>"Hi, I'm user. Do you want to get a drink sometime?"
Simple as that guys. It's really not that hard.
>"Hi, I'm user. Do you want to get a drink sometime?"
Simple as that guys. It's really not that hard.
Only works if you're chadd
> "umm no thanks"
As she quickly pays for her coffee and heads to her group of friends
> " that dude was fucked in the head. Let's go to chads party now"
I'm only seeing a computer and an empty apartment at the moment though.
Robots are too insecure to ever try to ask a girl out.
>"oh user you are such a good goy , if only you were chad i would go out with you "
>and the cycle continues
when will robots learn that this sort of fatalistic attitude feeds itself
Any girl that would say yes to me is a whore and I don't fuck with whores
Lul he doesn't know it's a real experience
drinking alcohol is for losers
Dude, at least fucking try. Holy shit what is wrong with you people.
It can't be that easy. How well do you have to get to know someone before attempting this? How do you know she won't think you're a massive sperg, or worse, a total creep?
My fucking autistic brain won't let me attempt any of this shit unless I'm 100% certain it won't backfire horribly and that's as good as impossible to know.
>Holy shit
90's born queer fuck off
itd be worth doing if i actually had something interesting to roasties to talk about over that drink, if i did this id feel like i was wasting her time
why should i waste 30 seconds of my life when i already know the answer ?
See cute girl i know but not 100 well
i was gonna tell her she looks good
fuck up and say she looks cute
>tfw i wont be able to see her for a couple of days and im nervous for her reaction,
ps i dipped the fuck out when i said that
Drinking is degenerate though
You children are so fucking annoying with this meaningless buzzword
>girl makes disgusted face and walks away
Yes, it is easy to acomplish nothing
>backfire horribly
You mean she says no? What is the problem then? Fuck.
>implying anyone with my level of social anxiety could handle that
Yeah and then she looks at me like I'm a pile of garbage, I have an emotional crash, and we're still stuck at the foot of the mountain that is the realization that I am the problem.
To insecure and self loathing. Hell, even if a girl asked me out for drinks I would probably decline.
>normalfags in charge of understanding rejection and social isolation
>says no
>i look like a literal retard to everyone in the vicinity
>if she or any bystanders are in that venue regularly i can't return without them seeing and remembering im the guy who retardedly asked a stranger out and got rejected
>this will happen multiple times if i commit to it
>will eventually make a name for myself
>become 'that guy' and nuke my chances eternally
>thinks no one tries this
Have anymore normie advices?
There was a post about that somewhere, of some self-described unattractive user who tried that.
He asked out tons of girls all over his campus, made a name for himself accidentally as "that guy" and got barred from all the events at his fucking university or something like that.
>"Gtfo you fuck ugly monster"
Quit stereotyping women user. They wouldn't ALL act like that.
At least a few would let you pay for their coffee, THEN run off and tell you to go away.
I know the one. its precisely my fear
I don't know any females to ask that
I did it once. She said yes and giggled but then I couldn't figure it out what to say so I ran away.
Being an incel is even more degenerate though so might as well drink
bad idea during the era of #metoo. women are desperate for attention and settlement money. not worth it.
Either two things usually happen
a)she says no
b)she says yes just for a free drink only to ghost you later anyways
Doing this with women you don't know is virtually impossible unless you are literally 10/10 Chad.
You would have more success with female friends of friends, acquaintances from high school, etc.
No, no, no. You have to build up some kind of rapport first
Nah I didn't have to and I have a roundish chin so I'm basically not chad at all.
>sure user, i'd love to
>ghosts me
>sure user, i'd love to
>actually shows up for the planned date
>realizes how terrible i am at talking and/or how boring i am to women
>ghosts me afterwards
Nope, just ask out a 4/10 or 4.5/10 (if you're not fat and dress well) and just introduce yourself, say they seem like a nice person and you'd like to date them sometime. If they say yes then ask for number or give them yours.
I have asked out four women and two have said yes so maybe I just got lucky.
I also have a soya-of-the-boy round chin and I'm a manlet. Shit maybe I did get lucky.
or cry sexual harassment because you don't meet her standards. also this is not a joke and women will call the cops because you don't meet her standards.
How do women even feel about cold approaching?
But I'm 18 I can't ask a woman out for drinks
what do
>a drink
>umm hello? Security? This creepy incel terrorist just tried to rape me! arrest him!
>But I'm 18 I can't ask a woman out for drinks
kek. burgerland was a mistake. you can die in a war but you can't have a drink. kek.
Leave normalen mrusnik. Don't come back. Sage this garbage.
There's always coffee my dude.
I've asked that but then the girls get mad when they find out I have a gf.
>errr i am busy
>walks away
don't come with the copypasta "just try it"
now gently leave this board and never come back
>my dude.
fuck off youngfag
>"Yes otherwise I would die of thirst. but I'm not interested in getting a drink with you, user."
I don't drink, and wouldn't want a woman that drinks. Recreational drug use is drug abuse.
>uhhh sorry im busy all month
>ummmm no thanks sweetie
>sorry i have a boyfriend
Where to casually ask a girl out when you don't drink alcohol or coffee at all?
It's a beer. You're not doing rails of blow.
>It's just a beer
>it's just a joint
>it's just a blowjob
>it's just sex
>it's just an abortion
>it's just your soul
>rails of blow.
sounds better than a beer
Are you familiar with something called "slippery slope fallacy"?
Why are robots so anti-fun?
Are you familiar with the fallacy fallacy? Are you familiar with a noose? All degenerates soon will be.
You watch too many movies
That was cringe as fuck
>went out last night to do schoolwork with a chad from my group, ugly as fuck
>he drank just a bit and got all confident saying "good night" to girls
> he kissed 3 and left with one...
could someone please explain this to me? He wasn't paying drinks to them
What more is there to be said
why would you ask ugly women?/
>live in a suburb with no social life
>have to drive to get to any bar
>don't want to spend money on price gouged shit like uber or lyft
>people living with their parents until almost 30
yeah not gonna work
Yeah, sure thing hoss.
>You're so handsome and cool user i'm sure you'll find someone!
or if she is a whore
>Ugh, no no no teehehehe
thanks we already know how easy chad has it
you know what? how about these fucking whores try? why is it all placed on the feet of men to do all the fucking, take all the fucking risk.
>"no, thanks."
you fucking robot.
It's still good practice for you lad. The more dates you go on, the better you get at figuring out what works and what doesn't.
she probably won't remember man
lol i remember the thread years ago where this poor robot took this advise and became that guy after getting rejected several times.
normies dont realize weve been down this road before. thats why the "just be urself" meme exists now. many of us have tried and crashed and burned. these retards just dont understand we are literal subhumans to women
Sounds like a good way to get arrested and I'm not even meme'ing
YES THAT ONE! guy literally became a creep suspect #1. has security or some shit on his ass all the time
I can see it now:
>Any girl who would ask out a guy is just some golddigger roastie. She's probably just doing so she can scam him. Fucking whore.
Robots are impossible to please.
>some shit on his ass
stop nigger posting you little reddit cock sucker
>hi my name is user and I want to work for your company
And you just give him a firm handshake.
Simple as that.
kermit voice: stop nigger posting you little reddit cock sucker
Drinking lowers IQ.
yeah thats totally believable
Here you go, I have been waiting to post this again. Originale.
I'm an aspie I can't help myself my conscious chains my desire to succeed
A deep-seated fear of sexual harassment accusations. Maybe that's just me though.
I guess it depends on where you live. Sometimes it's impossible to know without trying it out.
Of course you have to look like a Chad first.
Yeah basically
So start improving yourself.
Imagining what others think is a surefire way to become an autistic shell of a human who will never get to actually experience life.
So go out, get a job, find a hobby that involves groups, go study something.
So become someone who only whores won't go for.
Drinking by yourself regularly is for losers and only meeting friends when drinking is for losers. Doing it in moderation is the exact opposite.
Stop over thinking. Not just about this but about everything in life. Get out of your own head and stop looking for new approaches to maximise success and minimise embarassment. Put yourself out there and embrace everything that comes with it.
Get a real hobby, read the news, get some aspirations.
Trying something new is the whole point. Its not nothing every time you don't succeed.
Then move on don't linger on it. Its done.
Quit being a cynical little piece of shit and man the fuck up.
Do more stuff.
No one is gonna get in trouble for simply asking a girl out so long as you don't push it.
Get a coffee
Go to coffeeshop and just drink a fucken tea you stooge. Or just ask her out for milkshakes and pretend its the 1950s
Lack of faith in themselves
Not even slightly. Or are you one of them PUA wanabe retards that need a fucken guidebook to talk to other humans?
Stop trying to see the future or trying to read other peoples minds. It'll make you a wreck.
You don't need to be a chad. Just average looking and confident is really what most girls want. Just be realistic with your standards is all. Your mama is a liar you ain't the most handsome boy in the world and you don't deserve the best girl in the world. Be realistic.
Why else do you think they can't get laid?
>get a job, find a hobby that involves groups
Already done, Norman
>ywn be in the situation showcased in pic
>ywn be in any sexual situation showcased in any pic on any board
Guess it's time to get off the ride.
So what's the problem? And what's the hobby?
>be pajeet
>fucked anyways
T-thanks user.
>normalfags thinks it works just like in the movies.
Let me guess if you want friends "just go up to somebody and start talking" yeah cause that's definetly how friendships start. Totally not from school or work closed environments that force people to talk.
she will remember that. Either she will keep a distance from you, or she'll continue like nothing happened, but in the back of her head use it as a vantage point against you.
>some insufferable faggot, replies to every post in thread, thinking their shitty opinion matters
>hide instantly
>"No get away from me creep".
Simple as that girls. It's really not that hard.
get the fuck out with this normie advice. you give people all this shit they need to do but never tell them how to do it.
has ANY of this shit worked for you? and if it has why the fuck are you even here?
>dude just be more confident lmfao
>dude just be more attractive lmfao
neck yourself norman
how do girls ask guys out without sounding creepy?
>with a chad
What're you confused about?
By being girls.