What are your main goals in life, Jow Forums? What do you dream for/work towards long term?
What are your main goals in life, Jow Forums? What do you dream for/work towards long term?
to be comfy
seriously, I just want to retire early and never have to work again, then lead a minimalist comfy lifestyle in my tiny home/studio apartment; very much like your pic
make a shit ton of money so i can retire soon. unfortunately that won't ever happen
To be normal while retaining the personality I've found myself acquiring through countless years of solitude.
I only want to get married to a dominant woman, and live a comfy life with her
fulfill my biological imperative
Kill as many people as I can.
Be self-sufficient, live like a minimalist in my own comfy home. have periodic shifts between NEET and working (more work time than NEET time though) before I retire. Embark on creative presuits.
>to be financially stable
>have my own house (preferably innawoods)
>to be married to my one true love
>to have made 1 (one) successful piece of creative media
To pass as a girl fulltime and to make a living as a successful independent game developer.
>[Esc] Reality
Make assloads of money to buy shittons of shit and get my old man a yacht and some weekly allowance so he never has to work again
I want to be happy and others happy if I can.
find an apartment where I can pay ~500 or less a month so I am not living in poverty tier, and sharing this rent with a Qt
My man desu
i have no real goals because i always seem to fuck everything up horribly whenever i get too invested in something. If i were to kill myself then I wouldn't do some stupid shit like trying to hang myself though.
Fulfill my lifelong goal of starting an animated project then kill myself because society would simply have no use for me anymore.
Fuck a bunch of girls
Get extremely fit
Decent job i enjoy
House in a beautiful location
After plowing shit tons of chicks, settle down with a beautiful woman, get 5 or 6 kids
Enjoy family life while doing all my hobbies and discovering new hobbies
>After plowing shit tons of chicks, settle down
what the fuck
you're worse than a roastie
every man wants to fuck the hot chicks he sees
i intend to do just that. I'm a little behind though, i messed up in my teens and im recovering now as a 23 year old.
people want to do it but they shouldn't.
you're a fucking dirt squirrel. do not reproduce.
why should they not?
they should not(be able to) because they've already failed in their plans by telling someone.
Better luck next life slutanon.