You dont need a lot of muscle to get women, stop being insecure.
Confidence is attractive
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>he thinks confidence alone will attract women
Thanks for the laugh.
only incels think the way youre thinking
you just go up and say hello, and show your confidence, works all the time for me
stupid robots
>"just be confident bro"
>don't have any charisma
>no passions in life
And what exactly am I supposed to be confident about, normie? Confidence isn't oxygen, I can't go out and get some from fucking nowhere.
thinking negatively about yourself isnt confidence, try thinking more positive but dont over inflate your ego.
JUST do it!
It's not even confidence. It's a numbers game Jimbo. Ask enough people out and your bound to snatch one. The problem these days is that people don't pull the trigger.
It's sad that there are people that think in this simple way. As someone who was chubby as sheniqua's fat ass, losing weight changed my life and attitude to everyone around me.
I'm still ugly as shit, but even going from 2/10 to 4/10 has tripled my confidence. Just imagine having a Chad body from youth.
I have no job, barely any money, next to 0 friends, no opportunities in my future, and I look average at best. So YOU TELL ME, WHAT in the everloving FUCK do I have to be positive about?!
>confidence alone will attract women
Have you tried getting a original job?
Does Chad intentionally mock us or is he just dumb?
I had one for a year and I hated every second of it.
women dont give a fuck about a job. Most women work now.
IF you want to impress a woman about a job it has to either be entertainment industry related, at a successful level, or a job where you make six figures.
Have you ever seen a confident ugly person? they come off as creepy and out of place. no thanks
What it do Jow Forums ? LOL looking at all you virgin loosers here, while i get pussy with my confidence hahahaha
dumb as a post, has no idea how he hit the genetic lottery, and despises us on the bottom of the looks scale for rocking the boat
Did you hate it more or less than being alone? Because being a NEET is a huge red flag for most people.
>tfw you know a 5/10, bald, scrawny, 25 year old brace wearing muslim who still living with his parents and he drowns in pussy because he's really extroverted as well as intelligent.
It's actually fucking true, man.
Oh and the guy is like 5'5""
>u wont get women unless you have a high paying job
thats how incels think
i've seen several and they dont come off as creepy
Why'd you hate it?
Pretending you don't have insecurities is the quickest way to look like you're faking confidence.
thats just delusional
That is the average in 2018
that guy is average looking btw
>Not confident because I can't get a gf
>No gf because I'm not confident
instead of complaining about "muh genetics" why dont you try self improving on you the things you can change
and so on
the fat envelopes the testicles?
Because the things you can't improve on are the ones people judge the most harshly and care the most about.
And acting like you don't have any insecurities at all isn't? Telling someone to just be confident is bad advice. It means nothing. The person will just try to mimic what they think confidence is supposed to look like. Instead of that, they need to aim for all the individual components of actual confidence, which when done naturally and comfortably results in confidence automatically. This includes accepting your inevitable flaws and insecurities, neither denying them nor letting them drag you down.
You don't need chad-tier confidence to break that cycle. Just knock it off with the endless self-pitying and that can be enough to get things started.
So how do you become confident if you have nothing to be confident about? How do you stay positive if there's not enough reason for you to be positive?
They won't believe you if you tell them that. Then they'll say something along the lines of
>oh c'mon user, there's gotta be ONE thing in your life that's positive! You have to have SOMETHING to be confident about! Just think harder!
Even though, no, it's entirely possible for someone's life to be COMPLETE shit. At that point they kind of just give up.
Confidence is probably a largely heritable personality trait, just like looks are heritable. I hate that this is the advice given to incels as if they legitimately could change their personality. Personality changes are largely a myth, and the extent to which they're true is limited to a very small group of exceptional people. Incels aren't going to change shit because of your pep talk.
The thing most robots don't realize is confidence isn't about acting confident, it's about genuinely fostering confidence in yourself through self improvement and growth in competence and achievement. If you're faking it they can smell it. That's what most girls mean by a "wannabe fuck-boy".
normies just embellish everything
Let's say you make some shitty blog about clothes
They'll say they own a successful clothing line
And such
no but you do need to be not 100lbs overweight
Which is why it's bad advice for robots. Most of us haven't achieved anything significant. We have no competence to base confidence on. It's pointless unless you have the foundation.
>We have no competence to base confidence on
But you're always bragging about your 'muh superior intellect'. You can't derive any confidence from that?
Then of course they don't deserve to mate. That's literally the prerequisite for sexual selection. Become someone worthy of mating with and that's exactly what you will get.
That's why i said most. I know I'm an idiot, I remind myself of that every day. Smart people don't end up here.
sorry this
was meant to be replying to this
Yes. I have known 5'0 poor ethnic tub of lards who got laid thanks to personality alone. This isn't rare and people who think it is don't go out enough.
Make shit up. Aggrandize whatever positive things you've done and if you have nothing, pretend to be smart. That's what people with big egos do.
>Just go and talk to her bro, works for me every time
be like this
>I'm not poor, I just choose to live a humble life. I'm bohemian.
>I choose not to interact with others because so few of them meet my high standards.
>I have plenty of opportunities in my future!!!
>I'm hot and if you disagree, you've gotta be literally retarded.
Wich shows that you have to lie if you want people to like you, being yourself wouldn't involve any lying, and lies aren't a solid base for confidence.
Fucking bottom of the barrel women isn't impressive
>implying a repulsive virgin beta with a terrible personality on the internet has any room to talk about being "bottom of the barrel"
holy shit my sides
Yea, this is one of those things which really highlights how retarded some of these guys are.
- R: "I can't get laid because women have unreasonable standards!"
- N: "I see ugly guys with girlfriends all the time."
- R: "But I don't want some uggo, I want a qt!"
In short: they're entitled to have standards, but women aren't.
Yeah, being yourself is a bad idea if you're a depressed Debbie Downer. Emotions are contagious and no one (except people with a fetish for playing the knight in shining armor and those people are 99% male) wants to be around someone who seriously thinks they have no redeeming attributes. You either gotta fix that or lie.
Thought so, but it still is pretty hard to stop hating yourself, I've tried being healthy but I just can't keep it for long, right now I'm trying to improve for myself, but I'm really having problems in changing my outlook on life in general.
Try yoga, it's good for the mind. Try exercise. Try learning about philosophy. You could also try medication. It works wonders for some people.
Remember that your brain is lying to itself. Self hatred and self love are two sides of the same coin, they're equally irrational. In the end we're all nothing but space dust.
Thanks for the tips, this time I'm really gonna try to do my best, maybe I can stop hating myself and finally think I'm good enough to deserve someone's love
It's a lot easier to act like James Bond when you look like James Bond.
Being good looking will automatically make you more confident.
If you want to fuck hot women just study hard, get a good job and then hire high end escorts lmao.
Nigga whatchu talking about. Daniel Craig is an ugly hairy middle aged manlet.