It's another episode of "user goes to a party, brings up the holocaust, and everyone gets really uncomfortable."

>it's another episode of "user goes to a party, brings up the holocaust, and everyone gets really uncomfortable."
>followed by the season finale, "Everyone who claimed to be uncomfortable at the party later privately admits to user that they doubt the holocaust even happened."

I never even brought up whether it happened or not.

Why do so many people pretend to be offended by things they not only agree with, but have extreme opinions on? If these idiots simply opened their mouthes like I did they'd realize they were in a room full of like-minded people who want to discuss this. Instead they shied away from a couple of words like a pack of cowards, afraid of being rejected by even 1 person. Ridiculous.

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Wow, I didn't know people this delusional existed in real life

Unless this is a prank of some kind. Then I totally am in on the joke and am currently laughing at those who didn't get it.

I get drunk and ramble about Jews and Commies. Last time I went to a bar I got some little fag butthurt saying his Marxist ideologies imply that Blacks and Gays aren't equal in his eyes because he sees them as not people but propaganda pieces to inflate his ego and seem like a good guy. He told the owner of the bar and had his black bouncer kick me out. The black guy apparently heard my ramblings and agreed with me but he's just doing his job. As I was being kicked out I heard a black girl say
>he cute
Made me feel good.

That's not so edgy. Who really likes Jews or Commies, after all? You couldn't have picked a safer bunch to insult.

>Wow, I didn't know people this delusional existed in real life

None of what I described is a's what happened dumbass.

Dont get me wrong. I'll say edgy and racist shit. But I respect everyone. Except Commies. I fucking hate Commies.

It blows me away that it's socially acceptable to be a commie, it should be held with the same scorn as openly being a nazi.

I agree. We should purge Commies one day.

Where is it acceptable to declare you're a commie? That really pisses most people off.

>*sffffffffffff* you aight, white boi

In Canada, the most cucked country in the world. People can openly identify as commies, marxists, antifa black block terrorists. But if you as much as suggest a balanced budget and cutting social programs to alleviate our 20 billion dollar/year deficit you're a Nazi. Leaving this hellhole as soon as I finish my degree.

>people with different political opinions are subhuman
Guess how I know that you're a brainlet?
People like you deserve to be lined up against a wall and shot.

Are you incensed by my offensive ignorance? You should be.
Just keep in mind that it's exactly how you sound too.

Jewish programming. We are breaking the conditioning. Spread the word

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Can you learn to read. You're allowed to hold whatever opinion you want it's obviously a free country. If you decide to hold the opinion that political systems that have resulted in millions of deaths globally you tend to receive some social backlash if you're outspoken because that's literally the point of social systems. The only except murderous ideology is Communism. All I'm suggesting is we hold it with equal social scorn as all the other failed murderous political ideologies we have attempted as a species.

Is english your first language? It's ironic that you're challenging me to 'learn to read' when your writing is so atrocious.

This line for example,
>The only except murderous ideology is Communism.
Really makes me think.
What the fuck did he mean with this nonsensical rambling?

Communism was certainly premature and its implementation was poor. The first attempt was a failure, yes.
However the basic premise that everyone's basic needs should be guaranteed is absolutely valid.
In fact, within your lifetime you'll see it become a reality as programs like free education, universal healthcare, and basic income become a reality.
This is the future and it's going to happen. There's no arguing that fact. It's only a matter of time, kiddo.

>defending Commie scum
Ahahahaha faggot.

It'd be a magical place if everyone stopped being a niggerfaggot and was honest. People would realize that they're a lot more similar than they thought and the stress of socializing would melt away.

Hey I found the commie. How's it going, comrade? How does it feel to be a complete moron?

Its pretty obvious what he meant to someone fluent in english.

Here in good ol' New England its actually the norm.

I'm apolitical, I just think it's obvious where US politics, and politics in developed nations in general, have been going and will continue to go in the future. You're small-minded and obsessed with outdated ideas from the past. That's normal. Social inertia is a thing and it's part of why government moves slowly. Even when the future is obvious it can take a couple decades to get there. Take pot for example: it's very obviously going to be legalized. The only question is how long it's going to take.

Anyway you're clearly braindead and incapable of fruitful discussion. That's also normal, and a big part of why politics are a waste of time. I should know better than to talk about these things. Don't bother replying, I'm leaving this waste of a thread.