Nobody is objectively ugly. We all have potential. Oh wait.
Nobody is objectively ugly. We all have potential. Oh wait
each time i hear that i want to rip my ears apart
>nobody is objectively manlet. we all have potential
sure the 5'5" guy has the same potential as a 6'6"
the world of make believe
And then I post the one where he got swole to prove you wrong, then I get into a slapfight with this asshole who is just repeating the manlet meme. Being short doesn't make you ugly, manlet. What makes you ugly is how insecure you are over it.
That guy has a Chaddish face
Only thing off about him is his eyes and his haircut
please fuck off back to rebbit
>love urself meme
oh dear thanks i didn't knw that was the real issue, i am sure evert single human to this day and that has ever lived wasn't insecure or had any doubts about his capacities, they all were mr coolguy.
You read me wrong. Nobody cares if you're personally insecure, they just don't want to be around you when you threaten to fight people for no reason, self-aggrandize, get too drunk trying to keep up with bigger guys and make all the girls vomit posing and hitting on them all night long. Nobody cares if you change yourself, they want you to change your behavior.
quit the self-pity, faggot
Pretty sure Elliot Rodger loved himself.
>you need to stop loving yourself you're a narcissist
>you need to love yourself and have confidence
That guy plays call of duty
He literarily fantasizes about shooting people
>And then I post the one where he got swole to prove you wrong
That wasn't blops2cel you fucking idiot.
Unfortunately CGI doesn't exist in real life. You can't just will yourself to gain millimeters of bone and change your skull shape.
Don't insult him, he's our savior, our Lord.
When the Revolution begins, His face will be on our banners.
PLEASE return to rebbit you colossal faggot
so your next point is "you are socially obnoxious don't complain"
to an extent i could agreed, if i wasn't by the fact that most if not all robots when surounded by people just get inside their shells, they aren't actively being obnoxious, and in the cases they are, most of them didn't even understand why their actions are bad.
You whole thesis is "just change" but do you think people don't try? do you think we enjoy this everyday 24/7? do you think we haven't tried more than once just to be kicked back to the pithole?
You just assume that just because that worked for you or for some literally who it will always work with everyone, when the truth is, some people aren't meant to be
Where do they change his face shape? Am I blind?
It's impossible to make your hair like that when it looks like this.
yeah he looks better with the scar+eyepatch combo. Also he needs now is two hooks for hands.
>trying to argue reasonably with a just-be-yourself-poster
Jesus so this... Even to this day when I have worse days and blue pill myself by believing normies
on the internet who tell me, "no, you probably look too deep into yourself and you find flaws
that you dont have or ones that people dont even see, believe me", then I am like "hell,
must be true, all the comments I think I heard IRL about myself weren't targeted towards me,
the same with all the times I thought people looked weirdly at me like I have 7 arms",
then I think that shit for the next few days, post a picture of myself and get comments like
"woah, you look like a freak" etc. And then it all comes crashing down for the milion time.
>from 3/10 to 3.5/10
>looksmaxing in a nutshell
As much as I agree that some people are objectively ugly, let's be totally honest - this guy could easily be a 6/10 if he took test e, melanotan, and accutane
Guy looks like he's over 6 ft and has a NW1 hairline, he's already half way to Chad status
I keep hearing normies say they've seen ugly guys with girls but I haven't
Maybe they're talking about bearmode fat guys
>take a shit ton of chemicals that leave you with major side effects
Nah they're safe desu
Driving a car each day is way more dangerous
Give me one example of someone like OP's picture transforming themselves into a 6/10. I'll be waiting all day.
Zyz was nowhere near as ugly as the dude in the op
He still looked like a sperg, desu.
Went from 6 to 6.3
Try harder.
Test E:
Melanotan in pic related.
You are a retarded, double digit IQ meathead. I hope you get cancer in your whole body
from all the shit that you take.
>a bunch of shit that is at worst a mild inconvenience
thin skinned faggot
>Not even minute after I posted the long ass list and article full of life and health threatening side effects.
Again - Get cancer.
>ignoring genetics
Says the manlet.
absolute state of manlets.
Kek, imagine being this much of a coward
Try leaving your room sometime
But seriously... what does this guy have to think after seeing himself being "THE GUY" on the internet.
How is he going to get that hair you idiot
>implying some backwoods slavic dude knows about all of this
Awesome counter argument, meathead.
Well it's clearly a selfie so he had to post it himself. So he had to have internet.
I really doubt he doesn;'t know about it. If he is still alive.
He posted it as his avatar on some obscure vidya forum like 10 years ago
I know girls who love a widows peak lad. Looks manly. Just gotta embrace it
The counter argument is that those side effects aren't real you cocksucking peanut-brained faggot. Advil can *technically* cause liver damage and yet I'm sure your robot ass takes a handful whenever your feet hurt.
I am straight edge you pussy, I don't take painkillers. I am not a pussy like you.
It only looks manly if the guy's face is manly
I'm sure you don't use a cellphone or a computer either because of muh radiation
Fucking mongrel
I bet you don't use brain at all because it hurts using one with barely any cells left.
>tfw roasties share this picture all the time as a meme on kikebook
>one of them tagged me in it and said "look user its your twin laughingemoji laughingemoji"
Send her a pm with a dead corpse with a message "hey, roastie, this is your twin sister, wanna join her?"
>having roasties on your facebook
>having facebook at all
To be fair, you don't know what kind of aesthetic genetics you have until you head towards the max. Maybe you will be ugly when you're ripped to high heaven and look like a human adonis, but even then you'd be better looking then 90% of the population who's fat and out of shape. There is this one health expert guy who's just the ugliest motherfucker from the neck up, but he's fucking shredded. So he gets mad pussy.
I'm not trying to knock those anons with deformities, those people are real. But for the average ugly person being ripped makes you better than almost everyone else even if you are ugly.
Remember the 80/20 rule. If you are better than 3 out of 4 guys, you will get pussy. Now look at the guys around you. You can be better than them.
>having facebook
To be fair, it looks like that guy puts zero fucks into his appearance at all:
>Long, greasy hair that looks like it hasn't seen a shower or barber in ages.
>More acne than a fast food worker
>Unkempt video game shirt
>Skinny twig
All of those are in his power to fix.
I'm literally top 0.5% right now in my whole fucking country. If I added fitness to it I'd be top 0.00001% if not single top value individual in the entire place. Yet I'm still friendless and girlfriendless. It's pretty obvious you're full of shit.
Except the reason he doesn't gives a shit is BECAUSE OF HOW HE LOOKS. Just like when you talk about robots, you're confusing cause and effect and talking out your ass as you always do. Fucking adviceniggers.
>I'm a 5/10 or 6/10 if I took care of myself
>Thus I'm going to stop giving fucks and become an unfuckable 2/10
>Normie reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
That's your post summed up.
>you can get to 6/10 level from a 2/10 level
Oh my sides.
>implying he doesn't have hooks for hands
reminder that you can control:
having unclean greasy skin
having a shit haircut
having a shit body
having shit dress sense
your test and estrogen levels controlling how masculine your face is
manlets can get average girls
burn victims can get average girls
cripples can get average girls
the hard truth is that you'll never be as good as someone else, but you're a fixer upper. but until then yeah you're pretty fucked.
>lol just get a new hairline dude
Then you are the perfect storm of a fuck up. A beautiful man with a shitty personality. What else can be said? You are truly one of the lost ones with no hope. For those that do have hope, I talk to them. Maybe you should just die? I don't know what to tell you. Your genetically inferior personality can't be helped at all.
>your test and estrogen levels controlling how masculine your face is
test won't do shit for your face unless you are a woman. Only thing that can change your face is a 19-nor like tren + growth hormone but it will take very, very long time and you need high doses which you will never even afford.
>your genetically inferior personality
So i mean in your eyes there is no room for nurture whatsoever...
Your logic is the same as "all jobs require experience but you need a job to get experience, therefore I give up"
Yeah, some people are born with rich daddies who get them jobs and internships, and some people are just better at getting jobs. But that doesn't mean you should give up. There are many ways of looking attractive and he obviously hasn't tried any of them. Probably a 2/10 now and if he fixes his hair and acne and bulks up a little he can become 3 or 4/10. Yeah, that's depressing, but you know what else exists? Plastic surgery and steroids. Some people have to do more work to look good, just like others have to do more work to land a job.
It's never a good reason to quit.