when are you gonna make your move on him? edition
/r9gay/ - #289
Other urls found in this thread:
>your move on him
there is no "him"
Might steal a kiss from him when we graduate, it's not like we are gonna see each other ever again.
>TFW no qt traditional Christian wife to have a big family with
i'm i right guys?
could that pic *be* any gayer?
>when are you gonna make your move on him?
i don't have a him to move on
Where my 25+ losers at? Please God kill me please
yeah that sounds pretty good, good luck
So wheres the fetish?
>mfw part italian and can get away with a cheek kiss on any boy I like
>tfw all this incel nonsense has made me realize how awful women are and turned me completely gay.
Hope you guys have room for one more.
>when are you gonna make your move on him? edition
fuck off queer, Jow Forums isn't your fucking faggot dating site.
Prison gays aren't welcome here, go away
>Might steal a kiss from him when we graduate,
I hope he beats the shit out of you poofter
im assuming you were bi before this
guy, i was just kidding
look down
I'm feeling a year older every single day.
>turned me completely gay.
stop lying to yourself faggot
how do i get over my crush on my bi friend and knowing that he wants a family but i still want him to be mine?
Prison gay isn't really gay so their is still hope for you
go to your own board you fucking faggot. this isn't some kind of gay dating site
Drink, drink a lot of alcohol
i dont remember r9k having a topic, thats strange
>finding out the guy you've been crushing on has a gf
r9gay - probably not a good idea
soc - could work
8ch cuteboys - could work
Grindr - hell no
Tinder - could work
Chappy - no idea
Gay clubs or bars - hell no
Where else can I find a bf?
Sorry user, he's one of the few people in this world that I could beat in a fight. Not that I would ever lay a finger on him =)
Kill yourself you faggot wannabe rapist human garbage.
this gays have their on board so why don't they go there?
I was always more leaning towards men since I thought vaginas were repulsive. I kinda liked women but I've had bad experiences with them so that sorta made me think "I don't wanna love people like this" Maybe that means I was gay all along? I don't know.
>>finding out the guy you've been crushing on
fuck off homo
Never, I'm scared. Being alone and miserable is easier. It requires no effort and I'm familiar with it.
that makes me laugh looks like you couldn't drag he to hell with you.
>number of posters not increasing
well, its no surprise you're bored
>/r9gay/ when are you gonna kill yourself? edition
think of all the days you could spend kissing him before that. why wait?
by the time my mom dies and I realistically could find a bf, I'll have been alone for so long I don't think I'll be able even form attachments anymore.
Hey, what happened with the book user that had an abusive father? he killed himself in the end?
For some reason queers all feel the need to force their faggotry everywhere, that's why /gif/ is mostly faggot shit now. even /s/ has those fucking "turn in to a girl" threads. Queers deserve every bit of backlash and hatred they get.
t. angry and bored incel
>think of all the days you could spend kissing him before that. why wait?
his friend isn't a faggot dumb fuck
Because he's straight and it has a 99.99% chance of ruining our friendship forever.
Now that I think about it, that's just plain sexual assault. Guess I won't do it after all.
>t. angry
you were right about one thing.
well you can still confess on your last day.
like you said you'll never see him after that
>Now that I think about it, that's just plain sexual assault.
thank god this cock sucking piece of reddit filth came to his senses.
Damn you guys are still going through your crush on straight friend phase? Honestly getting over it is the best step you can take.
never had that phase, i don't waste my affections on the unnattainable
>crushing on straight friends
thats something only femgays do desu. Makes sense considering they are basically women.
I know youre reading this,i like you.
you can't crush on a friend if you've never had one ,_,
but i don't like you
fuck off facebook faggot
fuck you, tell me in person then
>but i don't like you
that hurt.
even though I'm not the person you replied to.
hey /r9gay/, I'm sharing a link to our comfy discord server. we have a lot of gay boys and a silly medieval theme, but it's really just a slow-paced server for everyone to chat about daily life and topics they are interested in.
no homo~ /5vSYh
sorry but i had to be honest
Probably never. There is no """"him"""", no matter how much I want there to be.
>gay boys
so you all just RP fag drags or are you just memeing?
he exists in my head and in my head alone.
>i aint gay lel
Pretty much, yes.
>Jow Forums bf when?
4'8 here again
there are lots of angry losers in here tonight
Aren't losers always angry?
There's lots of gay guys in the server. The medieval theme literally just means that we have channel and role names that are "medieval" in a comedic way, it isn't a LARP/RP server
stop announcing your presence.
>tfw no agar.io bf who protects me from the asian teamers
Do you like idiots?
It didn't take very long for someone to answer that
I love a certain idiot
hey deviled egg user here, wanna make some eggs?
sock user here, announcing that im here
hey guys, gay user here. just wanted to inform the thread that i'm here. also, I'm gay.
black user here, comment about my imgur dick
Well, then I'm reading that and guess what? I like you too, try to sleep
wineanon here, it's really late in Germany but i have no control over my sleep schedule
Ive been trying and you know that
>when are you gonna make your move on him? edition
Like everyone else in this situation who is a robot, never until it's too late.
Thanks user, I was worried about you being missing
But black user and cotton foot covering user are the same guy
i think he's also a third user but i won't out him
please AMA, bored as fuck, i promise ill give you those juicy (you)s
Are you gay or just someone really bored?
hand over your height. if i'm taller than you then you have to give me a fun fact
There is no him, or her, or anyone. There never was.
gay enough to want a bf
>tfw actually part of the Loners faction irl
ha, 5'11 dude now where's that fun fact
Good hunting, stalker. And fuck you Sidorovich
did you know frogs dont actually drink water as they can instead absorb it through their skin, they even have a little area on their bellies just for water absorption, aint that some shit
But that's not fun, that's interesting
but they sit in muck all day, how come they don't catch cholera
Hey wineanon, long time no see, had anything good in the last week?
it's not actually them, it's just some guy fed up with 14yo user.
>tfw my wish for a bf to the Monolith would result in some cruel, sick fortune
man i dont know what qualifies as a fun fact
i wish i had an answer but im not a frog expert, heres a neat video instead youtu.be
well that's something, i was hoping for a fact about yourself though.
thanks for the vid but frogs make my skin crawl, i accidentally touched one last night and i wanted to die