Rate this steam profile

Rate this steam profile

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is that yours user ?

3 out of 10
fuck off and die attention whore

has at least one mental illness


Attached: 1497069817703.png (391x426, 106K)

>VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
>1100 hours of gameplay
holy fucking shit

Attached: shaggy.jpg (500x375, 57K)

I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to rate exactly, but while having hobbies is nice, don't over do it, ok? Too much escapism is not good for you, user.

>not cebruz
>not tomoki
>not chaotic
>retardedly high level
>friend collector
>buys cheap shitty games that he never plays to boost game count
4/10 at best op, not even add material

it's a pretty good vn but yume nikki is better
but escapism is my life
so you going to add me?

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honestly you're only scratching the surface of his degeneracy

holy fucking shit man how long have you been a neet?

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Artificially inflated hours you plebs

>but escapism is my life
But does it make you happy or you feel like you're just killing time?

i feel like killing myself
probably not

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>escapism is my life
Sounds comfy.
I like your hours in Yume Nikki.

Have you ever talked to Chaotic? I think you two would get along.

Attached: cute.png (332x352, 34K)

oh, he does this to mine cards right?

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who is chaotic

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this thread seems very comfy and you are all very cute

>is a tomokoposter
>doesn't know chaotic

Attached: tomoko.png (955x960, 486K)

Hes another Tomokoposter who posts threads about how hes a lonely neet who wants friends/a bf to play games with or talk to or something.
I'm not a friend of his personally and don't wish to be, but perhaps you would. I think its easy to find his steam/discord in the archives.

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chaotic finds himself disinterested in almost everyone
esp attention whores like op lol

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>i feel like killing myself
But we can't let that happen, user. You have made a part of your daily routine something that is keeping you from realizing your potential. What are we going to do about this?

well tomoko is a comfy girl

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I've seen you post on his and Ceb's steam profiles before you buffoon
Pretty sure you got rejected on an orbiting offer too

Attached: d74u02e.jpg (1024x578, 65K)

by the way, you wouldn't happen to have dark souls 2 scholar of the first sin and want to play with another robot fren would you?

Attached: tomo.jpg (720x720, 47K)

I don't have it installed and my only controller is acting like shit

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Come on, user. Don't be so defeatist. Life doesn't have to be like this.

your games list is literally ruined with a massive clusterfuck of unplayed shitty indie games and it takes forever to load

you wasted your money and your profile with that one

shit explanation emma. also dont post my waifu.

thanks i try

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it's ok, i can play it alone
like i've always had

Attached: tomoko cry.png (410x510, 270K)

>not playing dark souls alone
>playing worst dark souls

dark souls 2 was the best fucking dark souls

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how does it feel to be cucked by the big boys cebotic

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who on earth is cebotic?

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lmao @ u
you really are a newfag with negative iq
to be expected of an ugly roast

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i played all dark souls (except for the scholar of the firs sin's extra stuff) alone, ds2 is the only one that runs on my computer and i want to play with someone

Attached: estus.png (404x251, 60K)

Play with strangers that you will never see again or talk to like a souls boy

what's a souls boy?

come back when you have all achievements in all 3 like daddy chaotic

Attached: C106.png (337x411, 47K)

>collecting every single fucking magic spell that you'll never use because you're not a magic fag just to increase an irrelevante number to inflate your """"gamer"""" ego

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Escapism is consuming your life and alienating you from the things that could make your life worth living. The pleasure that videogames give you are numbing you and eventually nothing will make you happy. I'm not telling you to become a normie because fuck that, but try to be who you want to be.

>he will never be gud

Attached: d90gqf6.png (1000x714, 588K)

>try to be who you want to be.
I want to be dead.

Attached: 1513686921957.png (420x375, 42K)

You keep saying that, but if was true you'd be dead now instead of being an edgy attention whore who just got off his mothers tits.

that's it
draw your sword

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>I want to be dead.
Why? I'm sure that wasn't always the case and before you wanted to be dead you wanted another things. Are you even being sincere when you say you want to be dead or you're afraid of voicing out what you really want? There are no wrong answers here. Everything you say is perfectly valid.

yeah you have an... extensive... steam collection n stuff

but more importantly, are you cute?


just stop begging for sympathy and attention

you have 800+ friends ffs

I can't wait to smack those tits in the dsfix paid edition on the 25th

6/10, why dark souls 2?

He cute

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he's uglier than parsa

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>3 years of service

fucking dropped. If you don't have a 2003 steam account you need to get the fuck off my internet you fucking newfag.

Attached: 14 year badge.jpg (271x107, 8K)

this is ugly? holy shit you must be the chaddest of the chads

and you must be a sewer monster

f-fuck you chad!

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calm down dad

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underage normie kys

>tfw only 13 year badge

Can i stay? I was playing CS and TFC before Steam was even released but i always played on my older brother's account when I was younger. I swear!

Attached: 13badge.jpg (273x111, 9K)

Maybe you can stay but you gotta answer a couple questions to prove yourself:

>Which rifles were not in CS 1.5 and were added in CS 1.6?
>What platform did Valve use to host their online games before Steam?

>Famas, Galil

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I would give it a 1/10

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who dis

looking for frends

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Good god you're even worse than OP

>1 VAC ban on record

absolute scum

I really hope you fucking die you pathetic waste of neurons, you're not even 18+ and already acting like a whiny fucking faggot, shit i can't believe that your faggot-ass thread and you are part of my existence

i can be your friend if you look like this

Attached: happy.png (1280x1280, 67K)

im giving you a two for effort

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>horas registaryouasretardos
This explains everything.

>horas registaryouasretardos

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congrats user you get to stay

I really like the Tomoko art. I strongly don't believe you made them, though.

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Nice level (133) = 2
Level 5 badge = 2
Gay ass artwork = -1
Number of games (1920) = 1
Ok background = 1
Total = 5/10

Attached: 1486968752957.png (345x337, 127K)

>ok background
you don't think vermintide 2 is the best fucking shit?