
it doesn't really matter though does it? are you jealous of girls checking me out, because I don't really do much with it, it only makes me nervous
This thread is gonna be screencapped on a Buzzfeed or CBC article to "prove" that incels aren't actually involuntary celebates and that we just have unreasonable standards.
>wants to date me
lmao just say no
You want to keep being a virgin or are you taking your fucking chances, faggot. Of course you should.
I know. I know. I'm just a picky dick. It's just so hard. Is it bad that they compete with each other of me?
If she's 5/10 you're likely a 2/10.
Get over yourself. Or kill yourself, idc. Just don't go killing people first.
Girls of different races user. Asian girls, black girls, white girls. all kind of girls. Some of them probably even masturbate to the thought of me. They're mostly average or uglier tho.
Lead her on for a while and at the last minute friendzone her, let these cunts know what it feels like.
>Just don't go killing people first.
Why not? Give me one reason that is not moralfagging.
It's not just one girl user. It's many girls
So I should just pity fuck the uggos and be done with it?
Go for it
Take every opportunity. If there's no attraction, cut the date short, but go there and find out
I would do that but only with the one's that are shallow or already mean. I don't want to be a jerk to the uglier girls, unless they also have a shitty personality.
>If she's 5/10 you're likely a 2/10.
Lol, if she REALLY is a 5/10, then he must be at least an 8
ghost her like every selfrespecting man would
I guess it's easier for me since I'm not attracted to them. It would be like a friend-date sort of thing. Thanks for the tip :)
If you are a virgin, hell yes.
You need that kind of social experience.
Unless she's so repulsive you can't even get your dick hard, you should do what Chad would do
Any original time.
I would but I like the attention they give me. I'm not an attention seeker. But it feels so good that they want me. It's pure euphoria. All of them are thinking of me ;)
I will ghost the one's that are really ugly or have a terrible personality tho.
I'd say out of like 100 of them, about 70% could probably get me hard. Though if I were to use actual numbers, out of let's say 25 of them 19 of them would get me hard and could make me cum.
That is to say their bodies would get me hard. Facially however, about 12 out of 25 are average or slightly above. With 1% being 7 or hotter.
shame upon famiry
Just ghost her. The same way she ghosts hundreds of ugly beta orbiters on her Facebook. It's really not that complicated. If you don't like someone's genes don't talk to them. Women do it all the time.
that's another user. not me.
are you retarded? I was replying to the post
pussy is pussy. and the case today is that its being handed to you by the man upstairs so i suggest you take it because its prob the only time your going to get it you pathetic virgin.
well the other user was replying to me. then another user replied to the post. I guess if you were replying to him that's fine lol take it easy
don't listen to this tard, fucking a girl you don't like, especially for your first time, is not going to make you happy in the slightest
How do I get myself IN to that mess!
you lucky ungrateful fucking nigger
don't post lol that's what newfags do that's what I learned on slash b back in Onine
This bait physically hurt me
Isn't great? They're all thinking about me. They spend their free time thinking about me. I'm in their minds. All I have to do is walk up to any of them and begin a conversation and they'll do whatever I say.
I'm just trying to get the one's 6/10 > to it can be a real anime harem fantasy.
It's the one of the best feelings in the world ;)
What's the problem then? en en en
>The same way she ghosts hundreds of ugly beta orbiters
I'll ghost em' all. HAHAHHAHA
If all you can date is a 5/10 then guess what your rating is?
No you're not a 7-8 you're at best a 5. Either improve yourself or enjoy fucking the 5's that is how the world works. No 10 wants to fuck only 5 unless it's a weird fetish because she likes being degraded.
>he fell for the people are numbers meme
a 6 that talks like a 9 and acts like a 10 can score like one too
I don't care about bodies and sex as much as their face. That's why I'd enjoy the time with the 1% of girls more. It's like the whole premise of sol anime's. The main character falls for a girl because of her facial appearance not her body.
Though I prefer a hot body+ 7> face, then just a girl that's 7 or greater in looks.
Not necessarily always true. There are a lot of 3/10 and ugly guys with 8/10 girls.
Ik hou van je idioot!
Ik houd van je mijn liefje. Laat me je knuffelen.
this. girls only go for guys better than them
I'm trying to let you guys know. That the female playbook is simple and useful. Your all too horny to just lay back and watch them come to you.
I've got girls thinking about me all the time. They're THINKING about me lol! Imagine actually thinking about someone who never thinks about you. I'm in their thoughts and hearts
>reddit spacing
get out.
Yeah, wonder how they would react if they actually knew the way you waste your time bragging here
I don't really mind what they think. As long as I'm happy. I'm good