Should orbiter threads be banned from Jow Forums?
I wanna suck on her fingers.
You know what's worse than filthy omegas? Thirsty betas.
>You know what's worse than filthy omegas? Thirsty betas.
literally the only reason i come here is to check up on cute ewhores
I dont really find her endearing anymore that shes not only a mean teen girl but a broken one getting deep dicked by a man old enough to be her father
absolutely, without a doubt. throw gay threads out too
Yes they fucking should and the the orbiters should be banned as well.
Orbit threads have been around since forever. Remember Boxxy and moot threads? The only people wanting orbit threads to disappear are gay trapfags jealous nobody is circlejerking in their threads and reddit fags.
>Remember Boxxy
She literally made this entire website worse.
This desu. Traps hate seeing real cute girls on this board because it reminds them of how disgustingly inferior they are.
>gets called a thirsty beta because he is a thirsty beta
>says "ok" like a faggot
holy fuck you're literally a useless waste of carbon, you should just kill yourself so that your atoms actually go towards omething useful
Alright bots the sooner you stop orbiting whores that will never acknowledge you the sooner you will be content
Yes. But we all know it will never happen because mods are faggots
I'm the same guy who made the strawpoll on trap threads a while back. From what I remembered it was a failure and this board had literally been overrun by faggots/trannies before Reiko was outed, so most voted that trap threads should stay.
Yes, which is exactly why this poll is going to be overwhelmingly 'yes'. Trannies hate that straight men prefer actual women.
>covering her chin still
Lol, ugly stupid cunt
ciara is literally the female version of leafy
Only if they don't orbit my waifu.
remember how boxxy ruined Jow Forums with her attention whoring and orbiters spamming her everywhere, of course you don't, you weren't actually there.
>73 voters
i love democracy
Being an orbiter is literally the most cuck thing you can do
No. It's a higher state of mind. Expanded consciousness.
Kill yourselves
Leave the board you annoying teens
Orbiters are pathetic anyway but if you're orbiting this ugly monstrosity you are the lowest form of life ever.
lolol god damn she's ugly as fuck
yes they are part of the problem
Ciara is the most interesting person on r9k. Her life is like a reality tv show.
I'm proud of you robots. Finally setting things right
Nip moot needs to make /orbit/ for all threads about specific people. There's plenty of demand for it.
How about we move all these shitty threads to /soc/? They'd feel at home with all the other attention whores.
because they're not against Jow Forums rules.
Orbiters should be banned from life, they are propping up the roast jews.
Neither are trap threads and we still managed to get rid of (most) of the fuckers
this, every single problem with women can be traced back to the empowerment of thirsty orbiters. women used to be perfectly manageable
i agree but she has mellowed out post jay. which is bad for chan drama but good for her
"Mellowed out" daddy issues on full display fucking a 40 year old man.
i mean mellowed out in terms of scams and posting on here. clearly she is doing less of both than before