Itt femanons post what they ate for dinner

itt femanons post what they ate for dinner

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robot cock

what does robot cock taste like

My black bull's cum. Yum!

how fucking DARE you. delet this IMMEDIATELY

My boyfriend's dumb leftover Japanese curry. He put in yellow peppers, poblano peppers, baby corn, broccoli, carrots, potato, onion, and fermented chili paste. It's bitter, sweet, and savory. Japanese Curry is supposed to be simple, but he ruined it by adding whatever vegetables we had.

shut the fuck up and post your ass you dumb cunt

nobody gives a shit about what you ate for dinner

this was supposed to be a polite thread and you just ruined it

just bread sticks because i don't have an appetite

Can you also post what you had for dinner last night?

a cup of irish coffee with a cigarette and a side of misery. last meal i had was pizza for breakfast.

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You should cook for him instead, then.

metal and motor oil

>cooking for a japanese person
recipe for dishonor

chad's cock. xDDD

dont be silly, beta.

honestly, desu that curry sounds pretty good. yum yum. maybe i'm just a j curry scrub.

tits now. fucking whore. or get the fuck out.

tfw no femanon gf to drink irish coffee and smoke a cig with

He made enough curry to last the whole week. if I cook something the curry is going to not get eaten and spoil.

Same thing. He made tons of Japanese curry because it's his favorite dish.

And what about the day before that?

Before that I had Bonchon Chicken and rice.

are you a girl perhaps
are you interested in girls, perchance

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i have hairy balls but you can think of me as a girl if you wish

diet water and a small salad

I haven't eaten anything yet...I'm really hungry but I'm broke fml

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why are you on every thread?
I'll be your gf if you stop posting about wanting a gf

>diet water

Post location I will make you a nice meal and make passionate love to you

chad's asshole

Oh fuck off i've posted that image literally once before and i just came back from a two week tolerance break from r9k.

>EATING dick
thats what i'll do if one enters my mouth. blowjobs are literally disgusting, how do people do it?

I just keep seeing this underage girl posting everywhere even CC about wanting an internet gf and I thought it was you, sorry B(

hmm well im not underage so that cant be me lol. idk what CC is. custom content?

crystal cafe, it's like Jow Forums but for grills

Some scrambled eggs


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his cum must taste kinda icky

I ate a cookie because Ive been too busy crying and cutting myself to get real food
Good cookie

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Patrician. I pretty much always eat breakfast for dinner when I can. My perfect day is nothing until lunch, chicken + salad at lunch, then something breakfast related for dinner (mexican breakfast burritos are my fav).

where do you cut yourself?

I have a bad habit lately of eating way too little and only junk food.

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latin america, pls tell me you're not american/european

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Sorry, I'm American.
if you want I can bring you here and marry you etc
[email protected]
Only email me if you're interested and serious though, I got no time for games

stop bringing mexicans over, at least get one that already jumped the border

Shut up I want to save a poor qt from her shit life and there's nothing you or your BIGOT RACIST president can do to stop me

that's a life-changing decision I don't think I can make right now and I don't really know you so I thnk I'll pass sorry

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Some rice and chicken. Trying to lose weight, Ill have to eat less tomorrow

Mostly on my thighs
I totally understand about the junk food thing, its a lot easier to get too than real food and its hard to eat lots of it

All day i've only eaten various types of pretzels.

Are you that mexican whore? give me your fucking adress bitch, don't think i haven't forgotten you, you will die at my hands.

>that mexican whore
nani the fuck

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Okay friendo, your life your choice.

So are you her or not? if you aren't then tell me where you live, might just arrange a travel just to torture and murder you.

Club sammich and an IPA

I don't know what you're talking about brah but I'm not giving you my address lol

Then give me your name, or your country and state.

maria sanchez mexico mexico city good luck

Dinner hasnt come for me yet, it's 12:30 here atm

There are only so many maria sanchez on mexico city, hope you have strong locks.

Chef boyardee ravioli

Beef, vegetable and potato soup. It was good.

post recipe? I'm always after good soups

ahhh i love soup. filling, tasty and low in calories (usually). what's not to love? my fave is cauliflower soup.

what spices do you usually use

I make enough for about a week and freeze it after a couple of days so this is what I tend to do
>cut up 3-5 potatoes (depending on their size)
>half beef stock half water
>beef bones if I got them for more flavor
>an entire onion
>whatever pasta on hand
>entire pack of spinach
>garlic powder
>onion powder
>beans if I already have them prepared
>beef, including the fat to get some of the oils
>shredded carrots
only complaint is that without beef bones the broth is a little weak, but it's still tasty

Salt obviously, garlic pepper, leeks, chives, a bit of curry powder, and topped with bacon. Delicious!

thank you sweet user/(fembot?)

Oh and i always fry the cauliflowers in olive oil and a splash of onions salt before adding them in the soup.

>onions salt
lmao i meant onions sauce wtf

Grilled steak.

Are you white? If you are, you deserve to be kamikazed for dating a gook.

I dated a half-thai dude. What do you think about that.

It makes me mad, but I can get any asian women. Plus they will be more beautiful than any western women.