no matter how you grab it or where you grab will still stain you with shit.
I hate this condescending piece of bullshit, at least I know that the most correct option is to avoid and deflect.
Like a stick full of shit
This is just roasties getting what they have been wanting as is typically roasties they only think of getting what they don't have not the price (men typically pay for it anyways) but cutting them out of business is now the smart move. Only talk to roasties for sex and know that it involves risk this is what they deserve and what they have been fighting for
>talk to women
>it's rape
>don't talk to women
>it's still rape
what they really want is for "creepy" (ugly) men to just cease to exist
sorry ladies, I'm trying to be hikikomori as I can but I still need to buy groceries.
I agree with this and will add: Women struggle enormously with the notion of cause and effect. IMO this is partially the explanation behind that cunt's post as well.
It's incredible but once you start looking for it, you'll see it everywhere: Women have a really hard time understanding that if you do one thing, another thing may follow as a result. Only men seem to grasp this intuitively.
>Browsing instagram.
Don't be masochistic. It will only drive you deeper into despair.
>what they really want is for "creepy" (ugly) men to just cease to exist
>most of them unironically are the people that makes the whole world work
>these "creepy" guys literally make everything to be as easy as it is
>without these guys, the whole world ends shorty afterwards
>women wouldn't be able to survive 1 day without "creepy" men fixing and doing stuff
>Don't be masochistic. It will only drive you deeper into despair.
I really should stop but these cunts are a good reason to remind me why I didn't bother to date or get in a relationship in my life, but still I should take a break from that septic tank.
orignaldo comment
>Women get exactly what they claim to want
>Still not happy
Why are women so miserable and want to ruin everything around them? Seriously does bringing women around ever have a good outcome?
And that's just how they want it. You're a subhuman, you don't get to talk to real people like her, just keep your nose down and do your job and stop asking for anything in return.
There's a special disgust roasties have for betas trying to court them, a primalistic hate embedded in their genes at the notion of having their own gene pool "polluted" with these inferior genetics, as if just by associating with these losers her own social standing falls. In the same way men automatically want to fuck things they are visually stimulated by, women are repulsed by mates that they don't deem worthy.
Yup that's why we need to repeal the 19th amendment why should they get a say in our government when they actively hate 80% if men?
When you're 5'7 and ginger everything you do to a woman is sexual harassment. Just existing near women is sexual harassment. I wish this woman could spend one week as me.
>tumblr post posted on Facebook
>Facebook post posted on Instagram
>Instagram post posted on Jow Forums
>rocket league toxicity makes her cut herself
this can't be a real post
What fucking toxicity is there in Rocket League, I've never played a more lighthearted game. Its soccer with cars for gods sake
might be an adaptation women got a long time ago so that as many of them become pregnant as possible, otherwise they'd consider the burden of pregnancy and start having second thoughts
>And that's just how they want it.
for them to be destroyed by nothing more than short gratification and paying karmic retribution.
>You're a subhuman, you don't get to talk to real people like her, just keep your nose down and do your job and stop asking for anything in return.
and people wonder why so many men refuse to work these days.
Fun fact of the day:
>When a mare gets pregnant she will fuck every horse in the pasture so nobody knows who the father is
Now look at how women view sex when we give them liberation
Humans are not horses. I see this type of argument all the time such as with veganism or women choosing their mates.
>There's a special disgust roasties have for betas trying to court them, a primalistic hate embedded in their genes at the notion of having their own gene pool "polluted" with these inferior genetics, as if just by associating with these losers her own social standing falls.
nope, women these days pollute chad genes with their ugliness masked by makeup, creating people like us.
women are pretty even with us in genetics terms, with us having the upper hand.
but they indeed want to correct their genetic disaster with chad genetic material but instead she fucks up chad genetics material and bring a beta in this world who will not make it.
>In the same way men automatically want to fuck things they are visually stimulated by, women are repulsed by mates that they don't deem worthy.
this is a more complex theme than we think, here are so many stuff about human behavior to count that we'll waste writting wall of text to explain and understand the why of all of this.
simplyfied women are fucked up and its up to men to preserve the morality but sadly we have failed and women became a problem.
eventually we'll solve the problem that is women but...something tells me that we will like/not like the answer.
They're only doing what's logical. A child is a huge physical/emotional investment for a woman, she imagines spending the rest of her life with him/her.
Rationally, you'd want Chad's genetics and a beta's commitment/resources to give your kids the best possible life they can have. There's nothing wrong with this.
>women using logic
human females are only driven by emotions thus making them use logic is fairly impossible since its requires critical thinking, their emotions wouldn't let them think rationally since its makes them feel bad and they only want to feel good.
you need to stop thinking that women are like us, they aren't and never had been.
she lost the game and now wants rocket league destroyed just because it made her feel extremely bad.
Silly girl violated the rules
>It's only logical
>Women have no sense of loyalty or honor
They sure act like animals though once we give them a bit of freedom, no loyalty, no ethics, no morals just pure solipolistism and selfishness
Not if you use gloves!
Pot, meet kettle. More men kill their wives and girlfriends every year because they want to fuck a new girl.
>More men kill their wives and girlfriends every year
The lady doth protest too much.
Don't bother arguing with her. The claim is absurd on its face. Just more roastie self-victimizing bullshit.
>More men kill their wives and girlfriends every year because they want to fuck a new girl.
that projection with damage control was superb but still not enough.
it is the other way around, it is women who kill their husbands or boyfriends because they wanted the money that the poor bastard had and let in the guy who they cheated with to murder the guy in question.
Bauman, Z. (2003). Liquid Love: On the frailty of human bonds. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Ben-Ze'ev, A. & Goussinsky, R. (2008). In the name of love: Romantic Ideology and its victims. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
>Moreover, we believe that in an important sense, these murders are committed out of love, so that an understanding of which components of love play a role in these murders would increase our understanding of this phenomenon.
>Nearly all male murderers claim that (a) they committed the murder out of love, and (b) it was a result of loving too much
Even when men kill their spouses it is not because they want to fuck a new girl but actually for romantic reasons kek
>Roasties spent years going out of their way coming up with inane bullshit to fuck with men showing interest
>Then they had that women's meetup and all the sudden, all these rape accusations come out of fucking nowhere slamming anyone in media
>Still find a way to claim all the negative effects it's had on men and women is men's fault
Dave Chapelle was right. Everything is fucked now socially. Trying to interact with normal people is fucking impossible under certain circumstances.
man, what the fuck happened in september
Yeah, we get a bit rowdy in September.
hilarious isn't it?
despite all of that they still had more emotion than women
fucking kek
original comment senpai
>as if men don't have the basic social skills to know the difference between wanted and unwanted advances
You bitches don't make it clear.
Women are always like that no matter what their status with regard to you is (friend/foe/lover/mother): they say "basic social skills" when they mean downright telepathy. Meanwhile they fail to pick up on the coarsest inendos and even when you make things crystal clear to them you usually have to dumb it down even more because they're too dumb to grasp basic social realities.
Huh? Usually it's that way with me.
Girls literally have to grab my dick and pull me into a bedroom to indicate interest.
If a girl is nice to me, I think "Oh, hey, she's pretty nice. >tfw no gf."
>Girls literally have to grab my dick and pull me into a bedroom to indicate interest.
thats true interest but be careful, you don't wanna get baby trapped.