does it blow anyone else's mind that some trans girls can come to pass better than 99% of biogirls ever could
like fucking look at these thighs
does it blow anyone else's mind that some trans girls can come to pass better than 99% of biogirls ever could
like fucking look at these thighs
okay now show the face
They purposely take those pics like that to look as feminine as possible you fucking retard. Why do you think they always wear those retarded rainbow gloves and stockings, so you don't see their disgusting manly hands and feet. And lets not talk about the face lmao.
No, it does not blow my mind that men are better at literally everything than women are, including being women
>taking a picture at that angle to make it look like they have an ass, hips and thighs due to soft tissue squishing outwards
In reality they have a manly shoulder to hip ratio and a repulsive face.
I don't care. Its not a women its a man. In a couple of years he'll be fat, hairy and gross.
They can look like women but still taste like men.
Stop being gay user. This incel shit has gone too far already, stop it.
>does it blow anyone else's mind that some trans girls can come to pass better than 99% of biogirls ever could
>like fucking look at these thighs
kill yourself tranny scum
chill out bro. Im as straight as it gets and i'd suck that dick
>staight as it gets
>i'd suck that dick
I am straight too and I would suck her dick
you sound extremely insecure if you see a girl that looks like the one in the OP and WOULDN'T suck her dick
not true
precum tastes just like women fluid
Show us the face of that tranny so we can laugh. lol
Does it blow my mind that people can someone trick them selves into thinking that a dude in a wig is a chick ? Yeah it does because 99.99% of traps don't pass, and 99% will never pass
Most trannies don't pass and look terrible. I'd fuck an actual dude before I Fuck an unpassing tranny
op is a 6 foot two 16 year old tranny that only looks female through filters his parents left him because he is a faggot report all posts for underage
Amazing, isn't it
nice meme but you have to face the facts at some point
>tfw all the good trannies are slavs
>good trannies
kill yourself
Ur such a Paloser!! Anyone who thinks those are thighs has never seen a real woman. Those are NOT thighs chicken legs disgusting