Are we being raided?

I know our quality standards on this board are usually pretty low, amd usually we just get spammed by traps and faggots, but today is extra bad.
Between the diaper fags, the usual gay/trap degens, Jow Forums tier threads, pony spam, and /leftypol/ spam, it can't be a coincidence that all this is happening today, can it? Is it because summer is starting again?

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Some idiot got mad about the established generals (the gay one, the diaper one, possibly the 25+ one) and is spamming "fake" generals to try and precipitate an overall crackdown. Because that's what you do when someone annoys you- provoke the feds into killing them. What a world.

>Are we being raided?

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>usually we just get spammed by traps and faggots
>4 threads at the same time in a single day
But anyway it's probably people fucking with the system since ((((they)))) won't do their job.

Honestly, just making r9k into a blue board would solve 90% of the problems we have

>le summer meme
i guess Jow Forums just became the pithole for everything socially deviant after the incel incident.

don't get surprised if we get more larping threads in the following week, people may believe being an incel or robot is just fapping to trap porn or anything non straight by now

Yeah, there was a definite shift in this place after that huge influx of redditors. I just miss the days where we ree'd at normalfags and shared feels, but those are long past

It's even sadder. The faggot IS a diaper fag who sperged out about poems being written in the diaper thread because he claimed it was scaring off girls.

This happens every time Jow Forums makes the news. It will be like this for awhile.

The diaper thing is coordinated right? Like they're all on a Discord together but they make an effort to bump a daily thread on here because they think it's fun and they got inspired by that Reiko controversy, right?

OP makes big poopies in his diapies.

Here is OP's story: >

Attached: op doing his business.png (480x360, 137K)

Wait, you are not OP, but the diaperfag is spamming because he is butthurt.

I just wanted some Jow Forumsomfy threads alongside some hot black coffee and this is the shit I come to, the fuck. At least /r9gay/ is as calm as always.
It really would, but it's not going to happen.

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But then I can't post tits here.

Discord came after. It's dead and empty 99% of the time.
Nothing to do with Reiko. We're just socially and mentally messed up people who were sharing feels until he decided to become the moral crusader of what was allowed in a fuckin diaper thread

There's an unusual amount of clueless tumblrites who can't even read the layout posting in every single thread about how incels are so bad and you should be yourself, don't be yourself, [insert stock advice], etc.
Plus the fucking retards in that "r9left" thing, fucking copypased from reddit.

Media has been blasting the fucking incel thing without even knowing what it is just the get clicks and they mentioned this place plenty of times, i've even seen one specifically telling people to come here to "see how awful it is" and this happend on Jow Forums whenever they got publicity.
We just have to wait it out until they jump onto the next social justice issue, hopefully that one won't involve virtue signalling on an Indonesian mid-air carpetmaking forum.

Yeah, they're a discord group.

So either this board somehow someway goes pheonix mode and becomes a better place or we most likely go the way of Jow Forums. Can't say I'm too surprised.

user, you know when its summer all the normies come out?

that means more normies and traps/retards on this board.

You are part of the problem. There are like 20 different porn boards and you spam it here

>poetry scaring off girls in a diaper thread
Yeah, it's the poetry that's spooking them

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